Anyone else getting "Your connection to the show has been lost" ?
Literally same, just got booted after a W. Lovely
marketplace online doesnt work either
Well done SDS ! Just really professional work here this year ! No no.... don't be humble now !! You guys are really knocking it out of the park... oh see what I did there.
Yesterday, kept getting unhandled exception messages when trying to play my first event game of this year and the first game then closed out before I could select my pitcher. Worked fine for the 3 games after that I played.
This game is so bad
Don't worry I'm sure they will post an update to this forum very very soon. I mean that's what it's for right?
It has never happened to me. It happened a few times in 20 and with other games like fall guys. I just unplug and telling my router and internet and it seems to work
Last night Everytime I got r1 to look at my legend cards it disconnected me
@hitpascr_psn said in Anyone else getting "Your connection to the show has been lost" ?:
Don't worry I'm sure they will post an update to this forum very very soon. I mean that's what it's for right?
I'm starting to pick up your sarcasm... lol
Are they still down
SDS response : Try to add some aluminum foil on your antenna it's also great for your tan.