Money that I dont need
@eatyum said in Money that I dont need:
Or just look at collections, see if you want start slowly grinding away at it.
Cards fan??
I have started on some collections. But Im not very interested in Mickey Mantle. -
Buy a cheaper LS diamond or 2 that will help you finish collections faster.
Collections gives you a ton of XP too, so it really gets you more than just Mantle/Biggio/Sheff
@Lil_Shadow215 said in Money that I dont need:
@eatyum said in Money that I dont need:
Or just look at collections, see if you want start slowly grinding away at it.
Cards fan??
I have started on some collections. But Im not very interested in Mickey Mantle.Gary Sheffield mashes tho
@THE_Tomdawg69er said in Money that I dont need:
@Lil_Shadow215 said in Money that I dont need:
@eatyum said in Money that I dont need:
Or just look at collections, see if you want start slowly grinding away at it.
Cards fan??
I have started on some collections. But Im not very interested in Mickey Mantle.Gary Sheffield mashes tho
That 99 Sheffield looks amazing.
Dude, I have struggled out the gate with mantle, which sucks, but first at bat Gary went yard. He’s more than capable at third and hits lasers
Could complete the first inning collections if you haven’t already
@Lil_Shadow215 said in Money that I dont need:
I have about 75k and dont need to fill any positions. What do I do?
Western Union them right over......
@THE_Tomdawg69er said in Money that I dont need:
Dude, I have struggled out the gate with mantle, which sucks, but first at bat Gary went yard. He’s more than capable at third and hits lasers
Good to know he’s still good at 3B, but man it’s hard takin Eddie Matthews out the lineup. Such a good left handed I’m torn with what to do
@Lil_Shadow215 said in Money that I dont need:
@eatyum said in Money that I dont need:
Or just look at collections, see if you want start slowly grinding away at it.
Cards fan??
I have started on some collections. But Im not very interested in Mickey Mantle.You aren't interested in a switch hitter with 100+ on all hitting stats, diamond defense, and great speed? Okay then.
@Sayjinman said in Money that I dont need:
@THE_Tomdawg69er said in Money that I dont need:
Dude, I have struggled out the gate with mantle, which sucks, but first at bat Gary went yard. He’s more than capable at third and hits lasers
Good to know he’s still good at 3B, but man it’s hard takin Eddie Matthews out the lineup. Such a good left handed I’m torn with what to do
Send Eddie to left. Simple solution
Hookers and blow
@saintsfan_1029 said in Money that I dont need:
Hookers and blow
Lol good idea but with you know what around I might want to keep following the rule of "social distancing"