Run It Back Packs
Does anyone know how to distinguish which players are in the RIB Pack for mission completing purposes in the RIB player program?
It’s all random.
arvcpareplied to MileHiMayhem on Oct 5, 2021, 1:43 AM last edited by arvcpa_PSN Oct 5, 2021, 1:48 AM
@milehimayhem_psn said in Run It Back Packs:
Does anyone know how to distinguish which players are in the RIB Pack for mission completing purposes in the RIB player program?
The had a picture on the MLB the show Twitter site, but I’m too lazy to go find it. Wait... maybe this?
I took a picture on my phone. Referred to it when hitting the market
Actually I found out where to go to determine who. In a player's profile under the locations tab it shows the program they're in. You can also go the Run It Back player program and go under the pack you earn once you earn 50 points as it shows all of them there too.
I'm confused. Aren't all of the players in the RIB pack eligible for Missions? Sorry if I'm not understanding the question.
Yes, but there are only like 10 or so in that pack. Just go to the RIB player program to see all of them. There are only like 3 pitchers though (Severino, Street, and Cishek) so make sure to grab 1 of them if u want to complete pitching missions.
@milehimayhem_psn said in Run It Back Packs:
Does anyone know how to distinguish which players are in the RIB Pack for mission completing purposes in the RIB player program?
No there is no way to tell, you either will have to
write the name and card series down or take pics
as said above there is a pack in the program that
you can see all the players -
C- Ruiz FS
1B- Mattingly sig, Encarnacion 2nd half (I think)
2B- Gorman FS
3B- Suarez 2nd half (I think)
SS- Andrelton awards
RF- Heyward awardsSP- Skubal FS, Severino 2nd half (I think)
CP- Street milestone, Cishek prime.You can put Mattingly in LF if you want all the hitters in the same lineup.
As for the packs, it’s a random draw.
By the way, where do we think these prices settle at? Seems like they’ve already settled a bit. Is this it? If I recall last year, they settled in at 10-15k.