XP Cap
@kwikpoppa_psn said in XP Cap:
Fun? Now theres a new idea LMAO I hear ya Wagon
I mean I enjoy playing the game online and offline and doing player programs and conquests. I expect to complete it within the time frame just because I like to play. But I dont need to complete it in 3-4 days lol
One problem I do see with this, for some people is if you get behind XP wise it is going to be really tough to make it up. I know it would get confusing on their end but I think a better solution would be capping the first 20 or so days of the inning at 35XP let's say but not the last 10 or so. So people can catch up/grind to complete towards the end of the inning.
I to give it little thought Im extra innings mode player because I loathe cheese.On occasion i venture into the twilight zone to check on the unstate of things and do enjoy the rare game against the almost exstinct baseball player. Im simply encouraged that any problem is acknowledged as existing for a change. Any attempt is far better than no attempt. At least that is what i tell myself when I look at my online record.
Cant expect SDS to fully implement nothing agains these brats. Would kill off 97 % of its game base.
@whitejw98_psn said in XP Cap:
I usually only have time to play on the weekends (mostly offline), so I decided to do some math and see if this change really puts me at a disadvantage like some are claiming. For the sake of argument, let's assume 100% of my playing time is exclusively on weekends and I hit the cap every time.
Total XP earned: 70k per weekend x 4 weekends in a month = 280k.
These double xp weeks seem to be a regular thing now and the update specifically says that the cap will be raised to account for them, so let's assume they double the cap for a week and add another 70k to my total.
280k + 70k = 350k. From playing games alone, that puts me right at the boss pack. I'm already seeing their logic in choosing 35k as the cap number but now let's factor in the current inning's content.
Showdown: 35k + Conquests: 50k + Collections: 300k + Offline Daily Moments: roughly 2k per day or 16k for the month = about 401k
401k + 350k = 761k which is well over the required 650k, and that's without even touching the online content. It also doesn't factor in any of the smaller xp rewards that are frequently given for conquest map goals, individual moments etc.
Again, even for casual players I'm not seeing a problem.
You sir have used logic, reason, and have provided evidence to support your theory/prove your claim.
my advice: take your family and run, the witchhunters will be coming and youll be dragged out and beaten to death by an angry mob that hates the truth. -
@omegaeod_psn said in XP Cap:
This is all due to some “walk glitch”… I dont know exactly what it is but somehow they get XP super fast somehow.
It's not just that one. RTTS exploits as well playing games against the cpu with a 99 pitcher against a 0 OVR team
omegaeodreplied to DA KAK WAGON on Aug 27, 2021, 3:22 PM last edited by omegaeod_PSN Aug 27, 2021, 3:23 PM
@da-kak-wagon_mlbts said in XP Cap:
@omegaeod_psn said in XP Cap:
This is all due to some “walk glitch”… I dont know exactly what it is but somehow they get XP super fast somehow.
It's not just that one. RTTS exploits as well playing games against the cpu with a 99 pitcher against a 0 OVR team
Just shows that there are glitches that need resolved/fixed by developers. Capping XP is not a fix… it is a patch that is covering coding problems. People can spin or twist this any way they want but everyone knows this patch looks like they’re just covering up rhe problem in late August because they can’t actually fix it. It is not a solution.
@omegaeod_psn said in XP Cap:
Okay… am I missing something here?!?!
Due to people glitching the game, SDS has decided to place an XP cap on all players rather than fix the glitch?
I am hoping when they say “through gameplay”, the XP cap doesn’t include collections. But even still, I grind over 35k XP a day when new innings come out. Now I will be playing much less.
How does SDS not see that making a decision like this only causes it’s player base to play the game less or even quit playing the game altogether. Whoever made this ludicrous decision needs to be fired immediately.
Fix the glitches!!
This is a joke right? Right?? What is the cap at??
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in XP Cap:
@omegaeod_psn said in XP Cap:
Okay… am I missing something here?!?!
Due to people glitching the game, SDS has decided to place an XP cap on all players rather than fix the glitch?
I am hoping when they say “through gameplay”, the XP cap doesn’t include collections. But even still, I grind over 35k XP a day when new innings come out. Now I will be playing much less.
How does SDS not see that making a decision like this only causes it’s player base to play the game less or even quit playing the game altogether. Whoever made this ludicrous decision needs to be fired immediately.
Fix the glitches!!
This is a joke right? Right?? What is the cap at??
35k…I just want to know how the caps going to work with 2xp periods.
@jeezy-e_psn said in XP Cap:
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in XP Cap:
@omegaeod_psn said in XP Cap:
Okay… am I missing something here?!?!
Due to people glitching the game, SDS has decided to place an XP cap on all players rather than fix the glitch?
I am hoping when they say “through gameplay”, the XP cap doesn’t include collections. But even still, I grind over 35k XP a day when new innings come out. Now I will be playing much less.
How does SDS not see that making a decision like this only causes it’s player base to play the game less or even quit playing the game altogether. Whoever made this ludicrous decision needs to be fired immediately.
Fix the glitches!!
This is a joke right? Right?? What is the cap at??
35k…I just want to know how the caps going to work with 2xp periods.
They say they’re gonna increase it for double XP events. What I’m worried about is that as a student I can’t play every day—how am I going to complete the program if I can’t play every day to get XP?
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in XP Cap:
@jeezy-e_psn said in XP Cap:
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in XP Cap:
@omegaeod_psn said in XP Cap:
Okay… am I missing something here?!?!
Due to people glitching the game, SDS has decided to place an XP cap on all players rather than fix the glitch?
I am hoping when they say “through gameplay”, the XP cap doesn’t include collections. But even still, I grind over 35k XP a day when new innings come out. Now I will be playing much less.
How does SDS not see that making a decision like this only causes it’s player base to play the game less or even quit playing the game altogether. Whoever made this ludicrous decision needs to be fired immediately.
Fix the glitches!!
This is a joke right? Right?? What is the cap at??
35k…I just want to know how the caps going to work with 2xp periods.
They say they’re gonna increase it for double XP events. What I’m worried about is that as a student I can’t play every day—how am I going to complete the program if I can’t play every day to get XP?
I would grind the 2xp periods heavily and complete collections, apparently player programs and collections xp wont be affected. I am not a fan of this cap, but am willing to see how it plays out.
@jeezy-e_psn said in XP Cap:
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in XP Cap:
@jeezy-e_psn said in XP Cap:
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in XP Cap:
@omegaeod_psn said in XP Cap:
Okay… am I missing something here?!?!
Due to people glitching the game, SDS has decided to place an XP cap on all players rather than fix the glitch?
I am hoping when they say “through gameplay”, the XP cap doesn’t include collections. But even still, I grind over 35k XP a day when new innings come out. Now I will be playing much less.
How does SDS not see that making a decision like this only causes it’s player base to play the game less or even quit playing the game altogether. Whoever made this ludicrous decision needs to be fired immediately.
Fix the glitches!!
This is a joke right? Right?? What is the cap at??
35k…I just want to know how the caps going to work with 2xp periods.
They say they’re gonna increase it for double XP events. What I’m worried about is that as a student I can’t play every day—how am I going to complete the program if I can’t play every day to get XP?
I would grind the 2xp periods heavily and complete collections, apparently player programs and collections xp wont be affected. I am not a fan of this cap, but am willing to see how it plays out.
I think instead they should do something about people exploiting to get players to the fifth parallel first. They should make it so that the games they quit in order to grind stats like that don’t count towards PXP progress
While I'm currently having a good time enjoying the complaining coming from the exploiters, I am a bit worried that the bosses are going to be even more expensive. As someone who doesn't want to flip the market, I don't have a big stub bankroll and am barely able to afford all three inning bosses as it is.
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in XP Cap:
@jeezy-e_psn said in XP Cap:
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in XP Cap:
@omegaeod_psn said in XP Cap:
Okay… am I missing something here?!?!
Due to people glitching the game, SDS has decided to place an XP cap on all players rather than fix the glitch?
I am hoping when they say “through gameplay”, the XP cap doesn’t include collections. But even still, I grind over 35k XP a day when new innings come out. Now I will be playing much less.
How does SDS not see that making a decision like this only causes it’s player base to play the game less or even quit playing the game altogether. Whoever made this ludicrous decision needs to be fired immediately.
Fix the glitches!!
This is a joke right? Right?? What is the cap at??
35k…I just want to know how the caps going to work with 2xp periods.
They say they’re gonna increase it for double XP events. What I’m worried about is that as a student I can’t play every day—how am I going to complete the program if I can’t play every day to get XP?
The cap is only on xp earned while playing games. XP rewards for completing content (conquest maps, collections, etc.) are unaffected. If collecting a player program card earns you 35k, you'll still get that same 35k whether you've hit the daily cap or not.
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in XP Cap:
@jeezy-e_psn said in XP Cap:
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in XP Cap:
@jeezy-e_psn said in XP Cap:
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in XP Cap:
@omegaeod_psn said in XP Cap:
Okay… am I missing something here?!?!
Due to people glitching the game, SDS has decided to place an XP cap on all players rather than fix the glitch?
I am hoping when they say “through gameplay”, the XP cap doesn’t include collections. But even still, I grind over 35k XP a day when new innings come out. Now I will be playing much less.
How does SDS not see that making a decision like this only causes it’s player base to play the game less or even quit playing the game altogether. Whoever made this ludicrous decision needs to be fired immediately.
Fix the glitches!!
This is a joke right? Right?? What is the cap at??
35k…I just want to know how the caps going to work with 2xp periods.
They say they’re gonna increase it for double XP events. What I’m worried about is that as a student I can’t play every day—how am I going to complete the program if I can’t play every day to get XP?
I would grind the 2xp periods heavily and complete collections, apparently player programs and collections xp wont be affected. I am not a fan of this cap, but am willing to see how it plays out.
I think instead they should do something about people exploiting to get players to the fifth parallel first. They should make it so that the games they quit in order to grind stats like that don’t count towards PXP progress
I don’t think it does, i was doing hit and quit for the miggy program and I don’t recall either rookie miggy or as miggy getting parralel xp but I could be wrong.
When I first saw this change I was upset then watched a youtuber (blayde) and his argument kind of swayed me into a new point of view. I do not agree with the change but I do understand WHY they are doing it. Before I go any further I am going to be transparent and say -- I used ONE of the glitches not a lot but some to make the grind lessen plus to be honest the using this method is boring as HECK. One more thing is I am not EVEN an online player so the only reason I even do it is to TOTALLY complete the line for all the packs SO hopefully it helps me complete the team collection ( not done yet but that is a rant in itself )
Now that I have been honest with you all I will say this ....
This whole thing is a slippery slope in terms of the future and next years version of the game cause maybe SDS instead of having to go to this extreme maybe you should ask the players WHY they feel they need to go to the extreme of using said glitches. Now the obvious reason is for the hardcore DD player to have the new boss on the team and the other is all the rewards but considering all the packs via Conquest etc the game puts in I am not sure that is that big of a factor.
If I was to TRY and combat this issue I would do the following ....
- Limit the amount of EXP through Exhibition mode to like 5 to 15k ( this is where at least one of the methods take place and I think One other too )
- Only keep the CAP on through the 1st 10 Days of the program then after that let the players go crazy IF they want BUT let the player decide how they want to play the game that we all spent between 60 and 100 ( depending on the version ) we bought.
- Also maybe if you increased the EXP gained by like 10 to 15% through Conquest , Online etc then MAYBE players who are more limited in the time they can play and do not fall into hardcore Online DD players would not feel they have to resort to using a glitch to complete the program not talking bout myself but I am sure there are players who LIVE busy lives and maybe can only play on the weekends etc.
I hope someone at SDS will read this and think about the points I brought up and to other players I know what I wrote was LONG but I think brings up good points and I hope it helps leads to better changes not rash one's like this ONE I believe is.
So...my only potential problem here is I often get over 5K XP from just playing one single Play vs. CPU game against the Rockies at Coors on Rookie. That should add up to 35K in only 3-4 hours of gameplay. Which is an entirely reasonable amount. Especially on weekends.
Oh well. It will force me to challenge myself at All Star and higher, which I really should be doing anyway in order to improve.
@blitz77tw_psn said in XP Cap:
When I first saw this change I was upset then watched a youtuber (blayde) and his argument kind of swayed me into a new point of view. I do not agree with the change but I do understand WHY they are doing it. Before I go any further I am going to be transparent and say -- I used ONE of the glitches not a lot but some to make the grind lessen plus to be honest the using this method is boring as HECK. One more thing is I am not EVEN an online player so the only reason I even do it is to TOTALLY complete the line for all the packs SO hopefully it helps me complete the team collection ( not done yet but that is a rant in itself )
Now that I have been honest with you all I will say this ....
This whole thing is a slippery slope in terms of the future and next years version of the game cause maybe SDS instead of having to go to this extreme maybe you should ask the players WHY they feel they need to go to the extreme of using said glitches. Now the obvious reason is for the hardcore DD player to have the new boss on the team and the other is all the rewards but considering all the packs via Conquest etc the game puts in I am not sure that is that big of a factor.
If I was to TRY and combat this issue I would do the following ....
- Limit the amount of EXP through Exhibition mode to like 5 to 15k ( this is where at least one of the methods take place and I think One other too )
- Only keep the CAP on through the 1st 10 Days of the program then after that let the players go crazy IF they want BUT let the player decide how they want to play the game that we all spent between 60 and 100 ( depending on the version ) we bought.
- Also maybe if you increased the EXP gained by like 10 to 15% through Conquest , Online etc then MAYBE players who are more limited in the time they can play and do not fall into hardcore Online DD players would not feel they have to resort to using a glitch to complete the program not talking bout myself but I am sure there are players who LIVE busy lives and maybe can only play on the weekends etc.
I hope someone at SDS will read this and think about the points I brought up and to other players I know what I wrote was LONG but I think brings up good points and I hope it helps leads to better changes not rash one's like this ONE I believe is.
So you’re the reason for this!!?…hey guy’s I found the guy that caused us to kinda get pissed off, get ‘em!!!
I haven't needed xp for weeks now you cap me the day 6th inning comes out. Completely ridiculous. No stubs and no xp. I think SDS needs a lawsuit for their monopoly to force people to buy stubs.
I can do half of the USA map in a single night. I think I would hit the XP cap pretty easily doing this. If this is the case, they're messing up pretty badly. However, I do not exploit and I finished the 5th inning with 18 days to go. I did all the inning collections and the daily missions, plus tons of conquest in the USA map. I didn't even do the SD (I never do them). This is crazy.