Opinions.. anyone?
I agree, it's at a standstill an has been for a while. It's a shame too, because the possibilities are endless. SDS is just too conservative and stick to what they have instead of taking some risk and stepping out of their comfort zone to deliver something completely new from the ground up. There's this Japanese baseball game called Pro Yakyuu and it's not gonna win any awards or compete with The Show, but mechanically that game is a lot of fun and so much different. It gives you a glimpse of what SDS could do with their resources instead of copy/paste 90% of the game year in year out.
It's a pretty simple argument. What baseball game (or sim as some call this) is better? If there is a better product in the market I will gladly join you in switching. I agree the game has issues and in some areas is flat out "bad" but its totality is far better than the next closest competitor. DD teams is a fantastic concept along with the upgrades and downgrades of live series cards base on play. The ability to invest in cards that can change value based on demand makes this not just a baseball game but a market game too.
@raesone_psn said in Opinions.. anyone?:
I agree, it's at a standstill an has been for a while. It's a shame too, because the possibilities are endless. SDS is just too conservative and stick to what they have instead of taking some risk and stepping out of their comfort zone to deliver something completely new from the ground up. There's this Japanese baseball game called Pro Yakyuu and it's not gonna win any awards or compete with The Show, but mechanically that game is a lot of fun and so much different. It gives you a glimpse of what SDS could do with their resources instead of copy/paste 90% of the game year in year out.
Im gonna have to check out Pro Yakyuu curious to see how it plays. I love baseball games (baseball stars is my all time favorite)
@bozzman0109_psn said in Opinions.. anyone?:
@raesone_psn said in Opinions.. anyone?:
I agree, it's at a standstill an has been for a while. It's a shame too, because the possibilities are endless. SDS is just too conservative and stick to what they have instead of taking some risk and stepping out of their comfort zone to deliver something completely new from the ground up. There's this Japanese baseball game called Pro Yakyuu and it's not gonna win any awards or compete with The Show, but mechanically that game is a lot of fun and so much different. It gives you a glimpse of what SDS could do with their resources instead of copy/paste 90% of the game year in year out.
Im gonna have to check out Pro Yakyuu curious to see how it plays. I love baseball games (baseball stars is my all time favorite)
I think Healy and Kevin did some videos on it. Looked like a lot of fun, unpolished but fun with tons of potential with the amount of resources SDS has.
@raesone_psn said in Opinions.. anyone?:
I agree, it's at a standstill an has been for a while. It's a shame too, because the possibilities are endless. SDS is just too conservative and stick to what they have instead of taking some risk and stepping out of their comfort zone to deliver something completely new from the ground up. There's this Japanese baseball game called Pro Yakyuu and it's not gonna win any awards or compete with The Show, but mechanically that game is a lot of fun and so much different. It gives you a glimpse of what SDS could do with their resources instead of copy/paste 90% of the game year in year out.
I really felt like the game was good for the first 6 weeks or so of the game but something seems shifty with the it for the past while. The difficulty with a video game like baseball, at least when comes to something like hitting variability, is proving our beliefs.
@aaronjw76_psn said in Opinions.. anyone?:
@raesone_psn said in Opinions.. anyone?:
I agree, it's at a standstill an has been for a while. It's a shame too, because the possibilities are endless. SDS is just too conservative and stick to what they have instead of taking some risk and stepping out of their comfort zone to deliver something completely new from the ground up. There's this Japanese baseball game called Pro Yakyuu and it's not gonna win any awards or compete with The Show, but mechanically that game is a lot of fun and so much different. It gives you a glimpse of what SDS could do with their resources instead of copy/paste 90% of the game year in year out.
I really felt like the game was good for the first 6 weeks or so of the game but something seems shifty with the it for the past while. The difficulty with a video game like baseball, at least when comes to something like hitting variability, is proving our beliefs.
Yeah in my opinion it's like this every year. They change just enough in the core elements of the game to make it feel like a new game. But after a few weeks you've gotten used to it and you can see through the skeleton of the game which is the same as the past 5 years. It's kinda like a car that they slightly tweaked and gave a new paintjob and then call it a new model.
Always the diamonds breaking the 99 that screw up the balance.
This is my first year and there are still a lot of fun things or I wouldn't be playing. I still get a bit amazed by details sometimes. I will say that the game was about 10 times more fun the first few months and it wasn't because it was new. The variety in teams were a lot of fun and just constructing my team was a lot of fun. I would love for their to be a "Live Series" mode or something...but that doesn't really generate to SDS making money. Pumping out new and better all the time is what brings money in for them. The masses will always want the upgrade if it is available.
Game is average offline and below average to poor online. Your are spot on. The SDS White Knights will always ride in to protect, but the majority of us know this isn’t a good game.
@bozzman0109_psn said in Opinions.. anyone?:
I love baseball games (baseball stars is my all time favorite)
SNK Baseball Stars, best game ever.
@yankblan_psn said in Opinions.. anyone?:
Always the diamonds breaking the 99 that screw up the balance.
When will people start to realize this?
@king_dome30_psn said in Opinions.. anyone?:
I think this game is pretty bad. I keep playing cuz I don’t have another good baseball option. But to say this game is great, you’re fooling none but yourself.
I know, I know… Blah blah, fifa, 2k, blah blah.
Some of y’all need to get that SDS sausage out your mouth for 1 minute and be real…Truly tho, what is amazing about this game, gameplay-wise? I’m not talking, content, I’m talking gameplay only. Because I’d like to see things from a different point of view.
Cuz for me , the negatives far outweigh the positives.
Change my mind..Gameplay is a C+. Too much RNG and inconsistent hitting results.
Only part I like is it seems to reward you for being patient. Don’t be afraid to take strikes in the black and wait for a better one. Later in the count I seen to get a hanger or a better pitch / result.
I can always tell when someone just took an L
@yankblan_psn said in Opinions.. anyone?:
Always the diamonds breaking the 99 that screw up the balance.
Exactly. The cap on attributes should be 99. Once that's breached it throws off everything. It would actually keep the rest of the card universe relevant and we'd see more player variety in teams. The majority of the cards become useless by May and Live Series in general is useless by June.
Monopoly. Madden, The Show, Fifa, NBA 2K etc. Why spend money on a product you can recycle every year, except when it comes to where the recurring spending occurs. There is no direct competition anymore because leagues sell their exclusive rights to one developer.
Content creators and other big pocket players keep these games alive. You see the earnings these modes make, and that’s why things don’t change.
It’s like Call of Duty vs Battlefield. Both similar games but because BF has had a string of terrible releases, COD stays the course and doesn’t really improve. I think the days of excellent sports games like NFL 2K5, MVP Baseball 2005, NHL 94 etc. will always be a thing of the past.