Missed Time-centric Cards
Is there any way (or hope) of getting cards for events that have passed? Specifically, the Roberto Alomar and Gary Sheffield ones from April and May Daily Moments. This is my first year really playing The Show, and I didn’t really get into DD until late May / early June as I was stuck in RTTS…
I love the older Topps cards from the 80’s and 90’s! Back when I collected cards as a kid. Now I gotta get ‘em all, digitally, as an adult!
Roberto Alomar is probably eliminated from the game based on his sexual accusations. SoI doubt we see anything new or even a rerelease of that card.
Alomar: HIGHLY unlikely. After his card was released, MLB put him on the same banned list as Pete and Shoeless Joe (for alleged misconduct of the adult variety.)
Sheffield: HIGHLY likely. Would put money on SDS releasing a "Daily Moments Boss Rewind Pack" (similar to the pack that has Giambi, Ozzie, MadBum, etc) in December or so.