Camera Switching Randomly
I have my camera in RTTS, Exhibition, Practice, Franchise on Strike Zone. Whenever I enter a DD game (other than moments) my camera switches to fish eye and really messes up my batting and there is no way to switch cameras in DD. Does anybody know how to fix this?
I've switched my camera in DD to strike zone for pitching. I can't imagine there's not a way to switch it for hitting.
@silverbullet3519 said in Camera Switching Randomly:
I've switched my camera in DD to strike zone for pitching. I can't imagine there's not a way to switch it for hitting.
How did you switch the camera in DD?
you can switch in gameplay options I think during the game
Yeah I don't know if you can do it in the main DD menus but you should be able to do it in game under Gameplay Options like the poster above me mentioned. I noticed that when I made my PCI disappear in one game (don't remember the mode) it was back the next day, but I changed the view I use to pitch and it has stayed that way. So not sure if some things require you to change every time or what the deal is. Could be I just didn't save my settings properly or something.
@silverbullet3519 said in Camera Switching Randomly:
Yeah I don't know if you can do it in the main DD menus but you should be able to do it in game under Gameplay Options like the poster above me mentioned. I noticed that when I made my PCI disappear in one game (don't remember the mode) it was back the next day, but I changed the view I use to pitch and it has stayed that way. So not sure if some things require you to change every time or what the deal is. Could be I just didn't save my settings properly or something.
You can change in DD main settings and then set as default by selecting icon with 3 circles on it.
Every at bay I have, my view changes. I don’t quite know how to fix it. Like one time it will be strike zone, next it will be strike zone 3, then 2, it’s throwing me off. Help?