MLB The Show 21 Survey
Did anyone else get the email asking them to complete a survey for MLB The Show 21? I just received the email and took the survey. Took about 10-15 minutes. Hopefully they use the info to improve next year’s game.
Yea and it was pretty much the same questions worded differently
I'll pass on this one. Maybe if they would take 10-15 min to talk to us about the state of the game, I would be in but they are the worst devs of any game I've ever played. And I own Cyberpunk 2077 and Anthem. That's saying alot
@easyduhzit_mlbts said in MLB The Show 21 Survey:
Yea and it was pretty much the same questions worded differently
Yeah it was. The questions with the scale of “not at all important” to “extremely important” asked you the same questions three or four times each.
Do you think your online opponent should be able to make contact with pitches thrown in the dirt?
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree -