SDS should just make an exchange set for those who accidentally picked 2 of the same card
In cases like the TA1 42 series, if you could just exchange a non-collected 42 card for a 42 pack then everyone would be able to sort out their own duplicate card issues. Instead there's this lengthy process of submitting a ticket. Seems like an easy fix to me?
Fingers crossed I don't end up selecting same card twice.
Actually, SDS should respond to the tickets for these. I know some people on week 5-6 waiting for Jackie because of this...
Won't help my Muncy that just vanished in Early May, two tickets and nothing from SDS.
But yeah that would make sense for people who select duplicates
@evylshaun_psn said in SDS should just make an exchange set for those who accidentally picked 2 of the same card:
In cases like the TA1 42 series, if you could just exchange a non-collected 42 card for a 42 pack then everyone would be able to sort out their own duplicate card issues. Instead there's this lengthy process of submitting a ticket. Seems like an easy fix to me?
Fingers crossed I don't end up selecting same card twice.
I became extra careful when I read all these posts; to the point of taking my right thumb off the controller when scrolling through the pack lol. You’re right, your idea would probably help a lot of people and makes a lot of sense.
I posted this a couple weeks back and tagged the moderators. They never replied. I actually didn’t make this mistake but after seeing that so many have I can’t believe they haven’t made an exchange.
Did THAT many people actually select duplicates?
@evylshaun_psn said in SDS should just make an exchange set for those who accidentally picked 2 of the same card:
In cases like the TA1 42 series, if you could just exchange a non-collected 42 card for a 42 pack then everyone would be able to sort out their own duplicate card issues. Instead there's this lengthy process of submitting a ticket. Seems like an easy fix to me?
Fingers crossed I don't end up selecting same card twice.
I agree... there was a couple of times I thought I accidentally selected the wrong card, but luckily didn't. Cmon SDS help these guys out. This should be an easy fix....
I’ve submitted multiple tickets on this issue and been waiting over a month for a reply but still no response. This is just bad that it even allows you to select a duplicate. I really hope they resolve this ASAP. And you know they know about it, not sure what the hold up is
@stinkysman77_mlbts said in SDS should just make an exchange set for those who accidentally picked 2 of the same card:
Did THAT many people actually select duplicates?
Well there are literally millions of people that play so even if .1% of people did, it’s a big number
I'm with eatyum, my card just disappeared. I didn't select one twice. No dupes. Can't get Jackie and hindering Mo as well. Recognition of the issue would be sufficient for me at this point because I realize they're busy. But they won't comment.
The 'your an idiot' collection