Loading saved RTTS
So the only way to have your data saved in '20 is by not transferring anything from '19. No sliders or character transfer. This is obviously for RTTS. Enjoy
@lazyleprechaun25 said in Loading saved RTTS:
Same here, i already plan on asking for my $20 for getting early access back. All the progress i did over the weekend is in corrupted saves.
Only way is by not transferring files from '19, that includes sliders and character transfer.
@Poggzzy said in Loading saved RTTS:
Any update for these issues? I had no issues carrying over my save at release and now I'm getting stuck on the loading screen, only to end up on a new character creation screen.
I read elsewhere it might have something to do with using sliders from 19 is that true?
Only way is by not transferring files from '19, that includes sliders and character transfer.
@sunsetvermin50 said in Loading saved RTTS:
I’m having the same issues also, it freezes every time I try to move my 2019 save over.
Only way is by not transferring files from '19, that includes sliders and character transfer.
I believe you can transfer your 19 character but not your 19 slider.Just have to make your 20 slider same as 19.
@tanman05851 said in Loading saved RTTS:
From Reddit " someone on OS showed me a fix. Loading up your '19 sliders does something to the save file. So delete your '20 RTTS save file and then load your carryover file again from '19. Just gonna have to make a new slider set. Anyway, this worked for me. If you didnt load '19 sliders in your '20 RTTS, then I dont know a fix. Everyone I know of who were having this problem had loaded their '19 sliders."
Thank you that worked.
@jsiv007 said in Loading saved RTTS:
@tanman05851 said in Loading saved RTTS:
From Reddit " someone on OS showed me a fix. Loading up your '19 sliders does something to the save file. So delete your '20 RTTS save file and then load your carryover file again from '19. Just gonna have to make a new slider set. Anyway, this worked for me. If you didnt load '19 sliders in your '20 RTTS, then I dont know a fix. Everyone I know of who were having this problem had loaded their '19 sliders."
Thank you that worked.
Until you get Into the career then it freezes when you try to play next appearance. -
I’m able to load my player from 19 the show but I when I try my new player It takes me to a loading screen
So now a new CP save I made a few days ago also wont load anymore, doubt it has anything to do with sliders because I'm not using 19 sliders anymore.
This game has so many issues.
I can play spring training but every time I try to advance to the regular season (2023) it freezes. Hopefully they patch this cause I thought I was the only one. This stinks Hopefully they patch this SOON.
I’ve tried reaching out to them and haven’t gotten a response. I’m sure they’re aware of it, I just wish they’d acknowledge it. I’ve had my save since 2015
Looks like it may be fixed in 1.05, caused by two way players. Fingers crossed for you all (not me, I started anew).
Hopefully someone who was having issues will report if things are fixed.
Does anybody know if this is fully fixed yet?
I haven't bought the show 20 yet, but I have wanted to.
Because this is about the only mode I play, and If can't Transfer saves there's no point in playing for me. -
@sunsetvermin50 said in Loading saved RTTS:
I’ve tried reaching out to them and haven’t gotten a response. I’m sure they’re aware of it, I just wish they’d acknowledge it. I’ve had my save since 2015
Me too I’d be sick if I can’t continue I been porting since they started allowing it.
Check this out guys, this is a Forbes article about the update, that supposedly fixes the issue.
Fixed an issue where two-way players were causing year-to-year saves to not load correctly in Franchise and Road to the Show.
It works now guys!
Yup, been enjoying this since the patch! Looks like it was the two-way players that were having the issue