Moments are not fun when they aren't easily defeated.
How many times do your players have to complain to you about the absolutely atrocious AI logic that occurs in Moments? There is absolutely no reason for anyone to ever get stuck on a moment and have to sit there and grind it out over and over until they happen to get a handful of hittable pitches.
I simply don't understand how year after year we have to sit here and do hitting moments that are labeled as "rookie" where the pitcher refuses to throw anything that can be hit. What exactly is the point? Who benefits from Moments being like this? All it does is sap the joy out of playing the game.
I mean seriously if a player or a team had a good day at the plate it's not because the pitcher they faced pitched well or was crafty in their approach. Hitters go off when pitchers throw hittable pitches. So when you guys make a moment about hitting 3 XBHs or getting 9 TBs, design it so that it's chop full of hittable pitches instead of making it so I have to try and foul off balls out of the zone to avoid getting walked by a pitcher who won't come in the strike zone.
Is it too late for a refund?
Agreed, if you fail say 5 times then you should be given the reward for persistence. Nobody gains from being so frustrated you turn off the game
Moments aren't that bad my guy. I have had a couple that took quite a few attempts (McMahon), but I still get them done. This game already has a problem (imo) with giving things away for free or for little effort. Sorry, but I feel like a bit of a struggle is necessary for a quality game. Right now the only struggle is trying to accumulate enough stubs to complete collections.
Another one that gets me are the ones you need a HR or two and the pitcher you face has not only a Sink-piece, but a Splitter as well. Oh, the fun trying to elevate those!
Then there are the joyous ones where you need XBH, but the basepaths are clogged.... -
@go4stros25_psn said in Moments are not fun when they aren't easily defeated.:
Moments aren't that bad my guy. I have had a couple that took quite a few attempts (McMahon), but I still get them done. This game already has a problem (imo) with giving things away for free or for little effort. Sorry, but I feel like a bit of a struggle is necessary for a quality game. Right now the only struggle is trying to accumulate enough stubs to complete collections.
Moments are pretty bad. The sliders should reflect the difficulty but they dont. Fielders should field like the back of their card. Moments should also be moments and not 3 inning games or get 2 hits including a home run while also striking out a batter. What do those have to do with each other? Nothing other than making it take longer for no reason.
I actually look forward to do moments.
Some of the moments are ok but when you need 3 xbh or like with the evolution Kemp one of them is like what 16 hits in 4 games (might be 10 can’t remember) I mean that seems easy and it should be but Matt kemp can’t hit a lick let alone a ducking baseball
I'm a below average player (never been above 500 on ranked seasons) and I've completed almost all of the moments in the game, so they're not that bad. It just takes a little persistence. Maybe some people want the game to be nothing but a big flashing button that says "Click here to receive cards" but I like a challenge. A lot of the pitching ones are so easy that a blind squirrel could do them on the first try, but most moments hit the sweet spot in difficulty where they're challenging but not so difficult that I feel completely overwhelmed.
I like the moments and I do get frustrated with them, but I’ve also completed almost all of them in 6 weeks of 21 compared to 20 where I wanted to break controllers constantly and gave up on all the player programs that were hitters.
I think moments are awful, one of the worst additions to the game, and to top it off they tie it into too many programs. I'd rather just use cards vs CPU to get the stats, I mean if moments are on rookie what's the freaking difference? People complained about Stat grinds on 18 and Moments was thier solution.
@paneledcoyote86_xbl said in Moments are not fun when they aren't easily defeated.:
Agreed, if you fail say 5 times then you should be given the reward for persistence. Nobody gains from being so frustrated you turn off the game
Everyone gets a trophy? Screw that
I love moments, and have actually been pretty happy with some of the rewards we earn. The logic, at times, is incredibly frustrating. I do not have a problem with tough challenges; 8 bases in 1 games, 2 XBH, 15 bases in x games etc. etc. -- but the logic is irritating. Needing to get a certain amount of hits and getting walked, needing to it home runs but your are going against Yu Darvish, who only throws ball.
The most frustrating experience I faced was the Dante Bichette -- 1 XBH 1 steal. I hit a homer run -- nailed the XBH. I then hit a single, I want to steal, but the batter is in a 3-2 count... they are swinging to protect, the AB ends with a walk. Hit another single, the batter is in an 0-2 count with 2 out -- the guy strikes out. W T F!?!?
@paneledcoyote86_xbl said in Moments are not fun when they aren't easily defeated.:
Agreed, if you fail say 5 times then you should be given the reward for persistence. Nobody gains from being so frustrated you turn off the game
Man, I really...really hope this is sarcasm.
Some moments are okay.
But I had a daily moment to hit a HR with Trout and I did that moment 10 times and had everything but perfect contact and all he did was fly out to the track on his best hit. I finally gave up and came back the next day to complete the next daily.
21 is a good game but it does have a lot of glitches that I believe will be fixed in due time. -
@t00muchham_xbl said in Moments are not fun when they aren't easily defeated.:
I love moments, and have actually been pretty happy with some of the rewards we earn. The logic, at times, is incredibly frustrating. I do not have a problem with tough challenges; 8 bases in 1 games, 2 XBH, 15 bases in x games etc. etc. -- but the logic is irritating. Needing to get a certain amount of hits and getting walked, needing to it home runs but your are going against Yu Darvish, who only throws ball.
The most frustrating experience I faced was the Dante Bichette -- 1 XBH 1 steal. I hit a homer run -- nailed the XBH. I then hit a single, I want to steal, but the batter is in a 3-2 count... they are swinging to protect, the AB ends with a walk. Hit another single, the batter is in an 0-2 count with 2 out -- the guy strikes out. W T F!?!?
This one is wrecking me. Can't steal when locked to save my life.
I can't stand moments, but most of them aren't that bad this year. Multi game moments can screw off however.
@thereverseflash_xbl said in Moments are not fun when they aren't easily defeated.:
@t00muchham_xbl said in Moments are not fun when they aren't easily defeated.:
I love moments, and have actually been pretty happy with some of the rewards we earn. The logic, at times, is incredibly frustrating. I do not have a problem with tough challenges; 8 bases in 1 games, 2 XBH, 15 bases in x games etc. etc. -- but the logic is irritating. Needing to get a certain amount of hits and getting walked, needing to it home runs but your are going against Yu Darvish, who only throws ball.
The most frustrating experience I faced was the Dante Bichette -- 1 XBH 1 steal. I hit a homer run -- nailed the XBH. I then hit a single, I want to steal, but the batter is in a 3-2 count... they are swinging to protect, the AB ends with a walk. Hit another single, the batter is in an 0-2 count with 2 out -- the guy strikes out. W T F!?!?
This one is wrecking me. Can't steal when locked to save my life.
My trick:
- Take your lead off right when they get into the stretch.
- From there, watch the pitchers back hip, it will tell you everything.
- As soon as that back hip rocks back, I'm gone.
@paneledcoyote86_xbl said in Moments are not fun when they aren't easily defeated.:
Agreed, if you fail say 5 times then you should be given the reward for persistence. Nobody gains from being so frustrated you turn off the game
I don’t want them to just give it to me, and I usually do them fairly quickly…but I hate when I need hits and I only get like 30% strikes or when they introduce the randomness of needing a HR and two more hits after that.
@bolen148382_xbl said in Moments are not fun when they aren't easily defeated.:
Some of the moments are ok but when you need 3 xbh or like with the evolution Kemp one of them is like what 16 hits in 4 games (might be 10 can’t remember) I mean that seems easy and it should be but Matt kemp can’t hit a lick let alone a ducking baseball
That was brutal. Kemp swings such a noodle. The McGriff one sucked too.
@mikerfofc_psn said in Moments are not fun when they aren't easily defeated.:
I like the moments and I do get frustrated with them, but I’ve also completed almost all of them in 6 weeks of 21 compared to 20 where I wanted to break controllers constantly and gave up on all the player programs that were hitters.
I like that you get the topps now packs that guarantee diamonds. I wasn’t grinding out the moments in 19 to get one pack that gave me a gold.