Hitting is awful
The answer to solid online hitting can be found in crop circles or your every day Ouija board
I went back to MLB20 and I won 2 straight RS games. I could actually see and hit the ball. SDS really messed up hitting this year. I don't know what it is, but it is genuinely awful.
Another example of this is working , lets fix it.
I will be tearing the cover off the ball when 22 comes out.Then we get to start all over again, a beastly cycle that I evidently cherish. I keep putting my head in the vise or vice, whichever.
@bigweb52_psn said in Hitting is awful:
@joshjays44_psn said in Hitting is awful:
@elmexicano281 said in Hitting is awful:
Why has hitting been so garbage lately?? It's not even fun to play anymore ... I get the RNG and all that but it's just awful right now .... hitting balls dead on all warning track ... I don't expect a hr everytime but throw some ground balls for fucks sake . Where's there some secret hitting update or some [censored] I wasn't aware about ?
No, here's the problem with you casuals...you don't put the time in to practice. Why is it that I'm playing on Legend hitting and pitching at maxed out pitch speed but you're having trouble with the game and I'm not?. Its cause you suck!! you suck because you haven't put the time in...If you want to get good at something put the time in and get gut..don't get all pansy and wallmart Karen on the froum....get your S(^& together and practice casual.
I looked up your profile and you have played less then one minute of DD . You play manly “play now “ Whis is meant for casuals . so you clearly have no idea what your talking about . Your clearly a sad pathetic lil man who feels like a big boy coming on forums and making yourself sound like a bad a$$ .
Wow if that wasn't a ridiculous response I don't know what is. The reason I don't play DD and never will is I want to play a proper game of baseball not arcade garbage with default sliders. Isn't DD at like All-Star with default sliders?...that's terrible....almost everything is off...your pitch speed is at a snail's pace, why would I want to play slow pitch?. Playing on Legend at pitch speeds at 10 is the closest you can get to RL, the reaction time is about .6 seconds...its a bit slower to RL which is about .4 to .5 seconds. The Show 19 had it as close to RL but it seems The Show 21 SDS slowed it down a bit. Also the default slider settings is all over the place..there is a reason why some guys spend hours and hours testing sliders you noob, its to get simulated results and gameplay. One example is Fielder Run speed..its way too fast at 5...a realistic speed to gameplay should be at 3...I wish there was a 3.5 that would be great, the Foul Frequency is prolly the worst of all, it should be closer to 1 or 2. I basically spend 70 to 80 hours playing Exhibition and Spring training working on Sliders before I start the Regular Season...that's how long I need every year to find a realistic gameplay Slider set for the regular season. You DD casuals play a totally different game from me, you guys are basically playing a dumb down arcade version of The Show..it has to be that way so everyone is playing at an equal level. Its instant gratification casual noobs that spoiling sports game these days and The Show introducing this DD fluff mode and putting so much emphasis on it each year and giving Franchise mode the shaft year to year is terrible for us realistic players.
So if you dont play online how you know all that, not that im saying your wrong .You have no record in DD How are you so learned? Speaking casually of course
They dont call me Kwik for nothing, ask my ex
Check my profile , Ive investigated. Something has changed. Online is the twilight zone. Dont lose no sleep over it. Long live extra innings mode.
My profile is incorrect i have a franchise that im 112 games into ,can show screen shots to prove it
Just posted screen shots on my activities page of franchise record my profile says I dont play?
@joshjays44_psn said in Hitting is awful:
@elmexicano281 said in Hitting is awful:
Why has hitting been so garbage lately?? It's not even fun to play anymore ... I get the RNG and all that but it's just awful right now .... hitting balls dead on all warning track ... I don't expect a hr everytime but throw some ground balls for fucks sake . Where's there some secret hitting update or some [censored] I wasn't aware about ?
No, here's the problem with you casuals...you don't put the time in to practice. Why is it that I'm playing on Legend hitting and pitching at maxed out pitch speed but you're having trouble with the game and I'm not?. Its cause you suck!! you suck because you haven't put the time in...If you want to get good at something put the time in and get gut..don't get all pansy and wallmart Karen on the froum....get your S(^& together and practice casual.
Oh boy, here we go. Another pro who lives in his parents basement, plays Fortnite, wears Ninja shoes to school and rates YFK's drip
I’ve just started playing this game and I genuinely don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. The amount of times opposition player times it badly outside of PCI and gets hits and HR against me is ridiculous. Other hand I’m raking the balls and just flying out. Is there something I’m missing with this game or is it just [censored]?
Depending on the mode your playing, the game takes some bit of practice,especially online. But the more you play you will get a grasp of it and not be so frustrated by the violations of the laws of nature you have no control over .As far as online goes, how do you practice for the twilight zone. You cant. Tie a rope around your waist and leap in.
When you can no longer laugh and enjoy the game ,try yodeling.
I´m a "casual" player, play DD offline between Rookie and All Star (somewhat 570 Games) and yes I suck at Zone hitting (one reason why i don´t play RS). But as a "casual" player i can agree after the last update hitting is terrible.
@xxrtb75xx_xbl said in Hitting is awful:
I´m a "casual" player, play DD offline between Rookie and All Star (somewhat 570 Games) and yes I suck at Zone hitting (one reason why i don´t play RS). But as a "casual" player i can agree after the last update hitting is terrible.
At least someone can be honest with himself, what's stopping the rest of you?...props to you bud. Tips on how to get better is if you can use a monitor instead of a TV...it will help massively. Something else that will help might be to get into the batting cages but increase your pitch speeds to max. Use the max pitch speeds just for practice, then you can go back to the regular pitch speed you're currently playing with. In time this should help with your reaction times and pitch recognition and maybe soon you can move up to HOF or even Legend.
@joshjays44_psn said in Hitting is awful:
@xxrtb75xx_xbl said in Hitting is awful:
I´m a "casual" player, play DD offline between Rookie and All Star (somewhat 570 Games) and yes I suck at Zone hitting (one reason why i don´t play RS). But as a "casual" player i can agree after the last update hitting is terrible.
At least someone can be honest with himself, what's stopping the rest of you?...props to you bud. Tips on how to get better is if you can use a monitor instead of a TV...it will help massively. Something else that will help might be to get into the batting cages but increase your pitch speeds to max. Use the max pitch speeds just for practice, then you can go back to the regular pitch speed you're currently playing with. In time this should help with your reaction times and pitch recognition and maybe soon you can move up to HOF or even Legend.
Thanks for the tip with the Monitor, never considered that.
Might give it a try. -