My friend keeps waffling on the game
theRAINmaker29wrote on Jun 29, 2021, 1:18 AM last edited by theRAINmaker29_XBL Jun 29, 2021, 1:25 AM
Hey guys. Any tips on how to keep a friend interested in this game?
He’s a newb. First year x box player. Took him a while but now he’s comfortable hitting on veteran.
He gets frustrated in the marketplace, hates online, and is getting worn out with conquest.
He’s addicted to the game but constantly threatens to quit and uninstall. Then he will get on that same night and play for 2-3 hours.
I’d hate for him to make that mistake. Any advice?
He wants Trout bad but every time he buys packs he doesn’t get one. Since he doesn’t know how to use the auction block yet he just quick sells all his cards. Stubs aren’t adding up very fast and I think he’s about maxed his credit card
Make new friends who aren’t flakey.
I'm pretty much in the same mold as your friend. The game has some good points but sadly diamond dynasty is frustrating as hell. The other modes are all essentially moments and they get old quick. What helped me the most was finding a group to get into a franchise with. Kind of sucks needing 4 people at a minimum, but the mode isn't too bad. You can scale the difficulty as needed. And at least for me, when the cpu does beat me I know it's because they have as good or a better team as opposed to the 95 ovr DD teams everyone has. (I shred my team for youth and grind from there, madden style)
I find myself willing to bounce back and forth without too much burnout. -
Assuming this is legit, he needs to learn the market. Teach him. It’s a grind but it is possible to get trout without spending money.
He’s addicted to the game but constantly threatens to quit and uninstall? Sounds like the majority of the people who post on this site. lol
go4stros25replied to theRAINmaker29 on Jun 29, 2021, 2:44 AM last edited by go4stros25_PSN Jun 29, 2021, 2:45 AM
That sounds like most people playing the game.