Any tech people on here?
With the frequency of the lockouts being almost daily, and in a couple of instances twice or more daily, if I had to guess, there's a memory leak in their server software. My guess would be that the servers have to be restarted, and maybe they're testing potential fixes during that time. I also highly doubt they host the servers on their own hardware. My guess is they probably have them on server farms sprinkled around the US / Globe.
Take all of this with a grain of salt though...I don't have any more information than any of you do. My opinion is formed based on being a software engineer who happens to have done extensive work with PSN years ago.
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
The reason people are speculating is due to zero communication
Is SDS going to adjust XP at all to compensate for all the losses of xp?
Honestly this is such an arrogant and condescending response.
@johndarlas_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
I uninstalled the game. Held onto the power button on the PS4 until it beeped twice. It gave me the option to rebuild the library/database
I clicked on that.
Then I reinstalled the game. I noticed I'm having less issues.Glad that would make you feel better. In no way shape or form, will that help with any of the issues SDS is having.
It'll improve the read/write speed if your PS4, like defragmenting a hard drive on a PC.
@go4stros25_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
What would cause them to need 'maintenance' every night? How can you "server maintenance" your way around the fact that too many people are playing the game in the evenings.
I've answered this before.
Nightly maintenance is for cleaning the cache of the server memory. Especially during times like this when there are blatant data leaking and sync issues, nightly rebooting is a MUST.
@hoboadam_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
@go4stros25_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
What would cause them to need 'maintenance' every night? How can you "server maintenance" your way around the fact that too many people are playing the game in the evenings.
I've answered this before.
Nightly maintenance is for cleaning the cache of the server memory. Especially during times like this when there are blatant data leaking and sync issues, nightly rebooting is a MUST.
So what would be the end solution? Also, whisper, they don't want us speculating.
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
It was down again last night, the night before, the night before that. I spent $100 dollars on this game and barely have been able to play because it seems to never work when I can get free time. It's fair to expect speculation at this point with so little information on your end as to what is going on. It's honestly gotten very frustrating now and think refunds should be given if problems can't be solved. This is an online game that doesn't work online... I wouldn't have bought the game if I knew I couldn't play it.
Ok. Step back a second.
They have a BIG issue. Until they solve the BIG issue, we'll see nightly rebooting. That's "maintenance".
This morning though also includes a game update. This requires the consoles to download a patch, extract, install. That's in addition to the SDS rebooting.
@hoboadam_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
Ok. Step back a second.
They have a BIG issue. Until they solve the BIG issue, we'll see nightly rebooting. That's "maintenance".
This morning though also includes a game update. This requires the consoles to download a patch, extract, install. That's in addition to the SDS rebooting.
Then they need to offer full refunds, no questions asked.
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
We are just keeping ourselves busy and having fun since we can’t play your game
, cmon man your better than this
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
Honestly, the more I think about this response the more it makes me angry. It is unbelievably arrogant to essentially tell people that paid for a broken game to essentially shut up.
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
Today is May the 4th.
Do, or do not! There is no try.
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
Tone... Deaf...
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
I stick up for the devs and this game more than most people on here and get torn apart for it regularly... But this is wrong... People have the right to speculate all they want. Save your snarky comments. This whole situation is starting to get a bit ridiculous. People are frustrated and just want some transparency. You should seriously be ashamed of yourself for this one. Way off base on your part. You owe the community an apology for that one.
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
I'm sorry but this is some EA type BS right here.
Do better. Be better.
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
U guys are the ones that leave it to speculation. Maybe if you had a community manager to interact with the people on a daily basis.
@k_rich57_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
U guys are the ones that leave it to speculation. Maybe if you had a community manager to interact with the people on a daily basis.
Yea not gonna lie the more I process it the more that comment really pisses me off. Like what’s your agenda here? Don’t you have sht you should be doing. Like a hurt lil child
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
As someone who has been very understanding and forgiving on issues and as a business man myself I would recommend you really think about, read out loud, than wait about 30 mins before hitting the submit arrow.
@widnerjesse_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
As someone who has been very understanding and forgiving on issues and as a business man myself I would recommend you really think about, read out loud, than wait about 30 mins before hitting the submit arrow.
Lmao digital forum time out
@lazy_toast_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
@k_rich57_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
U guys are the ones that leave it to speculation. Maybe if you had a community manager to interact with the people on a daily basis.
Yea not gonna lie the more I process it the more that comment really pisses me off. Like what’s your agenda here? Don’t you have sht you should be doing. Like a hurt lil child
So asking a company to provide information on something that u pay for that isn't working or asking their community manager to actually interact with the community is like hurting children? Do u work for sds?
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
We wouldn’t have to speculate if you lazy bums would be specific about what’s going on. You reap what you sow.