This is unbelievable
@grux19_mlbts said in This is unbelievable:
what if he is 5-0 too?
What if he's 6-0? Does that mean OP should quit then?
And on a side note why do you always find it necessary to say which account your playing on? Don't think anyone cares if it's your main , 2nd or 72nd account
He might be 7 and 0?
8-0? Mayyybe??
And your opponent is an idiot, why?
No sympathy with this crowd lmfao
Possibly 9-0?
To quote Arnold Schwarzenegger “Tonight’s focast… A freeze is coming”
Maybe he's waiting on the idiot he's playing to quit. Really, the score is nothing, it has just begun, and he's in the same position as you are, but he's an idiot because he doesn't want to quit out. It's not on him or you, but rather SDS. If a game freezes up, it shouldn't count for either person.
Maybe 10-0?
Y’all need another hobby if you got alt accounts. Like dang
Is it possible that he's 11-0??????
OP has left the chat.
Why stop at 350k?
@th3l1ght_psn said in This is unbelievable:
Why stop at 350k?
Don't need anything past the Boss Pack.
Finished the LS Collection and I'm not taking the chance of getting a card that's worth 5-10K from the LS Pack and I have all the cards from the other packs on the way.
Even if I would get an expensive Diamond (LS/FB/Legend) from one of the packs, which is doubtful, I have all the cards available, minus WS and BR rewards, and over 3M in stubs.
I'd rather do Zimmerman, Roberts, and the rest of the FOD Program once the new Inning drops. I know I won't.get any bonus XP for Clemente, Sign Roberts, or Milestone Zimmerman; but whatever XP I get for playing will go towards the 6th Inning Program.
Just fire up the alt PS4 and use another alt account. Should be able to get back to 5-0 pretty quickly.
Sweeeettt... Can't wait to hear about what happens next....