99 Jim Thome needs buff
General Discussion
The 99 Phillies Jim Thome deserves a buff I understand that he's older than his 2nd half but then again he's faster than his 2nd half. His contact vs righties is lower. In my opinion these past few Monthly awards just aren't worth it, maybe SDS is working on a big update Like Babe Ruth, Griffey, Trout, or May's to make up for this Thome issue
While I think that there were definitely better choices here, I'm not going to get all fired up over a daily moments reward. They take up 5 minutes of my time each day. I wouldn't care if a 63 overall Mario Mendoza was the reward. Daily moments are just another thing to do
Oct 1, 2021, 5:57 PM
Oct 1, 2021, 6:01 PM