SDS once agan has ruined the game.
this isn't fun this isn't a good game, not just cause I see sinkers 24/7 still but because they still give sinkers to people who probably never have thrown them. ive played ranked this season far more than any season and I couldn't be more frustrated with this game, whether its endless sinker pitchers for no reason or endless out of PCI homers on legend compared to a PP lineout, ive just lost all fun in this game basically because 20 out of my 43 ranked losses come from shitty games that was just given to the other player from the start. it's funny to get spammed with sinkers on legend 24/7
Welcome to The Show
. Game needs a new engine. Until then, this is how its gonna be every year
@bearsfan217_xbl said in SDS once agan has ruined the game.:
Welcome to The Show
. Game needs a new engine. Until then, this is how its gonna be every year
But this [censored] is annoying they add out lier and give everyone a sinker like bro did Pedro even throw a sinker? they just assume they did toss it on the card and hand out outlier for the fun of it they dont give zone hitting and all those mechanics like cmon bro boost the PCI size or something because now next year they're gonna have to slow down the pitch speeds again.
I think they are making progress. Pitchers like DeGrom and Ohtani have useable fastballs that are actually better than sinkers. Whenever DeGrom is lifted for someone like Alex Reyes I am way out in front of their sinker.
Just turn off the feedback. That is what I did. I’m convinced it is not correct.
If you lost because of a couple out of place PCIs from the opponent... Then the game wasn't given to them. That means you guys were playing a close game. You count in the times you had the out of place PCI HR's you probably have won a share of games in that fashion as well. However, we never talk about those.
@baracesilk_psn said in SDS once agan has ruined the game.:
If you lost because of a couple out of place PCIs from the opponent... Then the game wasn't given to them. That means you guys were playing a close game. You count in the times you had the out of place PCI HR's you probably have won a share of games in that fashion as well. However, we never talk about those.
Lol bro I can only count 1 loss that was actually played out fair and nicely, every other time ive lost to some [censored], and its [censored] annoying RNG ruins this game Im playing kids that just get two lucky hits, two and start spamming sinker I dont give a [censored] if its a close game, a "Slightly late" out of the zone HR off a sinker that's going 97 and 99 Gossages stats should not even be close to a [censored] homerun simple as that. If they have RNG for hitters where its [censored] flying off of shitty PCIs and shitty [censored] timing give the pitchers some benefit
Honestly bro when im losing a game to someone who had two hits and he messages me " I know I can't hit" thats how you know its [censored] awful
Most people don’t know this but I am the best player in the world. I have never lost a game that wasn’t gifted to my opponent.
But in all seriousness the gameplay is pretty random.
@untchable704_psn said in SDS once agan has ruined the game.:
Most people don’t know this but I am the best player in the world. I have never lost a game that wasn’t gifted to my opponent.
But in all seriousness the gameplay is pretty random.
yeah facts its disgsutly random you either mash or you either suck [censored]
@brandonm13x_psn said in SDS once agan has ruined the game.:
@untchable704_psn said in SDS once agan has ruined the game.:
Most people don’t know this but I am the best player in the world. I have never lost a game that wasn’t gifted to my opponent.
But in all seriousness the gameplay is pretty random.
yeah facts its disgsutly random you either mash or you either suck [censored]
I’ve looked at the game history of a couple guys that 10 run ruled me and like two games prior they lost 1-0 with three hits.
@codywolfgang_xbl said in SDS once agan has ruined the game.:
@brandonm13x_psn said in SDS once agan has ruined the game.:
@untchable704_psn said in SDS once agan has ruined the game.:
Most people don’t know this but I am the best player in the world. I have never lost a game that wasn’t gifted to my opponent.
But in all seriousness the gameplay is pretty random.
yeah facts its disgsutly random you either mash or you either suck [censored]
I’ve looked at the game history of a couple guys that 10 run ruled me and like two games prior they lost 1-0 with three hits.
In a game rn and getting spammed with 102 fastballs low and its so fun Im enjoying it sm
@codywolfgang_xbl said in SDS once agan has ruined the game.:
I think they are making progress. Pitchers like DeGrom and Ohtani have useable fastballs that are actually better than sinkers. Whenever DeGrom is lifted for someone like Alex Reyes I am way out in front of their sinker.
Just turn off the feedback. That is what I did. I’m convinced it is not correct.
I totally agree with this. I hit an absolute bomb with votto yesterday and the pci feedback was on the opposite side of the strike zone from where I was holding my pci.
Honestly I say this confidently [censored] the game and any ranking or any dog [censored] tournament SDS has ive PP 4 balls all of them are just singles,
Thats why I went back to MLB 20 if I want to play RS. I've only played like 8 RS games this year and I'm 6-2. Two losses were legit full games. The 6 wins came from 1 quit due to freeze off, 4 quits because I was winning like 1-0 and a true win of like 2-1 or something.
I went back to 20 and played RS and won 4-0 (he quit) and then 2-0 (he quit). I could actually see the freaking pitch. I kinda suck at the game now but I was mashing fastballs, sinkers, etc. MLB 20 just plays so much better than 21. I'm 74-27 in 20, so there you have it.
21 is dog sh!t honestly.
@schwizzle_nizzle said in SDS once agan has ruined the game.:
Thats why I went back to MLB 20 if I want to play RS. I've only played like 8 RS games this year and I'm 6-2. Two losses were legit full games. The 6 wins came from 1 quit due to freeze off, 4 quits because I was winning like 1-0 and a true win of like 2-1 or something.
I went back to 20 and played RS and won 4-0 (he quit) and then 2-0 (he quit). I could actually see the freaking pitch. I kinda suck at the game now but I was mashing fastballs, sinkers, etc. MLB 20 just plays so much better than 21. I'm 74-27 in 20, so there you have it.
21 is dog sh!t honestly.
just somehow flew out on a good timing middle of the PCI 102 mph fastball this game is aids
lol bro I [censored] cant top 10th jammed late hit to break up my perfect game and score the ghost runner actually [censored] this game its getting deleted
box score him 1 hit 1 run he won I [censored] cant LMFAO I just [censored] cant
game got deleted go [censored] yourself Ramone respectfully take this [censored] game off the market now
See you tomorrow!
@raylewissb47_psn said in SDS once agan has ruined the game.:
See you tomorrow!
Lol [censored] no game isn't worth the money aint worth the effort its a bunch of fat sweaty people who just spam sinkers and fastballs when the PCI is the size of a newborns [censored], makes sense. fuckin tired of hitting a total of 15 PP in a spam of 4 games lost all 4 games off of A) Out of the PCI homers B) Bad timing swings that bloop and C) RNG [censored] [censored] me every [censored] game. shitty [censored] [censored] game was a waste of my time n money