TA4 Players
Oh look, another Bob Gibson. Yaaaaay. And a Duke Snider. Yaaaaaaay. But now they're 99's. Like everyone else. Yaaaaaay.
SDS, please shell out the cheddar for some new legends next year. That way at this point in the season you can actually delight us with new players rather than juiced up versions of cards we've already gotten.
I'd go bonkers over a Pedro Guerrero.
They’re basically free, really good cards. You don’t see 2K or Madden throwing their player bases bones like SDS (and don’t compare the cards you can earn on 2K; they aren’t as juiced as pack cards and they have toxic requirements on how to earn them). Look at the team you can put on the field just by playing TA.
So SDS getting Pedro, Aaron, Clemente isn't shelling out to get new legends.
Also Duke and Gibbson are some of the greatest names in the sport and well deserving of 99s
There have been 7 TA 4 cards revealed so far so lots of opportunities for even more great cards to go along with 7 amazing cards that will be getting FOR FREE!
Hard to hate SDS when they add Clemente, Aaron and Pedro. There is also supposed to be a new Legend coming. More of an argument could be made by keeping players from previous years (Beltran and Cobb off the top of my head). But it costs a lot of money to make a video game. If it takes a few cuts to add a few new players I am generally happy with that. I expect that we will see a new Hall of Fame class included 1-2 years behind induction.
People who talk about Madden content are funny to me in that they seem to complain about leveling up of cards. You see a 88, 91, 93, 96, 99 and maybe a GT of player cards by year end. I like the way SDS does it and they seem to be far less greedy than 2k, Madden or FIFA. I have not experience in online NHL games.
All ultimate teams do upgrades through out the year, Madden basically did power ups for this reason, I don’t get why people get mad… Jeter, Bonds, Sosa, McGwire aren’t coming.
@the57deluxe_psn said in TA4 Players:
They’re basically free, really good cards. You don’t see 2K or Madden throwing their player bases bones like SDS (and don’t compare the cards you can earn on 2K; they aren’t as juiced as pack cards and they have toxic requirements on how to earn them). Look at the team you can put on the field just by playing TA.
What’s this got to do with Madden or 2K?
I like bob gibson, ive never used his 99, but even his 88 verision always gave me some trouble. I mean ppl complain this late no matter what bc you cant add cards better than the team they had bc they gave out good cards earlier (which ppl complain about not having enough good cards). at this point the game is about trying cards you want, not fielding the best team anymoer since basically everyones team is 96+
I'm going to use Gibson and Snider!
People whined and begged for Pedro for years, they finally get him and "he sucks". How many times did I see the Bernie meme asking for Soriano? He is in the game now, and look how many of those people use him. It doesnt make a difference who they bring in to most of these clowns, if they arent meta then they dont care anymore.
If we get adley, I hope everybody will remember this conversation
We have a TA4 thread. Let's keep everything in there.
https://forums.theshow.com/topic/43867/ta-4-player-list/ -
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