Gotta love the sophistication
@quinnymcquinn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@sportpimpin_xbl said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Didn't see a racial slur
Xenophobia Maybe? Obviously gay slurs? francophobic speech? Not really seeing racial
I don't see one either
@yankblan_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Of The Show players... notice the racial slurs...
First online game? If not "which everyone knows it isn't" then grow up and get thicker skin.
The real world doesn't come with safe spaces, stress cards or whatever the next fad will be.
Reaching with the "Show Players" as if
Either way just report these kids to the PSN mods and they can enjoy a nice little vacation. I turned messages off completely to not have to deal with this stuff anymore.
He must be in the 'Danger Zone'
So, how can you call someone out when you can't even correctly spell 'really' and 'Friendly'?
Nothing racist here Mr Blanchete.
@wargazsem-_mlbts said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@yankblan_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Of The Show players... notice the racial slurs...
First online game? If not "which everyone knows it isn't" then grow up and get thicker skin.
The real world doesn't come with safe spaces, stress cards or whatever the next fad will be.
Reaching with the "Show Players" as if
Are you saying this to me? I turn down a FQ, he then proceeds to call me a puss (ironic) and I need to grow up? You’re weird...
@raesone_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Either way just report these kids to the PSN mods and they can enjoy a nice little vacation. I turned messages off completely to not have to deal with this stuff anymore.
Meh, I had fun imagining him raging every time I sent a smug lol back.
@yankblan_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@raesone_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Either way just report these kids to the PSN mods and they can enjoy a nice little vacation. I turned messages off completely to not have to deal with this stuff anymore.
Meh, I had fun imagining him raging every time I sent a smug lol back.
Well yeah but you can do that along with reporting him. I used to enjoy enraging them further with witty remarks too, but I'd still report them.
The messages I used to get playing FIFA were so far beyond this. Turning off messages from non-friends was one of the best thing I ever did.
@formallyforearms said in Gotta love the sophistication:
The messages I used to get playing FIFA were so far beyond this. Turning off messages from non-friends was one of the best thing I ever did.
FIFA and Madden gotta be the worst lol
You millennials would still be locked in your closets shaking uncontrollably and drowning in your own tears if you had been around for Xbox 360 original modern warfare lobbies.
Fifa was bad, it made me turn my messages off from non-friends.
Rocket League is actually pretty bad.
Who am i kidding, and competitive game online where a mighty keyboard warrior can hide behind his profile is bad.
@snakeeyes187_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
You millennials would still be locked in your closets shaking uncontrollably and drowning in your own tears if you had been around for Xbox 360 original modern warfare lobbies.
Good times
I'll go back watch these on YT once every other year still some of the funniest stuff I have ever heard and guaranteed to make me laugh.
+1 for messages being off for non-friends.
I know Millenials are last decades "easy target" but just to be clear a large portion of millenials were around for and even before what you speak of -
@snakeeyes187_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
You millennials would still be locked in your closets shaking uncontrollably and drowning in your own tears if you had been around for Xbox 360 original modern warfare lobbies.
The youngest millennials are 25 man pretty sure we were all around for that
Sorry bud but definitely no racial slurs or epithets. Definitely see some homophobia and xenophobia but race clearly isn’t involved.
@snakeeyes187_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
You millennials would still be locked in your closets shaking uncontrollably and drowning in your own tears if you had been around for Xbox 360 original modern warfare lobbies.
COD4 released on November 5 2007, which is 13 years ago (14 in November). As others have mentioned, millennials are 25-40, which means that youngest millennials were probably the 12 year olds sending those types of messages.
Millennial has just become another word that fools love to throw around even though they have no idea what it actually means. It's also kind of ironic that the people that try to blame millennials for everything are also the ones that are "shaking uncontrollably" and "drowning in their own tears" anytime something like simple math is involved.
@pennstatefencer said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@snakeeyes187_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
You millennials would still be locked in your closets shaking uncontrollably and drowning in your own tears if you had been around for Xbox 360 original modern warfare lobbies.
COD4 released on November 5 2007, which is 13 years ago (14 in November). As others have mentioned, millennials are 25-40, which means that youngest millennials were probably the 12 year olds sending those types of messages.
Millennial has just become another word that fools love to throw around even though they have no idea what it actually means. It's also kind of ironic that the people that try to blame millennials for everything are also the ones that are "shaking uncontrollably" and "drowning in their own tears" anytime something like simple math is involved.
Uhh, you defend the term millennial yet don’t ask why they have been generalized and stereotyped. All I need to say on this is, you don’t see other generations acting like spoiled brats as much as that particular generation has done. I’m not going to get into politics but those making news generally speaking aren’t adults 40+ years of age and younger than 25 years old. And this is a generalization!!! It’s a big picture statement not a statement about outliers. I’m not going to argue politics so if you respond, please respond apolitically please.
@killerpresence4 said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@pennstatefencer said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@snakeeyes187_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
You millennials would still be locked in your closets shaking uncontrollably and drowning in your own tears if you had been around for Xbox 360 original modern warfare lobbies.
COD4 released on November 5 2007, which is 13 years ago (14 in November). As others have mentioned, millennials are 25-40, which means that youngest millennials were probably the 12 year olds sending those types of messages.
Millennial has just become another word that fools love to throw around even though they have no idea what it actually means. It's also kind of ironic that the people that try to blame millennials for everything are also the ones that are "shaking uncontrollably" and "drowning in their own tears" anytime something like simple math is involved.
Uhh, you defend the term millennial yet don’t ask why they have been generalized and stereotyped. All I need to say on this is, you don’t see other generations acting like spoiled brats as much as that particular generation has done. I’m not going to get into politics but those making news generally speaking aren’t adults 40+ years of age and younger than 25 years old. And this is a generalization!!! It’s a big picture statement not a statement about outliers. I’m not going to argue politics so if you respond, please respond apolitically please.
I actually didn't defend millennials. I said fools throw that word around when they have no idea what it actually means. They hear it once or twice and then regurgitate it over and over because they can't think for themselves.
There are spoiled brats/idiots in every age bracket. How many 40+ year old Karens and Kevins have been immortalized in videos throwing a hissy fit over something stupid like wearing a mask?