Multiple save files
Can you have multiple save files in RTTS now? Say I wanted a left handed starting pitcher and another power hitting third baseman. Would I lose the save progress of my ball player as I swap over to save files?
You can have multiple RTTS saves yes, but they always use your My Ballplayer settings. So if you want a left handed pitcher for on save that is 6’4” for instance and a right handed 5’11” shortstop for another save, you have to edit your My Ballplayer before loading up that save. Basically the RTTS save will save your progress on the team and your team position, but will not save any physical settings for your player. They completely tied all that to your My Ballplayer. I’m fine with that as long as they add an option in the future to save a physical setup along with a profile so you can easily load up different physical setups easily. Either that or they should save whatever your current My Ballplayer physical settings are into the RTTS save from the beginning and keep that tied to the save.
Lastly they could allow multiple My Ballplayers for those that also want to start fresh with attributes to grind along with appearance and physical body settings.
Like they said in their stream yesterday and their blog post, this is first iteration of this new system so I’m sure it will evolve a lot. Hopefully for the better.