Suggestion: Make inning program rewards paths LONGER
SDS drops great content every week to keep players engaged and playing daily, so why have the inning program stop at 650k when so many people have it finished 2 to 3 weeks before the new inning drops??
I’d love to see the inning programs be much longer. Make them a million-XP points to finish with a 2nd boss choice pack at the end??
Just a thought.
I will say I finished this weekend and it made me feel much more relaxed this week before the new program
I agree, even with all the server, etc. problems during the 1st inning I had it done with a week left and the 2nd inning about 10-12 days left.
There are other things to do but it would be nice to be getting credit for the inning xp along the way instead of it being useless. -
I finished the 2nd inning with 14 days left. I like the idea of extending the inning, but not adding a second boss pack. The boss prices already suck.
Instead just add another 10 pack bundle every 50k xp past 650.
Did they fix the glitches? If not then no.
How about NO! All that would do is get the same people complaining to grind through them faster, complain about it needing to be longer, and so on.
You will never be happy regardless of how long they make it! Also, if you need some kind of reward to just play a video game, you are spoiled!
@dap1234567890 said in Suggestion: Make inning program rewards paths LONGER:
How about NO! All that would do is get the same people complaining to grind through them faster, complain about it needing to be longer, and so on.
You will never be happy regardless of how long they make it! Also, if you need some kind of reward to just play a video game, you are spoiled!
Agree with this a lot
That's not what would happen. They're not going to give everything away. All they would do is keep the same rewards, and make it take longer to get them. They already give plenty away; be happy with what you got.
@dap1234567890 said in Suggestion: Make inning program rewards paths LONGER:
How about NO! All that would do is get the same people complaining to grind through them faster, complain about it needing to be longer, and so on.
You will never be happy regardless of how long they make it! Also, if you need some kind of reward to just play a video game, you are spoiled!
Lol who talks like this?