Linked My Account Lost All Wins?
General Discussion
So I was around 170-30 in online ranked play and my account linked on here some how and now I lost all my wins/losses, equipment i’ve purchased for my player, all my unlocked items from Team Affinity and stubs I’ve earned? What the **** is this?! Is there any way to reverse this? Why is that even an option to lose all your items in the first place?!
Unlink you account, should fix it.
@chestnuts20_psn said in Linked My Account Lost All Wins?:
Unlink you account, should fix it.
Thank god, thank you bro I was about to snap if I lost that progress lol back to normal!
Awesome, no problem.
Jul 13, 2021, 7:15 PM
Jul 13, 2021, 7:32 PM