SDS you broke the Game
I duno what you’s did but i haven’t been able to score after new Patch..Hitting has been Nerfed I haven’t t seen so many Perfect Perfect outs and warning track fly outs.PCI dead on ball and good feedback but still nothing. Not very rewarding.. I Literally went to the 13 inning 0-0 then Lost…please FiX… makes me not even want to play the game anymore
I hesitate to give in, but I have to agree. Not only that, but both online and offline I get bad results squaring up the ball, but crush homers with much worse swings -- when the ball is literally not even in the inside of the pci and timing is early.
The randomness of baseball should NOT be such a large part of this VIDEO GAME. Excellent input should be rewarded more often, especially online.
lol ohhhh you guys...always providing comical nooby threads. The game is fine even after the patch....I played one game at the highest level and I scored 4 tuns and 7 hits with a double A team. Stop with the silly conspiracy theories guys.
And I usually average at least 5 home runs per game. But only once I picked up 11 home runs.. Don’t get me wrong I do lose alot but also win a lot.
But I will say this though, the opposing pitching could be better. I have seen better pitching from little leaguers. Lol
I absolutely love the field of dreams they added
I had a rough couple of series(es?) in Road To The Show last night with My Ballplayer... but I just assumed it was because I'd let myself get a little impatient, and then, when that impatience started giving results, get a little... irritated, I'll go with that... as well. That led to a lack of success at the plate. Came back with a grand slam in the game I was pitching, so that was fun.
I too absolutely love the Field Of Dreams they added! They really built that place up from Ray Kinsella's original design!
Played one game this week and i want to delete the game. Very very bad gameplay. I’m done.
I too get irritated with the game mostly over the opposing pitching but I have to say that I do have fun playing. I was able to maybe get a few grand slams. I lose a lot but also win a lot as well. What a good game.
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