Is RIB Showdowntill messed up?
Read on here that something was up with this mode.
Is it glitching out or is it just tough because of Fernando?
I was going to try my luck and see if I can get to Fernando; but I may just have to load up my team with RIB players and slowly grind the 100 points playing the RIB Conquest Map.
I completed it. Did not seem messed up to me.
Just do the conquest once with a RIB pitcher and the rest of the squad regular. The conquest just gives you a pack each time, not 35 more points.
The conquest gives you a good amount of points toward the program. I am not even messing with showdown. I did the rest of the map tonight; it wasn’t as bad as last year’s, but I didn’t have a problem the first time last year. The next couple of times it took a little longer. I plan on picking someone from my pack tomorrow and maybe buying another RIB player to bring out the missions.