What's a good pitch for a left handed pitcher to get righties out?
Vs. CPU change all day. Against people Inside slider is great but if you hang it it’s the easiest pitch in the game to Crush. Personally I think a cutter with might be the best. Swings and misses + Jam shots. Personally I wish the splitter was better. If you like to live outside, screwball and sinker
Slider inside gets people leaning
A nasty slider mixed with an inside fastball is really tough coming from a left-hander.
There isnt one. its all of them. depends totally on the hitter and pitcher.
A slider that bends inside, mixed with a fastball on the inside part of the plate, is a really tough combination to hit. It's hard for a right-handed hitter to tell if it's a slider that's going to end up a ball or a fastball that hits the black. This worked for me with guys like Kershaw in the event.
Either a circle change low and outside or a back foot slider
Anything if you throw it right. Depends on what story you’re trying to tell. I’d definitely add a 4 seam fastball to that repertoire and probably change to change to circular change but it really is all preference.
Trying to backdoor a cutter is a real good way to give up a lot of HRs. I wouldn't go to the well too often there.
Maybe a 2-seam fastball? A good one on the outside corner can start in the zone and drift out of the zone and down a little.
As we all know..really depends on how the AI decides to animate the results. That's the case with any pitch of course.
The best pitch...is when the AI has decided someone with an 3-digit fastball is unhittable. You can plant the PCI right up there and wait on that fast ball. Time your swing however and you get the canned "very late" result. Now, of course, that has exceptions. When the AI has decided your opponent needs some help, said opponent will hit that 3-digit fastball w/o even trying hard.
So, to answer your question.....none of it matters a whole lot.
High tight sinker in the black