SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
Now wait a minute here, "a batter needs to have a way to slow down a pitcher" ??? A batter has absolutely no control over when a pitcher is to pitch.
R2 should not be allowed to stop anything, if you want time, call time, that is real baseball. R2 should still be able to display info, but not stop the pitchers meter.
In principle, I agree with you, but there are people who pitch as fast as they can, and there absolutely needs to be a mechanism to neutralize that.
You are allowed to have your opinion, but I disagree. If they want to pitch as fast as possible, so what, doesn't bother me.
Well, it’s not all about you.
Nor is it all about you. So fact is you can't make every one happy.
True, you can’t. However, what you’re suggesting puts one side at a distinct disadvantage. Why should one player get to dictate the pace of the game?
Because in baseball the pitcher does dictate the pace, allowing R2 to stop the play is not the solution. Some pitchers like to work fast, see Wade Miley for example, many others don't. In real life it's best to work at different paces to keep the batter uneasy. But no matter how you slice it, in real baseball pace is dictated by pitcher. All a batter can do is call for time, that is also in the game. Balks on, help elevate some of the issues about coming set, but if the batter is in the box, it is no longer his control and to expect the pitcher to throw when he is ready is unrealistic. Baseball is a game of adjustments, when I play people online, I know I need to adjust to how I am going to be pitched. Just as I know my opponent will steal a lot, hit and run a lot, bunt a lot, way more than playing the CPU.
Except for the fact that the batter can only call time once in an at-bat. The problem with people that pitch so fast is that with most pitchers, it creates completely unrealistic movement. How is this so hard to understand?
The batter may be able to call time once but he can step his foot outside the box at any time during the at bat before the pitcher becomes set, or before they start their wind up.
Just watch a little league game. The kids step out every pitch and look over at the coach for a sign.
I’m talking about in the game, not real life.
The game is simulated based on the real life sport... the kids look over at the coach because the coach tells them what pitch to expect. People use r2 to give themselves time to think about what’s coming next. I use it and analyze the previous pitches and by the 4th or 5th pitch of an at bat I can usually smash a good good perfect perfect just by guessing which pitch your going to throw next let alone the location,
Anyone whining about r2 use is literally just upset they can’t quick pitch you and give you no time to catch on to what pitches you’re throwing most often and which locations you frequent with each pitch. Not just from at bat to at bat but literally within each at bat.
It’s part of real life baseball so it’s part of the game. If you don’t like it go play backyard baseball lol
What are you even talking about? There are plenty of people who just spam it to disrupt the pitcher. That has nothing to do with real baseball.
If I’m playing baseball and you’re fast pitching me I will step out of the box between every pitch and take some practice swings. Readjust my gloves and elbow guard etc. real baseball the batter can slow the pitcher down in many ways. He just can’t slow the game down to the point it’s boring as hell for the crowd and the game drags on 5 hours.
You realize a real baseball game takes an average of over 3 hours, and your bitching about having to play a game for 30-45 minutes because the other guy doesn’t want to be fast pitched all night. Get out of here and stop being a baby.
Dude, what are you talking about? You’re trying to argue with me and you don’t even seem to understand my stance.
I understand perfectly fine. You’re upset people prevent you from quick pitching and spam the r2 button at random [censored] times. But you don’t seem to understand it’s the exact equivalent of the batter stepping out of the box taking practice swings between every single pitch. These players are intentionally throwing off your rhythm to improve their own chances at winning the game and you’re upset over it but can’t understand how much of a baby it makes you. You’re literally just upset you can’t rush through the game and someone else is enjoying it how they want to play. Sad
Except I’ve been making the exact opposite argument. Idiot.
Then you’re arguing with yourself over nothing. You say I don’t understand so I explain the opposite side to my argument and then you say you’re arguing the exact opposite which would mean you’re arguing my side. So you don’t understand? Or I don’t understand? I’m starting to think you don’t.
If you’re not upset that people are slowing down your fast pitching or disrupting your rhythm with the r2 button then you have no reason to want the r2 mechanic gone. So no I don’t understand what exactly is your grievance here if you’re not upset by anything the r2 mechanic causes
Jesus Christ, you’re stupid. You need to go back and read what I’ve actually said. You appear to be confounding what I’ve said with someone else.
Lol you’re talking about how it’s not real life it’s a game so the pitcher should be able to just blow pitches up there whenever he want.
You’re upset that when you start your pitch timer I can still press r2 and pause it.
But the reality is your pitcher is not in his wind up so it’s just like me calling time out between every pitch.
In real baseball 99% of the time the ump allows it so in game it is allowed. R2 is not the broken mechanic.The broken mechanic is the pitching meter. If I press r2 your whole pitch should reset. You guys are attacking the wrong mechanic because it’s one you don’t use or fully understand. But I’m the ignorant one. Go fogure
I never said that. Once again, go back and read what I’ve said.
Look at the end of the day r2 isn’t broken. Pitching is. If you disagree it’s because you’re quick pitching and don’t like that people can slow your game down. Plain and simple. Whether you agree or disagree I don’t care.
Some of us might be talking about the integrity of competing rather than personal gameplay styles. I don't quick pitch (although I do use slidestep sometimes with a quick runner at first) and I don't like R2. It's possible to embody that combination. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
@killerpresence4 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@dbarmonstar_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@dbarmonstar_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@spc_garza_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@spc_garza_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
Allow only One Press of R2 PER AT Pitch at 3 seconds your choice.
This will satisfy both sides....
Side One (Your not going to quick pitch me clan) They can slow down the at bat by 3 seconds whatever you choose.
Side Two (messing with my PPP or other pitching clan) once they see that they pressed R2 they know it can’t happen again that at bat so they don’t have to worry.
Implement One time use of R2 per at bat
That’s like telling the batter in a real baseball game he can only step out of the box or take one practice swing per at bat. It’s so amazing how many people don’t watch real baseball and understand that the batter dictates the pace of the game not the pitcher. It’s why they readjust their elbow guards and gloves every few pitches or step out and take practice cuts.
The average baseball game lasts 3+ hours and people are upset they’re having to play a video game based on the real thing for more than 10 minutes, or because the other player is disrupting their rhythm to create their own lol
You are obviously devoid of any intelligence if you believe the batter dictates the pace of the game.
Here another thing, you never hear anyone talk about how long it took a hitter to get in the box or how fast a hitter worked or how slow a hitter worked or the avg game of this x hitter takes 4 hours. When X pitcher is starting the avg game time is xxx.You know when you go to a game the avg game takes 3 hours but if a certain pitcher is starting you can expect the game to go this amount of time. That is never talked about with hitters.
Dude we are saying the same thing. Why do you keep mentioning my post. The point I’m making is that the batter has little to do with the pace of play. What a batter does pre pitch is at his own risk. He does not get a mandated amount of time to readjust his gloves, cup, shin or elbow guards. When he steps in the box, by rule he must remain in the box or accept the results of any pitch made while he is out of the box without the explicit permission of the home plate umpire.
Yes but between every single pitch he can take as long as he wants up to the umpires discretion to take practice swings adjust his gloves etc. but in all reality just stop and think about what pitches he’s seeing in a given at bat. You even see the best players do it more often against better pitchers. literally the function of the r2 button. Only difference is I can’t make my player step out of the box between pitches without calling timeout.
But this isn’t calling time out either. So would you rather me be allowed to call timeout before every single pitch to take my “practice” cuts gather my breath and think about which pitches I’m seeing? Or would you prefer to keep the r2 mechanic availability between every pitch but just maybe a time cap to it like 3-5 seconds.
It’s just amazing how people can’t understand that if a pitcher is blowing through the game the manager will intentionally have his players disrupt the pace. It happens all the time in games.
I agree with that,
The R2 is not meant to be use to mess up the pitchers timing, It is meant to see previous pitch locations, pitchers stamina and other information. It not a big problem for me cause I use meter it is annoying and it is annoying I can not step off the mound as much as my opponent can push or hold R2, The players in my experience that use it for an exploit just push it when the pitcher is in the windup. No batter's are not calling time and stepping out of the box on every pitch to mess with timing in real life baseball, after the pitch yes, before the pitch yes but not when the pitcher is in the windup. Players in my experience that use R2 in this way can not hit and using R2 in this way does not make them a better hitter, Using it to slow down someone QP is different then someone pushing R2 you can not pitch, that is what happens with Meter. I select my pitch but then I can not pitch the ball this is with QP and not QP pitching, All they really need to do in implement a delay in selecting the pitch and after that R2 can not be used.or just let me step off the mound as much as I want just like the hitter can hold or push R2 as they want. The best counter to R2 would be me being able to step off the mound.
Bingo. Don’t punish the batter. Give the pitcher the same option to step off and disrupt the batter.
All these people are just upset they can’t blow through every game in 10 minutes and get to their reward card for that week or whatever. I don’t like how you fast pitch me, you don’t like how I disrupt you. The feelings mutual. But you only see one side crying about it lol
It’s like let’s ruin the game for everyone just because a few people get in matches where horrible hitters just spam r2 to make them annoyed and hopefully quit.... you wouldn’t run into so many players like that if you weren’t playing 20-30 games a day lol
Are you new to this game? Pitchers can step off and hitters can call time in the game.
Pitchers can only step off 3 times in an inning that is it.
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cbpm72_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cmalz89_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cbpm72_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cmalz89_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
As a pitcher......holding R2 only disrupts quick pitchers. By default, I usually take a second before starting my next pitch, and by the time I'm ready, the little icon has already disappeared. I don't think it should be allowed every pitch, but for now it is, so adapt. Keep in mind, I have played opponents who use it a lot and probably with bad intentions, but I have not played an opponent that I would say "abuses" it.
As a hitter......if you want to quick pitch to throw me off my best game, then I will hold R2 to throw you off yours. Exploiting each other's weaknesses.....sounds like competition to me. I use it for information 90% of the time....especially when there's a new pitcher. But I also use it to slow people down....never with the intent to mess up timing on an individual pitch.
Exactly. Glad someone gets it. It’s just like real baseball but it’s a video game and this is the best way they could figure out how to make both sides happy.
Except that R2 is being used as a weapon against... pitching. Which is a required element of gameplay. Using R2 in this weaponised context is optional and the pitcher has no equivalent because the pitcher has to pitch. The pitcher has to pitch and being f-ed with by a game feature that's being used in an unsportsmanlike way doesn't sound like 'exploiting each other's weaknesses' but more like the one-sided exploit it actually is.
Not sure where you guys are it in this debate....and forgive me for not reading the previous 50 posts on this thread.
I would consider the unrealistic quick pitching as an exploit against hitters. At least, for me it is. I am far from pro at this game, and I would like more than 0.4 seconds in-between pitches to get my thoughts and finger placement together. So, if I face a guy who likes to throw 5 pitches in 12 seconds. Then I will use what tool are at my disposal. I don't abuse R2 anymore than my opponent repeatedly balks. I can only call time once, if it even lets me at all (which is also unrealistic).
I understand both sides of the argument here, so I wont go back and forth with anyone. If you excel when quick pitching, then I understand your gripe.....but understand mine when you balk 30 times a game.
The problem is you can press r2 mid meter and freeze them and make them throw bad pitches. So they’re mad at the r2 mechanic when the reality is they need to be mad at the pitching meters, and a mechanic that allows the meter to restart when r2 is pressed should be implemented into the game. But since r2 makes the game harder or less fun for them they just want it totally taken out of the game screw the other side that doesn’t play like them.
Right, be mad at the pitching meters which are just passive executors of game code, but not be mad at an actual human spamming a button against its actual purpose in order to achieve some sort of advantage which falls outside the bounds of simulating baseball gameplay. Sure.
You throwing 9 pitches in 12 seconds is the exact same spam coming from the opposite side. The only difference is it doesn’t lock the batter up into bad swings.
Both sides are spamming things to their advantage. And the only way to make it fair is if I press r2 your pitcher gets a reset. The r2 mechanic can only exploit the pitching mechanic because the pitching mechanic is the broken one. If they fix the pitching mechanic they fix the r2 mechanic. If they take r2 out the pitching is still broken and batters will just find a new way to slow things down. It’s not rocket science.
Or like I been saying just allow me to step off as much as I want.
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
Now wait a minute here, "a batter needs to have a way to slow down a pitcher" ??? A batter has absolutely no control over when a pitcher is to pitch.
R2 should not be allowed to stop anything, if you want time, call time, that is real baseball. R2 should still be able to display info, but not stop the pitchers meter.
In principle, I agree with you, but there are people who pitch as fast as they can, and there absolutely needs to be a mechanism to neutralize that.
You are allowed to have your opinion, but I disagree. If they want to pitch as fast as possible, so what, doesn't bother me.
Well, it’s not all about you.
Nor is it all about you. So fact is you can't make every one happy.
True, you can’t. However, what you’re suggesting puts one side at a distinct disadvantage. Why should one player get to dictate the pace of the game?
Because in baseball the pitcher does dictate the pace, allowing R2 to stop the play is not the solution. Some pitchers like to work fast, see Wade Miley for example, many others don't. In real life it's best to work at different paces to keep the batter uneasy. But no matter how you slice it, in real baseball pace is dictated by pitcher. All a batter can do is call for time, that is also in the game. Balks on, help elevate some of the issues about coming set, but if the batter is in the box, it is no longer his control and to expect the pitcher to throw when he is ready is unrealistic. Baseball is a game of adjustments, when I play people online, I know I need to adjust to how I am going to be pitched. Just as I know my opponent will steal a lot, hit and run a lot, bunt a lot, way more than playing the CPU.
Except for the fact that the batter can only call time once in an at-bat. The problem with people that pitch so fast is that with most pitchers, it creates completely unrealistic movement. How is this so hard to understand?
The batter may be able to call time once but he can step his foot outside the box at any time during the at bat before the pitcher becomes set, or before they start their wind up.
Just watch a little league game. The kids step out every pitch and look over at the coach for a sign.
I’m talking about in the game, not real life.
The game is simulated based on the real life sport... the kids look over at the coach because the coach tells them what pitch to expect. People use r2 to give themselves time to think about what’s coming next. I use it and analyze the previous pitches and by the 4th or 5th pitch of an at bat I can usually smash a good good perfect perfect just by guessing which pitch your going to throw next let alone the location,
Anyone whining about r2 use is literally just upset they can’t quick pitch you and give you no time to catch on to what pitches you’re throwing most often and which locations you frequent with each pitch. Not just from at bat to at bat but literally within each at bat.
It’s part of real life baseball so it’s part of the game. If you don’t like it go play backyard baseball lol
What are you even talking about? There are plenty of people who just spam it to disrupt the pitcher. That has nothing to do with real baseball.
If I’m playing baseball and you’re fast pitching me I will step out of the box between every pitch and take some practice swings. Readjust my gloves and elbow guard etc. real baseball the batter can slow the pitcher down in many ways. He just can’t slow the game down to the point it’s boring as hell for the crowd and the game drags on 5 hours.
You realize a real baseball game takes an average of over 3 hours, and your bitching about having to play a game for 30-45 minutes because the other guy doesn’t want to be fast pitched all night. Get out of here and stop being a baby.
Dude, what are you talking about? You’re trying to argue with me and you don’t even seem to understand my stance.
I understand perfectly fine. You’re upset people prevent you from quick pitching and spam the r2 button at random [censored] times. But you don’t seem to understand it’s the exact equivalent of the batter stepping out of the box taking practice swings between every single pitch. These players are intentionally throwing off your rhythm to improve their own chances at winning the game and you’re upset over it but can’t understand how much of a baby it makes you. You’re literally just upset you can’t rush through the game and someone else is enjoying it how they want to play. Sad
Except I’ve been making the exact opposite argument. Idiot.
Then you’re arguing with yourself over nothing. You say I don’t understand so I explain the opposite side to my argument and then you say you’re arguing the exact opposite which would mean you’re arguing my side. So you don’t understand? Or I don’t understand? I’m starting to think you don’t.
If you’re not upset that people are slowing down your fast pitching or disrupting your rhythm with the r2 button then you have no reason to want the r2 mechanic gone. So no I don’t understand what exactly is your grievance here if you’re not upset by anything the r2 mechanic causes
Jesus Christ, you’re stupid. You need to go back and read what I’ve actually said. You appear to be confounding what I’ve said with someone else.
Lol you’re talking about how it’s not real life it’s a game so the pitcher should be able to just blow pitches up there whenever he want.
You’re upset that when you start your pitch timer I can still press r2 and pause it.
But the reality is your pitcher is not in his wind up so it’s just like me calling time out between every pitch.
In real baseball 99% of the time the ump allows it so in game it is allowed. R2 is not the broken mechanic.The broken mechanic is the pitching meter. If I press r2 your whole pitch should reset. You guys are attacking the wrong mechanic because it’s one you don’t use or fully understand. But I’m the ignorant one. Go fogure
I never said that. Once again, go back and read what I’ve said.
Look at the end of the day r2 isn’t broken. Pitching is. If you disagree it’s because you’re quick pitching and don’t like that people can slow your game down. Plain and simple. Whether you agree or disagree I don’t care. But if you think r2 is the broken mechanic youre not understanding it’s purpose in the game is to allow the batter to stop and think between pitches like in a real game. This is a baseball simulation. They did their best to allow the batter his time without having all these crazy mechanics like calling time or stepping one foot out or this or that. Your batter stays in the box the whole at bat unless you get lucky and can even call time. R2 is my practice swing between at bats. In 99.99999 of scenarios there batter is given that time. And when he’s not he can step back in and take a crazy cut if he chooses but in game I cannot do that. It’s a video game not everything can be exactly the way real life is. So if me pressing r2 disrupts your pitching then that means the pitching mechanic is broken. Not r2. Quit blaming a mechanic that works the way intended, all because it exploits a broken mechanic in the pitching and start asking sds why they haven’t fixed the broken pitching mechanic caused by r2 instead.
If I press r2 your pitcher should reset from the start of the pitch plain and simple. Eventually r2 pressers will get tired of it and quick pitchers will stop trying to pitch so fast. Or we can mess with the r2 mechanic and just make every game a 12 second 9 pitch inning because I can’t even take a breath between each pitch.
You’re still ignoring the fact that I was arguing against quick pitching. [censored] you, dude. Your bad faith argument based on nothing I’ve actually said is ridiculous.
You’re arguing against quick pitching but somehow are giving every single reason for why it should be allowed while advocating that the batter in real life has absolutely no way whatsoever to prevent or slow it down, and even stated that since it’s a video game we shouldn’t look to real life baseball for answers. So if quick pitching is not cool r2 should make sense to you but your continuously making 1 off comparisons like they’re the norm in baseball. The reality is I as a batter given the opportunity by the umpire can dictate the pace of the game and your pitching. So sds with that knowledge put a mechanic in the game that is the in game equivalent of me stepping out of the box or calling time between each pitch without actually having to pause the game every single pitch....
You say disrupting the pitcher has nothing to do with real baseball, but what is calling time between pitches or stepping out of the box? R2 only disrupts a pitcher who’s spamming his own broken mechanic. No one throws a pitch every two seconds.
So enlighten me oh mighty enlightener since you’re so smart, what’s your fix to the game if quick pitching is the problem and r2 isn’t a broken mechanic. Because you’re making absolutely no sense just seem to be arguing both sides and don’t even realize it.
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
Now wait a minute here, "a batter needs to have a way to slow down a pitcher" ??? A batter has absolutely no control over when a pitcher is to pitch.
R2 should not be allowed to stop anything, if you want time, call time, that is real baseball. R2 should still be able to display info, but not stop the pitchers meter.
In principle, I agree with you, but there are people who pitch as fast as they can, and there absolutely needs to be a mechanism to neutralize that.
You are allowed to have your opinion, but I disagree. If they want to pitch as fast as possible, so what, doesn't bother me.
Well, it’s not all about you.
Nor is it all about you. So fact is you can't make every one happy.
True, you can’t. However, what you’re suggesting puts one side at a distinct disadvantage. Why should one player get to dictate the pace of the game?
Because in baseball the pitcher does dictate the pace, allowing R2 to stop the play is not the solution. Some pitchers like to work fast, see Wade Miley for example, many others don't. In real life it's best to work at different paces to keep the batter uneasy. But no matter how you slice it, in real baseball pace is dictated by pitcher. All a batter can do is call for time, that is also in the game. Balks on, help elevate some of the issues about coming set, but if the batter is in the box, it is no longer his control and to expect the pitcher to throw when he is ready is unrealistic. Baseball is a game of adjustments, when I play people online, I know I need to adjust to how I am going to be pitched. Just as I know my opponent will steal a lot, hit and run a lot, bunt a lot, way more than playing the CPU.
Except for the fact that the batter can only call time once in an at-bat. The problem with people that pitch so fast is that with most pitchers, it creates completely unrealistic movement. How is this so hard to understand?
The batter may be able to call time once but he can step his foot outside the box at any time during the at bat before the pitcher becomes set, or before they start their wind up.
Just watch a little league game. The kids step out every pitch and look over at the coach for a sign.
I’m talking about in the game, not real life.
The game is simulated based on the real life sport... the kids look over at the coach because the coach tells them what pitch to expect. People use r2 to give themselves time to think about what’s coming next. I use it and analyze the previous pitches and by the 4th or 5th pitch of an at bat I can usually smash a good good perfect perfect just by guessing which pitch your going to throw next let alone the location,
Anyone whining about r2 use is literally just upset they can’t quick pitch you and give you no time to catch on to what pitches you’re throwing most often and which locations you frequent with each pitch. Not just from at bat to at bat but literally within each at bat.
It’s part of real life baseball so it’s part of the game. If you don’t like it go play backyard baseball lol
What are you even talking about? There are plenty of people who just spam it to disrupt the pitcher. That has nothing to do with real baseball.
If I’m playing baseball and you’re fast pitching me I will step out of the box between every pitch and take some practice swings. Readjust my gloves and elbow guard etc. real baseball the batter can slow the pitcher down in many ways. He just can’t slow the game down to the point it’s boring as hell for the crowd and the game drags on 5 hours.
You realize a real baseball game takes an average of over 3 hours, and your bitching about having to play a game for 30-45 minutes because the other guy doesn’t want to be fast pitched all night. Get out of here and stop being a baby.
Dude, what are you talking about? You’re trying to argue with me and you don’t even seem to understand my stance.
I understand perfectly fine. You’re upset people prevent you from quick pitching and spam the r2 button at random [censored] times. But you don’t seem to understand it’s the exact equivalent of the batter stepping out of the box taking practice swings between every single pitch. These players are intentionally throwing off your rhythm to improve their own chances at winning the game and you’re upset over it but can’t understand how much of a baby it makes you. You’re literally just upset you can’t rush through the game and someone else is enjoying it how they want to play. Sad
Except I’ve been making the exact opposite argument. Idiot.
Then you’re arguing with yourself over nothing. You say I don’t understand so I explain the opposite side to my argument and then you say you’re arguing the exact opposite which would mean you’re arguing my side. So you don’t understand? Or I don’t understand? I’m starting to think you don’t.
If you’re not upset that people are slowing down your fast pitching or disrupting your rhythm with the r2 button then you have no reason to want the r2 mechanic gone. So no I don’t understand what exactly is your grievance here if you’re not upset by anything the r2 mechanic causes
Jesus Christ, you’re stupid. You need to go back and read what I’ve actually said. You appear to be confounding what I’ve said with someone else.
Lol you’re talking about how it’s not real life it’s a game so the pitcher should be able to just blow pitches up there whenever he want.
You’re upset that when you start your pitch timer I can still press r2 and pause it.
But the reality is your pitcher is not in his wind up so it’s just like me calling time out between every pitch.
In real baseball 99% of the time the ump allows it so in game it is allowed. R2 is not the broken mechanic.The broken mechanic is the pitching meter. If I press r2 your whole pitch should reset. You guys are attacking the wrong mechanic because it’s one you don’t use or fully understand. But I’m the ignorant one. Go fogure
I never said that. Once again, go back and read what I’ve said.
Look at the end of the day r2 isn’t broken. Pitching is. If you disagree it’s because you’re quick pitching and don’t like that people can slow your game down. Plain and simple. Whether you agree or disagree I don’t care. But if you think r2 is the broken mechanic youre not understanding it’s purpose in the game is to allow the batter to stop and think between pitches like in a real game. This is a baseball simulation. They did their best to allow the batter his time without having all these crazy mechanics like calling time or stepping one foot out or this or that. Your batter stays in the box the whole at bat unless you get lucky and can even call time. R2 is my practice swing between at bats. In 99.99999 of scenarios there batter is given that time. And when he’s not he can step back in and take a crazy cut if he chooses but in game I cannot do that. It’s a video game not everything can be exactly the way real life is. So if me pressing r2 disrupts your pitching then that means the pitching mechanic is broken. Not r2. Quit blaming a mechanic that works the way intended, all because it exploits a broken mechanic in the pitching and start asking sds why they haven’t fixed the broken pitching mechanic caused by r2 instead.
If I press r2 your pitcher should reset from the start of the pitch plain and simple. Eventually r2 pressers will get tired of it and quick pitchers will stop trying to pitch so fast. Or we can mess with the r2 mechanic and just make every game a 12 second 9 pitch inning because I can’t even take a breath between each pitch.
I’m tired of this stupid inane argument. If you can’t see r2 spamming as a real problem in this game then you are the problem. Plain and simple so stfu and go be toxic. It’s obvious that nothing we say will change your mind about that toxic cheesy r2 bs.
@dbarmonstar_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cbpm72_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cmalz89_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cbpm72_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cmalz89_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
As a pitcher......holding R2 only disrupts quick pitchers. By default, I usually take a second before starting my next pitch, and by the time I'm ready, the little icon has already disappeared. I don't think it should be allowed every pitch, but for now it is, so adapt. Keep in mind, I have played opponents who use it a lot and probably with bad intentions, but I have not played an opponent that I would say "abuses" it.
As a hitter......if you want to quick pitch to throw me off my best game, then I will hold R2 to throw you off yours. Exploiting each other's weaknesses.....sounds like competition to me. I use it for information 90% of the time....especially when there's a new pitcher. But I also use it to slow people down....never with the intent to mess up timing on an individual pitch.
Exactly. Glad someone gets it. It’s just like real baseball but it’s a video game and this is the best way they could figure out how to make both sides happy.
Except that R2 is being used as a weapon against... pitching. Which is a required element of gameplay. Using R2 in this weaponised context is optional and the pitcher has no equivalent because the pitcher has to pitch. The pitcher has to pitch and being f-ed with by a game feature that's being used in an unsportsmanlike way doesn't sound like 'exploiting each other's weaknesses' but more like the one-sided exploit it actually is.
Not sure where you guys are it in this debate....and forgive me for not reading the previous 50 posts on this thread.
I would consider the unrealistic quick pitching as an exploit against hitters. At least, for me it is. I am far from pro at this game, and I would like more than 0.4 seconds in-between pitches to get my thoughts and finger placement together. So, if I face a guy who likes to throw 5 pitches in 12 seconds. Then I will use what tool are at my disposal. I don't abuse R2 anymore than my opponent repeatedly balks. I can only call time once, if it even lets me at all (which is also unrealistic).
I understand both sides of the argument here, so I wont go back and forth with anyone. If you excel when quick pitching, then I understand your gripe.....but understand mine when you balk 30 times a game.
The problem is you can press r2 mid meter and freeze them and make them throw bad pitches. So they’re mad at the r2 mechanic when the reality is they need to be mad at the pitching meters, and a mechanic that allows the meter to restart when r2 is pressed should be implemented into the game. But since r2 makes the game harder or less fun for them they just want it totally taken out of the game screw the other side that doesn’t play like them.
Right, be mad at the pitching meters which are just passive executors of game code, but not be mad at an actual human spamming a button against its actual purpose in order to achieve some sort of advantage which falls outside the bounds of simulating baseball gameplay. Sure.
You throwing 9 pitches in 12 seconds is the exact same spam coming from the opposite side. The only difference is it doesn’t lock the batter up into bad swings.
Both sides are spamming things to their advantage. And the only way to make it fair is if I press r2 your pitcher gets a reset. The r2 mechanic can only exploit the pitching mechanic because the pitching mechanic is the broken one. If they fix the pitching mechanic they fix the r2 mechanic. If they take r2 out the pitching is still broken and batters will just find a new way to slow things down. It’s not rocket science.
Or like I been saying just allow me to step off as much as I want.
Stepping off is a reset with more time wasted on player animations. But if you wanna step off and waste 4 seconds of a player walking around on screen instead of just getting a reset meter whatever floats your boat man.
@killerpresence4 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
Now wait a minute here, "a batter needs to have a way to slow down a pitcher" ??? A batter has absolutely no control over when a pitcher is to pitch.
R2 should not be allowed to stop anything, if you want time, call time, that is real baseball. R2 should still be able to display info, but not stop the pitchers meter.
In principle, I agree with you, but there are people who pitch as fast as they can, and there absolutely needs to be a mechanism to neutralize that.
You are allowed to have your opinion, but I disagree. If they want to pitch as fast as possible, so what, doesn't bother me.
Well, it’s not all about you.
Nor is it all about you. So fact is you can't make every one happy.
True, you can’t. However, what you’re suggesting puts one side at a distinct disadvantage. Why should one player get to dictate the pace of the game?
Because in baseball the pitcher does dictate the pace, allowing R2 to stop the play is not the solution. Some pitchers like to work fast, see Wade Miley for example, many others don't. In real life it's best to work at different paces to keep the batter uneasy. But no matter how you slice it, in real baseball pace is dictated by pitcher. All a batter can do is call for time, that is also in the game. Balks on, help elevate some of the issues about coming set, but if the batter is in the box, it is no longer his control and to expect the pitcher to throw when he is ready is unrealistic. Baseball is a game of adjustments, when I play people online, I know I need to adjust to how I am going to be pitched. Just as I know my opponent will steal a lot, hit and run a lot, bunt a lot, way more than playing the CPU.
Except for the fact that the batter can only call time once in an at-bat. The problem with people that pitch so fast is that with most pitchers, it creates completely unrealistic movement. How is this so hard to understand?
The batter may be able to call time once but he can step his foot outside the box at any time during the at bat before the pitcher becomes set, or before they start their wind up.
Just watch a little league game. The kids step out every pitch and look over at the coach for a sign.
I’m talking about in the game, not real life.
The game is simulated based on the real life sport... the kids look over at the coach because the coach tells them what pitch to expect. People use r2 to give themselves time to think about what’s coming next. I use it and analyze the previous pitches and by the 4th or 5th pitch of an at bat I can usually smash a good good perfect perfect just by guessing which pitch your going to throw next let alone the location,
Anyone whining about r2 use is literally just upset they can’t quick pitch you and give you no time to catch on to what pitches you’re throwing most often and which locations you frequent with each pitch. Not just from at bat to at bat but literally within each at bat.
It’s part of real life baseball so it’s part of the game. If you don’t like it go play backyard baseball lol
What are you even talking about? There are plenty of people who just spam it to disrupt the pitcher. That has nothing to do with real baseball.
If I’m playing baseball and you’re fast pitching me I will step out of the box between every pitch and take some practice swings. Readjust my gloves and elbow guard etc. real baseball the batter can slow the pitcher down in many ways. He just can’t slow the game down to the point it’s boring as hell for the crowd and the game drags on 5 hours.
You realize a real baseball game takes an average of over 3 hours, and your bitching about having to play a game for 30-45 minutes because the other guy doesn’t want to be fast pitched all night. Get out of here and stop being a baby.
Dude, what are you talking about? You’re trying to argue with me and you don’t even seem to understand my stance.
I understand perfectly fine. You’re upset people prevent you from quick pitching and spam the r2 button at random [censored] times. But you don’t seem to understand it’s the exact equivalent of the batter stepping out of the box taking practice swings between every single pitch. These players are intentionally throwing off your rhythm to improve their own chances at winning the game and you’re upset over it but can’t understand how much of a baby it makes you. You’re literally just upset you can’t rush through the game and someone else is enjoying it how they want to play. Sad
Except I’ve been making the exact opposite argument. Idiot.
Then you’re arguing with yourself over nothing. You say I don’t understand so I explain the opposite side to my argument and then you say you’re arguing the exact opposite which would mean you’re arguing my side. So you don’t understand? Or I don’t understand? I’m starting to think you don’t.
If you’re not upset that people are slowing down your fast pitching or disrupting your rhythm with the r2 button then you have no reason to want the r2 mechanic gone. So no I don’t understand what exactly is your grievance here if you’re not upset by anything the r2 mechanic causes
Jesus Christ, you’re stupid. You need to go back and read what I’ve actually said. You appear to be confounding what I’ve said with someone else.
Lol you’re talking about how it’s not real life it’s a game so the pitcher should be able to just blow pitches up there whenever he want.
You’re upset that when you start your pitch timer I can still press r2 and pause it.
But the reality is your pitcher is not in his wind up so it’s just like me calling time out between every pitch.
In real baseball 99% of the time the ump allows it so in game it is allowed. R2 is not the broken mechanic.The broken mechanic is the pitching meter. If I press r2 your whole pitch should reset. You guys are attacking the wrong mechanic because it’s one you don’t use or fully understand. But I’m the ignorant one. Go fogure
I never said that. Once again, go back and read what I’ve said.
Look at the end of the day r2 isn’t broken. Pitching is. If you disagree it’s because you’re quick pitching and don’t like that people can slow your game down. Plain and simple. Whether you agree or disagree I don’t care. But if you think r2 is the broken mechanic youre not understanding it’s purpose in the game is to allow the batter to stop and think between pitches like in a real game. This is a baseball simulation. They did their best to allow the batter his time without having all these crazy mechanics like calling time or stepping one foot out or this or that. Your batter stays in the box the whole at bat unless you get lucky and can even call time. R2 is my practice swing between at bats. In 99.99999 of scenarios there batter is given that time. And when he’s not he can step back in and take a crazy cut if he chooses but in game I cannot do that. It’s a video game not everything can be exactly the way real life is. So if me pressing r2 disrupts your pitching then that means the pitching mechanic is broken. Not r2. Quit blaming a mechanic that works the way intended, all because it exploits a broken mechanic in the pitching and start asking sds why they haven’t fixed the broken pitching mechanic caused by r2 instead.
If I press r2 your pitcher should reset from the start of the pitch plain and simple. Eventually r2 pressers will get tired of it and quick pitchers will stop trying to pitch so fast. Or we can mess with the r2 mechanic and just make every game a 12 second 9 pitch inning because I can’t even take a breath between each pitch.
I’m tired of this stupid inane argument. If you can’t see r2 spamming as a real problem in this game then you are the problem. Plain and simple so stfu and go be toxic. It’s obvious that nothing we say will change your mind about that toxic cheesy r2 bs.
I play both sides so no it’s not a problem. If you wanna r2 spam me I’m going to pitch so slow you want to quit the game. Sorry you let kids online upset you
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@killerpresence4 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
Now wait a minute here, "a batter needs to have a way to slow down a pitcher" ??? A batter has absolutely no control over when a pitcher is to pitch.
R2 should not be allowed to stop anything, if you want time, call time, that is real baseball. R2 should still be able to display info, but not stop the pitchers meter.
In principle, I agree with you, but there are people who pitch as fast as they can, and there absolutely needs to be a mechanism to neutralize that.
You are allowed to have your opinion, but I disagree. If they want to pitch as fast as possible, so what, doesn't bother me.
Well, it’s not all about you.
Nor is it all about you. So fact is you can't make every one happy.
True, you can’t. However, what you’re suggesting puts one side at a distinct disadvantage. Why should one player get to dictate the pace of the game?
Because in baseball the pitcher does dictate the pace, allowing R2 to stop the play is not the solution. Some pitchers like to work fast, see Wade Miley for example, many others don't. In real life it's best to work at different paces to keep the batter uneasy. But no matter how you slice it, in real baseball pace is dictated by pitcher. All a batter can do is call for time, that is also in the game. Balks on, help elevate some of the issues about coming set, but if the batter is in the box, it is no longer his control and to expect the pitcher to throw when he is ready is unrealistic. Baseball is a game of adjustments, when I play people online, I know I need to adjust to how I am going to be pitched. Just as I know my opponent will steal a lot, hit and run a lot, bunt a lot, way more than playing the CPU.
Except for the fact that the batter can only call time once in an at-bat. The problem with people that pitch so fast is that with most pitchers, it creates completely unrealistic movement. How is this so hard to understand?
The batter may be able to call time once but he can step his foot outside the box at any time during the at bat before the pitcher becomes set, or before they start their wind up.
Just watch a little league game. The kids step out every pitch and look over at the coach for a sign.
I’m talking about in the game, not real life.
The game is simulated based on the real life sport... the kids look over at the coach because the coach tells them what pitch to expect. People use r2 to give themselves time to think about what’s coming next. I use it and analyze the previous pitches and by the 4th or 5th pitch of an at bat I can usually smash a good good perfect perfect just by guessing which pitch your going to throw next let alone the location,
Anyone whining about r2 use is literally just upset they can’t quick pitch you and give you no time to catch on to what pitches you’re throwing most often and which locations you frequent with each pitch. Not just from at bat to at bat but literally within each at bat.
It’s part of real life baseball so it’s part of the game. If you don’t like it go play backyard baseball lol
What are you even talking about? There are plenty of people who just spam it to disrupt the pitcher. That has nothing to do with real baseball.
If I’m playing baseball and you’re fast pitching me I will step out of the box between every pitch and take some practice swings. Readjust my gloves and elbow guard etc. real baseball the batter can slow the pitcher down in many ways. He just can’t slow the game down to the point it’s boring as hell for the crowd and the game drags on 5 hours.
You realize a real baseball game takes an average of over 3 hours, and your bitching about having to play a game for 30-45 minutes because the other guy doesn’t want to be fast pitched all night. Get out of here and stop being a baby.
Dude, what are you talking about? You’re trying to argue with me and you don’t even seem to understand my stance.
I understand perfectly fine. You’re upset people prevent you from quick pitching and spam the r2 button at random [censored] times. But you don’t seem to understand it’s the exact equivalent of the batter stepping out of the box taking practice swings between every single pitch. These players are intentionally throwing off your rhythm to improve their own chances at winning the game and you’re upset over it but can’t understand how much of a baby it makes you. You’re literally just upset you can’t rush through the game and someone else is enjoying it how they want to play. Sad
Except I’ve been making the exact opposite argument. Idiot.
Then you’re arguing with yourself over nothing. You say I don’t understand so I explain the opposite side to my argument and then you say you’re arguing the exact opposite which would mean you’re arguing my side. So you don’t understand? Or I don’t understand? I’m starting to think you don’t.
If you’re not upset that people are slowing down your fast pitching or disrupting your rhythm with the r2 button then you have no reason to want the r2 mechanic gone. So no I don’t understand what exactly is your grievance here if you’re not upset by anything the r2 mechanic causes
Jesus Christ, you’re stupid. You need to go back and read what I’ve actually said. You appear to be confounding what I’ve said with someone else.
Lol you’re talking about how it’s not real life it’s a game so the pitcher should be able to just blow pitches up there whenever he want.
You’re upset that when you start your pitch timer I can still press r2 and pause it.
But the reality is your pitcher is not in his wind up so it’s just like me calling time out between every pitch.
In real baseball 99% of the time the ump allows it so in game it is allowed. R2 is not the broken mechanic.The broken mechanic is the pitching meter. If I press r2 your whole pitch should reset. You guys are attacking the wrong mechanic because it’s one you don’t use or fully understand. But I’m the ignorant one. Go fogure
I never said that. Once again, go back and read what I’ve said.
Look at the end of the day r2 isn’t broken. Pitching is. If you disagree it’s because you’re quick pitching and don’t like that people can slow your game down. Plain and simple. Whether you agree or disagree I don’t care. But if you think r2 is the broken mechanic youre not understanding it’s purpose in the game is to allow the batter to stop and think between pitches like in a real game. This is a baseball simulation. They did their best to allow the batter his time without having all these crazy mechanics like calling time or stepping one foot out or this or that. Your batter stays in the box the whole at bat unless you get lucky and can even call time. R2 is my practice swing between at bats. In 99.99999 of scenarios there batter is given that time. And when he’s not he can step back in and take a crazy cut if he chooses but in game I cannot do that. It’s a video game not everything can be exactly the way real life is. So if me pressing r2 disrupts your pitching then that means the pitching mechanic is broken. Not r2. Quit blaming a mechanic that works the way intended, all because it exploits a broken mechanic in the pitching and start asking sds why they haven’t fixed the broken pitching mechanic caused by r2 instead.
If I press r2 your pitcher should reset from the start of the pitch plain and simple. Eventually r2 pressers will get tired of it and quick pitchers will stop trying to pitch so fast. Or we can mess with the r2 mechanic and just make every game a 12 second 9 pitch inning because I can’t even take a breath between each pitch.
I’m tired of this stupid inane argument. If you can’t see r2 spamming as a real problem in this game then you are the problem. Plain and simple so stfu and go be toxic. It’s obvious that nothing we say will change your mind about that toxic cheesy r2 bs.
I play both sides so no it’s not a problem. If you wanna r2 spam me I’m going to pitch so slow you want to quit the game. Sorry you let kids online upset you
You wanna r2 spam me sometimes I’ll even do it right back to you while still pitching at a snails pace just to make you angry. R2 only bothers you if you’re in a rush. Next time someone does it set the controller down and take as long as you can between pitches. 9/10 times they’ll stop r2 spamming you. Works for me all the time
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
Now wait a minute here, "a batter needs to have a way to slow down a pitcher" ??? A batter has absolutely no control over when a pitcher is to pitch.
R2 should not be allowed to stop anything, if you want time, call time, that is real baseball. R2 should still be able to display info, but not stop the pitchers meter.
In principle, I agree with you, but there are people who pitch as fast as they can, and there absolutely needs to be a mechanism to neutralize that.
You are allowed to have your opinion, but I disagree. If they want to pitch as fast as possible, so what, doesn't bother me.
Well, it’s not all about you.
Nor is it all about you. So fact is you can't make every one happy.
True, you can’t. However, what you’re suggesting puts one side at a distinct disadvantage. Why should one player get to dictate the pace of the game?
Because in baseball the pitcher does dictate the pace, allowing R2 to stop the play is not the solution. Some pitchers like to work fast, see Wade Miley for example, many others don't. In real life it's best to work at different paces to keep the batter uneasy. But no matter how you slice it, in real baseball pace is dictated by pitcher. All a batter can do is call for time, that is also in the game. Balks on, help elevate some of the issues about coming set, but if the batter is in the box, it is no longer his control and to expect the pitcher to throw when he is ready is unrealistic. Baseball is a game of adjustments, when I play people online, I know I need to adjust to how I am going to be pitched. Just as I know my opponent will steal a lot, hit and run a lot, bunt a lot, way more than playing the CPU.
Except for the fact that the batter can only call time once in an at-bat. The problem with people that pitch so fast is that with most pitchers, it creates completely unrealistic movement. How is this so hard to understand?
The batter may be able to call time once but he can step his foot outside the box at any time during the at bat before the pitcher becomes set, or before they start their wind up.
Just watch a little league game. The kids step out every pitch and look over at the coach for a sign.
I’m talking about in the game, not real life.
The game is simulated based on the real life sport... the kids look over at the coach because the coach tells them what pitch to expect. People use r2 to give themselves time to think about what’s coming next. I use it and analyze the previous pitches and by the 4th or 5th pitch of an at bat I can usually smash a good good perfect perfect just by guessing which pitch your going to throw next let alone the location,
Anyone whining about r2 use is literally just upset they can’t quick pitch you and give you no time to catch on to what pitches you’re throwing most often and which locations you frequent with each pitch. Not just from at bat to at bat but literally within each at bat.
It’s part of real life baseball so it’s part of the game. If you don’t like it go play backyard baseball lol
What are you even talking about? There are plenty of people who just spam it to disrupt the pitcher. That has nothing to do with real baseball.
If I’m playing baseball and you’re fast pitching me I will step out of the box between every pitch and take some practice swings. Readjust my gloves and elbow guard etc. real baseball the batter can slow the pitcher down in many ways. He just can’t slow the game down to the point it’s boring as hell for the crowd and the game drags on 5 hours.
You realize a real baseball game takes an average of over 3 hours, and your bitching about having to play a game for 30-45 minutes because the other guy doesn’t want to be fast pitched all night. Get out of here and stop being a baby.
Dude, what are you talking about? You’re trying to argue with me and you don’t even seem to understand my stance.
I understand perfectly fine. You’re upset people prevent you from quick pitching and spam the r2 button at random [censored] times. But you don’t seem to understand it’s the exact equivalent of the batter stepping out of the box taking practice swings between every single pitch. These players are intentionally throwing off your rhythm to improve their own chances at winning the game and you’re upset over it but can’t understand how much of a baby it makes you. You’re literally just upset you can’t rush through the game and someone else is enjoying it how they want to play. Sad
Except I’ve been making the exact opposite argument. Idiot.
Then you’re arguing with yourself over nothing. You say I don’t understand so I explain the opposite side to my argument and then you say you’re arguing the exact opposite which would mean you’re arguing my side. So you don’t understand? Or I don’t understand? I’m starting to think you don’t.
If you’re not upset that people are slowing down your fast pitching or disrupting your rhythm with the r2 button then you have no reason to want the r2 mechanic gone. So no I don’t understand what exactly is your grievance here if you’re not upset by anything the r2 mechanic causes
Jesus Christ, you’re stupid. You need to go back and read what I’ve actually said. You appear to be confounding what I’ve said with someone else.
Lol you’re talking about how it’s not real life it’s a game so the pitcher should be able to just blow pitches up there whenever he want.
You’re upset that when you start your pitch timer I can still press r2 and pause it.
But the reality is your pitcher is not in his wind up so it’s just like me calling time out between every pitch.
In real baseball 99% of the time the ump allows it so in game it is allowed. R2 is not the broken mechanic.The broken mechanic is the pitching meter. If I press r2 your whole pitch should reset. You guys are attacking the wrong mechanic because it’s one you don’t use or fully understand. But I’m the ignorant one. Go fogure
I never said that. Once again, go back and read what I’ve said.
Look at the end of the day r2 isn’t broken. Pitching is. If you disagree it’s because you’re quick pitching and don’t like that people can slow your game down. Plain and simple. Whether you agree or disagree I don’t care. But if you think r2 is the broken mechanic youre not understanding it’s purpose in the game is to allow the batter to stop and think between pitches like in a real game. This is a baseball simulation. They did their best to allow the batter his time without having all these crazy mechanics like calling time or stepping one foot out or this or that. Your batter stays in the box the whole at bat unless you get lucky and can even call time. R2 is my practice swing between at bats. In 99.99999 of scenarios there batter is given that time. And when he’s not he can step back in and take a crazy cut if he chooses but in game I cannot do that. It’s a video game not everything can be exactly the way real life is. So if me pressing r2 disrupts your pitching then that means the pitching mechanic is broken. Not r2. Quit blaming a mechanic that works the way intended, all because it exploits a broken mechanic in the pitching and start asking sds why they haven’t fixed the broken pitching mechanic caused by r2 instead.
If I press r2 your pitcher should reset from the start of the pitch plain and simple. Eventually r2 pressers will get tired of it and quick pitchers will stop trying to pitch so fast. Or we can mess with the r2 mechanic and just make every game a 12 second 9 pitch inning because I can’t even take a breath between each pitch.
You’re still ignoring the fact that I was arguing against quick pitching. [censored] you, dude. Your bad faith argument based on nothing I’ve actually said is ridiculous.
You’re arguing against quick pitching but somehow are giving every single reason for why it should be allowed while advocating that the batter in real life has absolutely no way whatsoever to prevent or slow it down, and even stated that since it’s a video game we shouldn’t look to real life baseball for answers. So if quick pitching is not cool r2 should make sense to you but your continuously making 1 off comparisons like they’re the norm in baseball. The reality is I as a batter given the opportunity by the umpire can dictate the pace of the game and your pitching. So sds with that knowledge put a mechanic in the game that is the in game equivalent of me stepping out of the box or calling time between each pitch without actually having to pause the game every single pitch....
You say disrupting the pitcher has nothing to do with real baseball, but what is calling time between pitches or stepping out of the box? R2 only disrupts a pitcher who’s spamming his own broken mechanic. No one throws a pitch every two seconds.
So enlighten me oh mighty enlightener since you’re so smart, what’s your fix to the game if quick pitching is the problem and r2 isn’t a broken mechanic. Because you’re making absolutely no sense just seem to be arguing both sides and don’t even realize it.
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@dbarmonstar_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cbpm72_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cmalz89_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cbpm72_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cmalz89_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
As a pitcher......holding R2 only disrupts quick pitchers. By default, I usually take a second before starting my next pitch, and by the time I'm ready, the little icon has already disappeared. I don't think it should be allowed every pitch, but for now it is, so adapt. Keep in mind, I have played opponents who use it a lot and probably with bad intentions, but I have not played an opponent that I would say "abuses" it.
As a hitter......if you want to quick pitch to throw me off my best game, then I will hold R2 to throw you off yours. Exploiting each other's weaknesses.....sounds like competition to me. I use it for information 90% of the time....especially when there's a new pitcher. But I also use it to slow people down....never with the intent to mess up timing on an individual pitch.
Exactly. Glad someone gets it. It’s just like real baseball but it’s a video game and this is the best way they could figure out how to make both sides happy.
Except that R2 is being used as a weapon against... pitching. Which is a required element of gameplay. Using R2 in this weaponised context is optional and the pitcher has no equivalent because the pitcher has to pitch. The pitcher has to pitch and being f-ed with by a game feature that's being used in an unsportsmanlike way doesn't sound like 'exploiting each other's weaknesses' but more like the one-sided exploit it actually is.
Not sure where you guys are it in this debate....and forgive me for not reading the previous 50 posts on this thread.
I would consider the unrealistic quick pitching as an exploit against hitters. At least, for me it is. I am far from pro at this game, and I would like more than 0.4 seconds in-between pitches to get my thoughts and finger placement together. So, if I face a guy who likes to throw 5 pitches in 12 seconds. Then I will use what tool are at my disposal. I don't abuse R2 anymore than my opponent repeatedly balks. I can only call time once, if it even lets me at all (which is also unrealistic).
I understand both sides of the argument here, so I wont go back and forth with anyone. If you excel when quick pitching, then I understand your gripe.....but understand mine when you balk 30 times a game.
The problem is you can press r2 mid meter and freeze them and make them throw bad pitches. So they’re mad at the r2 mechanic when the reality is they need to be mad at the pitching meters, and a mechanic that allows the meter to restart when r2 is pressed should be implemented into the game. But since r2 makes the game harder or less fun for them they just want it totally taken out of the game screw the other side that doesn’t play like them.
Right, be mad at the pitching meters which are just passive executors of game code, but not be mad at an actual human spamming a button against its actual purpose in order to achieve some sort of advantage which falls outside the bounds of simulating baseball gameplay. Sure.
You throwing 9 pitches in 12 seconds is the exact same spam coming from the opposite side. The only difference is it doesn’t lock the batter up into bad swings.
Both sides are spamming things to their advantage. And the only way to make it fair is if I press r2 your pitcher gets a reset. The r2 mechanic can only exploit the pitching mechanic because the pitching mechanic is the broken one. If they fix the pitching mechanic they fix the r2 mechanic. If they take r2 out the pitching is still broken and batters will just find a new way to slow things down. It’s not rocket science.
Or like I been saying just allow me to step off as much as I want.
Stepping off is a reset with more time wasted on player animations. But if you wanna step off and waste 4 seconds of a player walking around on screen instead of just getting a reset meter whatever floats your boat man.
either way is good with me,
@cmalz89_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cbpm72_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cmalz89_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
As a pitcher......holding R2 only disrupts quick pitchers. By default, I usually take a second before starting my next pitch, and by the time I'm ready, the little icon has already disappeared. I don't think it should be allowed every pitch, but for now it is, so adapt. Keep in mind, I have played opponents who use it a lot and probably with bad intentions, but I have not played an opponent that I would say "abuses" it.
As a hitter......if you want to quick pitch to throw me off my best game, then I will hold R2 to throw you off yours. Exploiting each other's weaknesses.....sounds like competition to me. I use it for information 90% of the time....especially when there's a new pitcher. But I also use it to slow people down....never with the intent to mess up timing on an individual pitch.
Exactly. Glad someone gets it. It’s just like real baseball but it’s a video game and this is the best way they could figure out how to make both sides happy.
Except that R2 is being used as a weapon against... pitching. Which is a required element of gameplay. Using R2 in this weaponised context is optional and the pitcher has no equivalent because the pitcher has to pitch. The pitcher has to pitch and being f-ed with by a game feature that's being used in an unsportsmanlike way doesn't sound like 'exploiting each other's weaknesses' but more like the one-sided exploit it actually is.
Not sure where you guys are it in this debate....and forgive me for not reading the previous 50 posts on this thread.
I would consider the unrealistic quick pitching as an exploit against hitters. At least, for me it is. I am far from pro at this game, and I would like more than 0.4 seconds in-between pitches to get my thoughts and finger placement together. So, if I face a guy who likes to throw 5 pitches in 12 seconds. Then I will use what tool are at my disposal. I don't abuse R2 anymore than my opponent repeatedly balks. I can only call time once, if it even lets me at all (which is also unrealistic).
I understand both sides of the argument here, so I wont go back and forth with anyone. If you excel when quick pitching, then I understand your gripe.....but understand mine when you balk 30 times a game.
FYI, you can not balk when there are not runners on base, this is not about slowing down people who quick pitch.
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
Now wait a minute here, "a batter needs to have a way to slow down a pitcher" ??? A batter has absolutely no control over when a pitcher is to pitch.
R2 should not be allowed to stop anything, if you want time, call time, that is real baseball. R2 should still be able to display info, but not stop the pitchers meter.
In principle, I agree with you, but there are people who pitch as fast as they can, and there absolutely needs to be a mechanism to neutralize that.
You are allowed to have your opinion, but I disagree. If they want to pitch as fast as possible, so what, doesn't bother me.
Well, it’s not all about you.
Nor is it all about you. So fact is you can't make every one happy.
True, you can’t. However, what you’re suggesting puts one side at a distinct disadvantage. Why should one player get to dictate the pace of the game?
Because in baseball the pitcher does dictate the pace, allowing R2 to stop the play is not the solution. Some pitchers like to work fast, see Wade Miley for example, many others don't. In real life it's best to work at different paces to keep the batter uneasy. But no matter how you slice it, in real baseball pace is dictated by pitcher. All a batter can do is call for time, that is also in the game. Balks on, help elevate some of the issues about coming set, but if the batter is in the box, it is no longer his control and to expect the pitcher to throw when he is ready is unrealistic. Baseball is a game of adjustments, when I play people online, I know I need to adjust to how I am going to be pitched. Just as I know my opponent will steal a lot, hit and run a lot, bunt a lot, way more than playing the CPU.
Except for the fact that the batter can only call time once in an at-bat. The problem with people that pitch so fast is that with most pitchers, it creates completely unrealistic movement. How is this so hard to understand?
The batter may be able to call time once but he can step his foot outside the box at any time during the at bat before the pitcher becomes set, or before they start their wind up.
Just watch a little league game. The kids step out every pitch and look over at the coach for a sign.
I’m talking about in the game, not real life.
The game is simulated based on the real life sport... the kids look over at the coach because the coach tells them what pitch to expect. People use r2 to give themselves time to think about what’s coming next. I use it and analyze the previous pitches and by the 4th or 5th pitch of an at bat I can usually smash a good good perfect perfect just by guessing which pitch your going to throw next let alone the location,
Anyone whining about r2 use is literally just upset they can’t quick pitch you and give you no time to catch on to what pitches you’re throwing most often and which locations you frequent with each pitch. Not just from at bat to at bat but literally within each at bat.
It’s part of real life baseball so it’s part of the game. If you don’t like it go play backyard baseball lol
What are you even talking about? There are plenty of people who just spam it to disrupt the pitcher. That has nothing to do with real baseball.
If I’m playing baseball and you’re fast pitching me I will step out of the box between every pitch and take some practice swings. Readjust my gloves and elbow guard etc. real baseball the batter can slow the pitcher down in many ways. He just can’t slow the game down to the point it’s boring as hell for the crowd and the game drags on 5 hours.
You realize a real baseball game takes an average of over 3 hours, and your bitching about having to play a game for 30-45 minutes because the other guy doesn’t want to be fast pitched all night. Get out of here and stop being a baby.
Dude, what are you talking about? You’re trying to argue with me and you don’t even seem to understand my stance.
I understand perfectly fine. You’re upset people prevent you from quick pitching and spam the r2 button at random [censored] times. But you don’t seem to understand it’s the exact equivalent of the batter stepping out of the box taking practice swings between every single pitch. These players are intentionally throwing off your rhythm to improve their own chances at winning the game and you’re upset over it but can’t understand how much of a baby it makes you. You’re literally just upset you can’t rush through the game and someone else is enjoying it how they want to play. Sad
Except I’ve been making the exact opposite argument. Idiot.
Then you’re arguing with yourself over nothing. You say I don’t understand so I explain the opposite side to my argument and then you say you’re arguing the exact opposite which would mean you’re arguing my side. So you don’t understand? Or I don’t understand? I’m starting to think you don’t.
If you’re not upset that people are slowing down your fast pitching or disrupting your rhythm with the r2 button then you have no reason to want the r2 mechanic gone. So no I don’t understand what exactly is your grievance here if you’re not upset by anything the r2 mechanic causes
Jesus Christ, you’re stupid. You need to go back and read what I’ve actually said. You appear to be confounding what I’ve said with someone else.
Lol you’re talking about how it’s not real life it’s a game so the pitcher should be able to just blow pitches up there whenever he want.
You’re upset that when you start your pitch timer I can still press r2 and pause it.
But the reality is your pitcher is not in his wind up so it’s just like me calling time out between every pitch.
In real baseball 99% of the time the ump allows it so in game it is allowed. R2 is not the broken mechanic.The broken mechanic is the pitching meter. If I press r2 your whole pitch should reset. You guys are attacking the wrong mechanic because it’s one you don’t use or fully understand. But I’m the ignorant one. Go fogure
I never said that. Once again, go back and read what I’ve said.
Look at the end of the day r2 isn’t broken. Pitching is. If you disagree it’s because you’re quick pitching and don’t like that people can slow your game down. Plain and simple. Whether you agree or disagree I don’t care. But if you think r2 is the broken mechanic youre not understanding it’s purpose in the game is to allow the batter to stop and think between pitches like in a real game. This is a baseball simulation. They did their best to allow the batter his time without having all these crazy mechanics like calling time or stepping one foot out or this or that. Your batter stays in the box the whole at bat unless you get lucky and can even call time. R2 is my practice swing between at bats. In 99.99999 of scenarios there batter is given that time. And when he’s not he can step back in and take a crazy cut if he chooses but in game I cannot do that. It’s a video game not everything can be exactly the way real life is. So if me pressing r2 disrupts your pitching then that means the pitching mechanic is broken. Not r2. Quit blaming a mechanic that works the way intended, all because it exploits a broken mechanic in the pitching and start asking sds why they haven’t fixed the broken pitching mechanic caused by r2 instead.
If I press r2 your pitcher should reset from the start of the pitch plain and simple. Eventually r2 pressers will get tired of it and quick pitchers will stop trying to pitch so fast. Or we can mess with the r2 mechanic and just make every game a 12 second 9 pitch inning because I can’t even take a breath between each pitch.
You’re still ignoring the fact that I was arguing against quick pitching. [censored] you, dude. Your bad faith argument based on nothing I’ve actually said is ridiculous.
You’re arguing against quick pitching but somehow are giving every single reason for why it should be allowed while advocating that the batter in real life has absolutely no way whatsoever to prevent or slow it down, and even stated that since it’s a video game we shouldn’t look to real life baseball for answers. So if quick pitching is not cool r2 should make sense to you but your continuously making 1 off comparisons like they’re the norm in baseball. The reality is I as a batter given the opportunity by the umpire can dictate the pace of the game and your pitching. So sds with that knowledge put a mechanic in the game that is the in game equivalent of me stepping out of the box or calling time between each pitch without actually having to pause the game every single pitch....
You say disrupting the pitcher has nothing to do with real baseball, but what is calling time between pitches or stepping out of the box? R2 only disrupts a pitcher who’s spamming his own broken mechanic. No one throws a pitch every two seconds.
So enlighten me oh mighty enlightener since you’re so smart, what’s your fix to the game if quick pitching is the problem and r2 isn’t a broken mechanic. Because you’re making absolutely no sense just seem to be arguing both sides and don’t even realize it.
When you say things that imply I shouldn’t be able to take my time between pitches as a batter before the pitcher starts his windup, whether in real life or a video game, which you’ve done on multiple instances, you’re honestly advocating for quick pitching being not only okay but the norm.
But hey I’m still waiting to hear what your fix is to what you actually thinks wrong with the game so go ahead and enlighten me, or keep calling me a moron because I’m using your own ridiculous argument against you and you’re seeing just how little sense it makes.
Good lord none of the last two pages has nothing to de with the topic.
Using R2 to slow down the pitcher is a non issue
Using R2 multiple times a at bat in a quick manner to throw off PPP pitching is the problem
Implement One use of R2 per pitch is the solution because you can still slow the pitcher down as you wish but is good for the pitcher as you know you can proceed after that on use of R2
My god these arguments are dumb and unnecessary
@dbarmonstar_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@dbarmonstar_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cbpm72_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cmalz89_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cbpm72_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@cmalz89_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
As a pitcher......holding R2 only disrupts quick pitchers. By default, I usually take a second before starting my next pitch, and by the time I'm ready, the little icon has already disappeared. I don't think it should be allowed every pitch, but for now it is, so adapt. Keep in mind, I have played opponents who use it a lot and probably with bad intentions, but I have not played an opponent that I would say "abuses" it.
As a hitter......if you want to quick pitch to throw me off my best game, then I will hold R2 to throw you off yours. Exploiting each other's weaknesses.....sounds like competition to me. I use it for information 90% of the time....especially when there's a new pitcher. But I also use it to slow people down....never with the intent to mess up timing on an individual pitch.
Exactly. Glad someone gets it. It’s just like real baseball but it’s a video game and this is the best way they could figure out how to make both sides happy.
Except that R2 is being used as a weapon against... pitching. Which is a required element of gameplay. Using R2 in this weaponised context is optional and the pitcher has no equivalent because the pitcher has to pitch. The pitcher has to pitch and being f-ed with by a game feature that's being used in an unsportsmanlike way doesn't sound like 'exploiting each other's weaknesses' but more like the one-sided exploit it actually is.
Not sure where you guys are it in this debate....and forgive me for not reading the previous 50 posts on this thread.
I would consider the unrealistic quick pitching as an exploit against hitters. At least, for me it is. I am far from pro at this game, and I would like more than 0.4 seconds in-between pitches to get my thoughts and finger placement together. So, if I face a guy who likes to throw 5 pitches in 12 seconds. Then I will use what tool are at my disposal. I don't abuse R2 anymore than my opponent repeatedly balks. I can only call time once, if it even lets me at all (which is also unrealistic).
I understand both sides of the argument here, so I wont go back and forth with anyone. If you excel when quick pitching, then I understand your gripe.....but understand mine when you balk 30 times a game.
The problem is you can press r2 mid meter and freeze them and make them throw bad pitches. So they’re mad at the r2 mechanic when the reality is they need to be mad at the pitching meters, and a mechanic that allows the meter to restart when r2 is pressed should be implemented into the game. But since r2 makes the game harder or less fun for them they just want it totally taken out of the game screw the other side that doesn’t play like them.
Right, be mad at the pitching meters which are just passive executors of game code, but not be mad at an actual human spamming a button against its actual purpose in order to achieve some sort of advantage which falls outside the bounds of simulating baseball gameplay. Sure.
You throwing 9 pitches in 12 seconds is the exact same spam coming from the opposite side. The only difference is it doesn’t lock the batter up into bad swings.
Both sides are spamming things to their advantage. And the only way to make it fair is if I press r2 your pitcher gets a reset. The r2 mechanic can only exploit the pitching mechanic because the pitching mechanic is the broken one. If they fix the pitching mechanic they fix the r2 mechanic. If they take r2 out the pitching is still broken and batters will just find a new way to slow things down. It’s not rocket science.
Or like I been saying just allow me to step off as much as I want.
Stepping off is a reset with more time wasted on player animations. But if you wanna step off and waste 4 seconds of a player walking around on screen instead of just getting a reset meter whatever floats your boat man.
either way is good with me,
I don’t care either I just know that r2 is not the broken mechanic. If I can spam r2 and freeze your pitcher into bad pitches it means pitching is broken...
You don’t need the mechanic that works as intended just because it showed an unintended problem with another mechanic of the game. That’s how things start to get extremely broken.
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
Now wait a minute here, "a batter needs to have a way to slow down a pitcher" ??? A batter has absolutely no control over when a pitcher is to pitch.
R2 should not be allowed to stop anything, if you want time, call time, that is real baseball. R2 should still be able to display info, but not stop the pitchers meter.
In principle, I agree with you, but there are people who pitch as fast as they can, and there absolutely needs to be a mechanism to neutralize that.
You are allowed to have your opinion, but I disagree. If they want to pitch as fast as possible, so what, doesn't bother me.
Well, it’s not all about you.
Nor is it all about you. So fact is you can't make every one happy.
True, you can’t. However, what you’re suggesting puts one side at a distinct disadvantage. Why should one player get to dictate the pace of the game?
Because in baseball the pitcher does dictate the pace, allowing R2 to stop the play is not the solution. Some pitchers like to work fast, see Wade Miley for example, many others don't. In real life it's best to work at different paces to keep the batter uneasy. But no matter how you slice it, in real baseball pace is dictated by pitcher. All a batter can do is call for time, that is also in the game. Balks on, help elevate some of the issues about coming set, but if the batter is in the box, it is no longer his control and to expect the pitcher to throw when he is ready is unrealistic. Baseball is a game of adjustments, when I play people online, I know I need to adjust to how I am going to be pitched. Just as I know my opponent will steal a lot, hit and run a lot, bunt a lot, way more than playing the CPU.
Except for the fact that the batter can only call time once in an at-bat. The problem with people that pitch so fast is that with most pitchers, it creates completely unrealistic movement. How is this so hard to understand?
The batter may be able to call time once but he can step his foot outside the box at any time during the at bat before the pitcher becomes set, or before they start their wind up.
Just watch a little league game. The kids step out every pitch and look over at the coach for a sign.
I’m talking about in the game, not real life.
The game is simulated based on the real life sport... the kids look over at the coach because the coach tells them what pitch to expect. People use r2 to give themselves time to think about what’s coming next. I use it and analyze the previous pitches and by the 4th or 5th pitch of an at bat I can usually smash a good good perfect perfect just by guessing which pitch your going to throw next let alone the location,
Anyone whining about r2 use is literally just upset they can’t quick pitch you and give you no time to catch on to what pitches you’re throwing most often and which locations you frequent with each pitch. Not just from at bat to at bat but literally within each at bat.
It’s part of real life baseball so it’s part of the game. If you don’t like it go play backyard baseball lol
What are you even talking about? There are plenty of people who just spam it to disrupt the pitcher. That has nothing to do with real baseball.
If I’m playing baseball and you’re fast pitching me I will step out of the box between every pitch and take some practice swings. Readjust my gloves and elbow guard etc. real baseball the batter can slow the pitcher down in many ways. He just can’t slow the game down to the point it’s boring as hell for the crowd and the game drags on 5 hours.
You realize a real baseball game takes an average of over 3 hours, and your bitching about having to play a game for 30-45 minutes because the other guy doesn’t want to be fast pitched all night. Get out of here and stop being a baby.
Dude, what are you talking about? You’re trying to argue with me and you don’t even seem to understand my stance.
I understand perfectly fine. You’re upset people prevent you from quick pitching and spam the r2 button at random [censored] times. But you don’t seem to understand it’s the exact equivalent of the batter stepping out of the box taking practice swings between every single pitch. These players are intentionally throwing off your rhythm to improve their own chances at winning the game and you’re upset over it but can’t understand how much of a baby it makes you. You’re literally just upset you can’t rush through the game and someone else is enjoying it how they want to play. Sad
Except I’ve been making the exact opposite argument. Idiot.
Then you’re arguing with yourself over nothing. You say I don’t understand so I explain the opposite side to my argument and then you say you’re arguing the exact opposite which would mean you’re arguing my side. So you don’t understand? Or I don’t understand? I’m starting to think you don’t.
If you’re not upset that people are slowing down your fast pitching or disrupting your rhythm with the r2 button then you have no reason to want the r2 mechanic gone. So no I don’t understand what exactly is your grievance here if you’re not upset by anything the r2 mechanic causes
Jesus Christ, you’re stupid. You need to go back and read what I’ve actually said. You appear to be confounding what I’ve said with someone else.
Lol you’re talking about how it’s not real life it’s a game so the pitcher should be able to just blow pitches up there whenever he want.
You’re upset that when you start your pitch timer I can still press r2 and pause it.
But the reality is your pitcher is not in his wind up so it’s just like me calling time out between every pitch.
In real baseball 99% of the time the ump allows it so in game it is allowed. R2 is not the broken mechanic.The broken mechanic is the pitching meter. If I press r2 your whole pitch should reset. You guys are attacking the wrong mechanic because it’s one you don’t use or fully understand. But I’m the ignorant one. Go fogure
I never said that. Once again, go back and read what I’ve said.
Look at the end of the day r2 isn’t broken. Pitching is. If you disagree it’s because you’re quick pitching and don’t like that people can slow your game down. Plain and simple. Whether you agree or disagree I don’t care. But if you think r2 is the broken mechanic youre not understanding it’s purpose in the game is to allow the batter to stop and think between pitches like in a real game. This is a baseball simulation. They did their best to allow the batter his time without having all these crazy mechanics like calling time or stepping one foot out or this or that. Your batter stays in the box the whole at bat unless you get lucky and can even call time. R2 is my practice swing between at bats. In 99.99999 of scenarios there batter is given that time. And when he’s not he can step back in and take a crazy cut if he chooses but in game I cannot do that. It’s a video game not everything can be exactly the way real life is. So if me pressing r2 disrupts your pitching then that means the pitching mechanic is broken. Not r2. Quit blaming a mechanic that works the way intended, all because it exploits a broken mechanic in the pitching and start asking sds why they haven’t fixed the broken pitching mechanic caused by r2 instead.
If I press r2 your pitcher should reset from the start of the pitch plain and simple. Eventually r2 pressers will get tired of it and quick pitchers will stop trying to pitch so fast. Or we can mess with the r2 mechanic and just make every game a 12 second 9 pitch inning because I can’t even take a breath between each pitch.
You’re still ignoring the fact that I was arguing against quick pitching. [censored] you, dude. Your bad faith argument based on nothing I’ve actually said is ridiculous.
You’re arguing against quick pitching but somehow are giving every single reason for why it should be allowed while advocating that the batter in real life has absolutely no way whatsoever to prevent or slow it down, and even stated that since it’s a video game we shouldn’t look to real life baseball for answers. So if quick pitching is not cool r2 should make sense to you but your continuously making 1 off comparisons like they’re the norm in baseball. The reality is I as a batter given the opportunity by the umpire can dictate the pace of the game and your pitching. So sds with that knowledge put a mechanic in the game that is the in game equivalent of me stepping out of the box or calling time between each pitch without actually having to pause the game every single pitch....
You say disrupting the pitcher has nothing to do with real baseball, but what is calling time between pitches or stepping out of the box? R2 only disrupts a pitcher who’s spamming his own broken mechanic. No one throws a pitch every two seconds.
So enlighten me oh mighty enlightener since you’re so smart, what’s your fix to the game if quick pitching is the problem and r2 isn’t a broken mechanic. Because you’re making absolutely no sense just seem to be arguing both sides and don’t even realize it.
When you say things that imply I shouldn’t be able to take my time between pitches as a batter before the pitcher starts his windup, whether in real life or a video game, which you’ve done on multiple instances, you’re honestly advocating for quick pitching being not only okay but the norm.
But hey I’m still waiting to hear what your fix is to what you actually thinks wrong with the game so go ahead and enlighten me, or keep calling me a moron because I’m using your own ridiculous argument against you and you’re seeing just how little sense it makes.
I never said that you shouldn't be able to take time between pitches. Not one time. You keep saying I continuously make that argument. You can't point to one instance of me having said it because YOU ARE WRONG. It's ok. Take the L. You are not using my argument against me. You are obviously using someone else's and pretending I said it. This is ridiculous and you're being a petulant child.
I think quick pitching sucks. I don't quick pitch. I think the players that use R2 to look at information are fine. The ones that push it intermittently trying to disrupt timing are pathetic (sorta like you). My preference would be to put balks back in the game. It forces a player to come set.
However, once again, you are quite obviously not looking at anything that I have actually said. Your argument lies elsewhere. I'm done talking to you since you obviously lack any sort of reading comprehension skills and are only going to repeatedly accuse me of saying stuff I didn't say. Adios, child.
@spc_garza_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
Good lord none of the last two pages has nothing to de with the topic.
Using R2 to slow down the pitcher is a non issue
Using R2 multiple times a at bat in a quick manner to throw off PPP pitching is the problem
Implement One use of R2 per pitch is the solution because you can still slow the pitcher down as you wish but is good for the pitcher as you know you can proceed after that on use of R2
My god these arguments are dumb and unnecessary
@spc_garza_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
Good lord none of the last two pages has nothing to de with the topic.
Using R2 to slow down the pitcher is a non issue
Using R2 multiple times a at bat in a quick manner to throw off PPP pitching is the problem
Implement One use of R2 per pitch is the solution because you can still slow the pitcher down as you wish but is good for the pitcher as you know you can proceed after that on use of R2
My god these arguments are dumb and unnecessary
Not when you’re arguing with people who seem to think r2 needs to be taken out of the game or that quick pitching needs to be allowed.
I think the easiest fix is to make it to where your pitcher can step off or reset every time r2 is pressed but r2 can’t be pressed more than once every 4-5 seconds, so if you don’t pitch in that frame it’s your own fault if I get another r2 in.
Everyone wins every which way.
The easiest fix is just Have R2 a one time use per pitch simple easy done
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@michearse_mlbts said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@wiryhooligan22 said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
@nflman2033_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
Now wait a minute here, "a batter needs to have a way to slow down a pitcher" ??? A batter has absolutely no control over when a pitcher is to pitch.
R2 should not be allowed to stop anything, if you want time, call time, that is real baseball. R2 should still be able to display info, but not stop the pitchers meter.
In principle, I agree with you, but there are people who pitch as fast as they can, and there absolutely needs to be a mechanism to neutralize that.
You are allowed to have your opinion, but I disagree. If they want to pitch as fast as possible, so what, doesn't bother me.
Well, it’s not all about you.
Nor is it all about you. So fact is you can't make every one happy.
True, you can’t. However, what you’re suggesting puts one side at a distinct disadvantage. Why should one player get to dictate the pace of the game?
Because in baseball the pitcher does dictate the pace, allowing R2 to stop the play is not the solution. Some pitchers like to work fast, see Wade Miley for example, many others don't. In real life it's best to work at different paces to keep the batter uneasy. But no matter how you slice it, in real baseball pace is dictated by pitcher. All a batter can do is call for time, that is also in the game. Balks on, help elevate some of the issues about coming set, but if the batter is in the box, it is no longer his control and to expect the pitcher to throw when he is ready is unrealistic. Baseball is a game of adjustments, when I play people online, I know I need to adjust to how I am going to be pitched. Just as I know my opponent will steal a lot, hit and run a lot, bunt a lot, way more than playing the CPU.
Except for the fact that the batter can only call time once in an at-bat. The problem with people that pitch so fast is that with most pitchers, it creates completely unrealistic movement. How is this so hard to understand?
The batter may be able to call time once but he can step his foot outside the box at any time during the at bat before the pitcher becomes set, or before they start their wind up.
Just watch a little league game. The kids step out every pitch and look over at the coach for a sign.
I’m talking about in the game, not real life.
The game is simulated based on the real life sport... the kids look over at the coach because the coach tells them what pitch to expect. People use r2 to give themselves time to think about what’s coming next. I use it and analyze the previous pitches and by the 4th or 5th pitch of an at bat I can usually smash a good good perfect perfect just by guessing which pitch your going to throw next let alone the location,
Anyone whining about r2 use is literally just upset they can’t quick pitch you and give you no time to catch on to what pitches you’re throwing most often and which locations you frequent with each pitch. Not just from at bat to at bat but literally within each at bat.
It’s part of real life baseball so it’s part of the game. If you don’t like it go play backyard baseball lol
What are you even talking about? There are plenty of people who just spam it to disrupt the pitcher. That has nothing to do with real baseball.
If I’m playing baseball and you’re fast pitching me I will step out of the box between every pitch and take some practice swings. Readjust my gloves and elbow guard etc. real baseball the batter can slow the pitcher down in many ways. He just can’t slow the game down to the point it’s boring as hell for the crowd and the game drags on 5 hours.
You realize a real baseball game takes an average of over 3 hours, and your bitching about having to play a game for 30-45 minutes because the other guy doesn’t want to be fast pitched all night. Get out of here and stop being a baby.
Dude, what are you talking about? You’re trying to argue with me and you don’t even seem to understand my stance.
I understand perfectly fine. You’re upset people prevent you from quick pitching and spam the r2 button at random [censored] times. But you don’t seem to understand it’s the exact equivalent of the batter stepping out of the box taking practice swings between every single pitch. These players are intentionally throwing off your rhythm to improve their own chances at winning the game and you’re upset over it but can’t understand how much of a baby it makes you. You’re literally just upset you can’t rush through the game and someone else is enjoying it how they want to play. Sad
Except I’ve been making the exact opposite argument. Idiot.
Then you’re arguing with yourself over nothing. You say I don’t understand so I explain the opposite side to my argument and then you say you’re arguing the exact opposite which would mean you’re arguing my side. So you don’t understand? Or I don’t understand? I’m starting to think you don’t.
If you’re not upset that people are slowing down your fast pitching or disrupting your rhythm with the r2 button then you have no reason to want the r2 mechanic gone. So no I don’t understand what exactly is your grievance here if you’re not upset by anything the r2 mechanic causes
Jesus Christ, you’re stupid. You need to go back and read what I’ve actually said. You appear to be confounding what I’ve said with someone else.
Lol you’re talking about how it’s not real life it’s a game so the pitcher should be able to just blow pitches up there whenever he want.
You’re upset that when you start your pitch timer I can still press r2 and pause it.
But the reality is your pitcher is not in his wind up so it’s just like me calling time out between every pitch.
In real baseball 99% of the time the ump allows it so in game it is allowed. R2 is not the broken mechanic.The broken mechanic is the pitching meter. If I press r2 your whole pitch should reset. You guys are attacking the wrong mechanic because it’s one you don’t use or fully understand. But I’m the ignorant one. Go fogure
I never said that. Once again, go back and read what I’ve said.
Look at the end of the day r2 isn’t broken. Pitching is. If you disagree it’s because you’re quick pitching and don’t like that people can slow your game down. Plain and simple. Whether you agree or disagree I don’t care. But if you think r2 is the broken mechanic youre not understanding it’s purpose in the game is to allow the batter to stop and think between pitches like in a real game. This is a baseball simulation. They did their best to allow the batter his time without having all these crazy mechanics like calling time or stepping one foot out or this or that. Your batter stays in the box the whole at bat unless you get lucky and can even call time. R2 is my practice swing between at bats. In 99.99999 of scenarios there batter is given that time. And when he’s not he can step back in and take a crazy cut if he chooses but in game I cannot do that. It’s a video game not everything can be exactly the way real life is. So if me pressing r2 disrupts your pitching then that means the pitching mechanic is broken. Not r2. Quit blaming a mechanic that works the way intended, all because it exploits a broken mechanic in the pitching and start asking sds why they haven’t fixed the broken pitching mechanic caused by r2 instead.
If I press r2 your pitcher should reset from the start of the pitch plain and simple. Eventually r2 pressers will get tired of it and quick pitchers will stop trying to pitch so fast. Or we can mess with the r2 mechanic and just make every game a 12 second 9 pitch inning because I can’t even take a breath between each pitch.
You’re still ignoring the fact that I was arguing against quick pitching. [censored] you, dude. Your bad faith argument based on nothing I’ve actually said is ridiculous.
You’re arguing against quick pitching but somehow are giving every single reason for why it should be allowed while advocating that the batter in real life has absolutely no way whatsoever to prevent or slow it down, and even stated that since it’s a video game we shouldn’t look to real life baseball for answers. So if quick pitching is not cool r2 should make sense to you but your continuously making 1 off comparisons like they’re the norm in baseball. The reality is I as a batter given the opportunity by the umpire can dictate the pace of the game and your pitching. So sds with that knowledge put a mechanic in the game that is the in game equivalent of me stepping out of the box or calling time between each pitch without actually having to pause the game every single pitch....
You say disrupting the pitcher has nothing to do with real baseball, but what is calling time between pitches or stepping out of the box? R2 only disrupts a pitcher who’s spamming his own broken mechanic. No one throws a pitch every two seconds.
So enlighten me oh mighty enlightener since you’re so smart, what’s your fix to the game if quick pitching is the problem and r2 isn’t a broken mechanic. Because you’re making absolutely no sense just seem to be arguing both sides and don’t even realize it.
When you say things that imply I shouldn’t be able to take my time between pitches as a batter before the pitcher starts his windup, whether in real life or a video game, which you’ve done on multiple instances, you’re honestly advocating for quick pitching being not only okay but the norm.
But hey I’m still waiting to hear what your fix is to what you actually thinks wrong with the game so go ahead and enlighten me, or keep calling me a moron because I’m using your own ridiculous argument against you and you’re seeing just how little sense it makes.
I never said that you shouldn't be able to take time between pitches. Not one time. You keep saying I continuously make that argument. You can't point to one instance of me having said it because YOU ARE WRONG. It's ok. Take the L. You are not using my argument against me. You are obviously using someone else's and pretending I said it. This is ridiculous and you're being a petulant child.
I think quick pitching sucks. I don't quick pitch. I think the players that use R2 to look at information are fine. The ones that push it intermittently trying to disrupt timing are pathetic (sorta like you). My preference would be to put balks back in the game. It forces a player to come set.
However, once again, you are quite obviously not looking at anything that I have actually said. Your argument lies elsewhere. I'm done talking to you since you obviously lack any sort of reading comprehension skills and are only going to repeatedly accuse me of saying stuff I didn't say. Adios, child.
I don’t think you even understand some of the points you’ve made today. You try so hard to belittle me because you disagree or “agree” but to this point still can’t give me a fix for the game when asked multiple times. When’s you just want to argue for the sake of being right. Talk about childish, if taking a w on an Internet forum is that important to you, here’s your gold star. But I’m still waiting to hear what your fix to the game is, and here you are still avoiding the answer in favor of trying to prove you’re “right” when the reality is there is no right or wrong here.
So hey keep doing you champ champ
@spc_garza_psn said in SDS please take a look at this R2 suggestion fix .:
The easiest fix is just Have R2 a one time use per pitch simple easy done
That doesn’t work because some idiots enjoy throwing over to first multiple times and by the time the pitch is thrown I don’t even remember which pitches most starters have let alone which ones they’ve been hot with.
By the time I remember all 4-5 pitches I’ve usually beat the pitcher up enough they’re changing guys anyway. So r2 is mainly for information. But if you are quick pitching me I will spam it until you finally slow down to a somewhat normal pace. If you’re too stupid to get the hint that’s on you.