Game Freezing
All day today i've been having issues where the game freezes. Happens randomly in the menus, sometimes in diamond dynasty, sometimes in RTTS. Anyone else had these problems? I haven't seen this problem ever on a digitally downloaded game. It almost reminds me of back in the day (years ago that I had this issue) if you had a disc that was scratched
@wdillingham24_mlbts said in Game Freezing:
All day today i've been having issues where the game freezes. Happens randomly in the menus, sometimes in diamond dynasty, sometimes in RTTS. Anyone else had these problems? I haven't seen this problem ever on a digitally downloaded game. It almost reminds me of back in the day (years ago that I had this issue) if you had a disc that was scratched
Not had freezing, just game going to a black screen and having to shut game down.
@wdillingham24_mlbts said in Game Freezing:
All day today i've been having issues where the game freezes. Happens randomly in the menus, sometimes in diamond dynasty, sometimes in RTTS. Anyone else had these problems? I haven't seen this problem ever on a digitally downloaded game. It almost reminds me of back in the day (years ago that I had this issue) if you had a disc that was scratched
Yup just started happening to me today, I was playing RTTS and it would just freeze and then other times an error would occur to my application causing it to close. Idk what is going on
Yep also getting this since the game updated. Also getting a weird graphical issue where the coaches only have half a head and their caps are the other half anyone else seeing this aswell?
ughh its happening today too.. first time i loaded the game up and played a RTTS game it did it after i clicked next game. just a black screen where i could hear the sound still but couldn't do anything except dashboard
@grayer23_xbl said in Game Freezing:
Yep also getting this since the game updated. Also getting a weird graphical issue where the coaches only have half a head and their caps are the other half anyone else seeing this aswell?
Same here
Same thing started for me today
Same problem here