Trout or N.L. West collections?
I think I can finish the N.L. if I sell Trout. I will then get the division rewards, acuna, de grom, and soriano. I'm not going to complete the A.L. I really just want the Soriano card. And the Finley card looks really good.
I also like Trout and play good with him. hmmm.
Soriano is more bang for your buck obviously. Trout is really good though
This a toughy. Only time you will hear me say sell trout lol. Soriano being able to play second makes me lean that way. Finley was trash for me for some reason but once I got his swing down he gone crazy. I also really like DeGrom. And the lefty you get from mets collection Aint terrible. Lol and doesn’t glavine come in there somewhere. Yea this pretty easy if you can for sure wrap up NL.
I’m in this same position, it’s a tough choice but I still think both are pretty good options. I’m really tempted to lock in now with how low Arenado has gone. It makes it even more worth it to use them for as long as possible through the years cycle.
However if you go Trout you always have the option to sell without locking him in which allows you to invest in topps now or collections cards to get the other option down the road.
I did this and have not looked back. The Finley is a beast. Soriano is the next all around card in the game. The Glavine is absolutely filthy. I would do it and start building up those parallels.
As good as Trout is you really can’t compare it to Getting Soriano + Finley + Acuna all good cards + all the other cards you get for collections. But if your goal is chipper u gonna need Trout anyways eventually and I don’t see his price dropping anytime soon .