I can admit when I was wrong, hitting feels alright
I;m still struggling, but I am fairly new to the show (October freebie last year), so I reckon it takes a long time to get used to it all.
I'm sure its been asked 100s of times before, but what type of hitting are people here using?
Zone exclusively? -
@allmustfall16 said in I can admit when I was wrong, hitting feels alright:
I may have jumped the gun on the patch. I’ve been hitting well and it seems better than before all around.
I’m only speaking from my own experience and not everyone else’s.
Now that I’ve had some time playing ranked, it’s not that bad. Give it some time.
Again, I’m only speaking for myself here.
I played my friend online and hof seems to be legend now... pci crazy small and everything seems like gas. Lol
I have been smoking the ball today outside of one game where it seemed like the timing window was way off. I'm usually early and in this game I was too late several times and I didn't really feel like it represented when I swung.
Overall I'm happy.
I’ve seen a fair amount of low exit velocity good good and good squared up that I am sure would have been perfects (or at least harder hit) pre patch. Had Adam Dunn go good squared vs a bronze righty (with a good angle) and it was caught at the track (petco). That wouldn’t have happened pre patch. Again, the main problem with the patch is that it added more rng, which is bad.
Yah in my opinion hitting is just fine. (470 foot shot with Pete Alonso)
Followed by a 500 foot by Judge.
No problems on my end lol
This thread is refreshing to see. I think we all (me included), get too jumpy when a patch happens. We are so quick to jump on the negative bandwagon.
I've had a number of perfect/perfects die at the track today. Yesterday, they were gone. Frustrating
@BodamEscapePlan said in I can admit when I was wrong, hitting feels alright:
I've been playing literally all day and I am still hating it. I wish I could say I felt better about it but I don't.
I honestly believe they made a mistake. From what I'm seeing, I don't think they meant the game to play like this. Right now, it seems like the only hitters that can do anything are power guys. I was seeing a ton of hit variety prior to today and now all I'm seeing is the same types of hits over and over. It's just not fun.
I still hate the patch and I think hitting is worse than 18 but maybe that's just me. I've had the game since last Thursday night and was really enjoying the game and having FUN until this patch. I am super frustrated right now and really not enjoying the game too much. Game seems to always start out good every year and then bam it changes. Even offline stinks for me right now.
@bjannan said in I can admit when I was wrong, hitting feels alright:
I;m still struggling, but I am fairly new to the show (October freebie last year), so I reckon it takes a long time to get used to it all.
I'm sure its been asked 100s of times before, but what type of hitting are people here using?
Zone exclusively?Most people you find on YouTube or Twitch use zone, as do most of the people here. Nothing wrong with directional though, in fact I think it’s good to start with to learn timing.
My main problem is still pitching...i been playing Mlb for ever and pitching was always my thing! This year i cant feel confortable at all...either meter or analog doesnt matter about the control i cant throw a slider or locate pitches smh i have perfect release and the ball goes all over the plate
Update to my experience: the results of hitting are fine to me. But the input lag or whatever I was experiencing hurt the experience in 2/10 of my event games last night. I think it will be investigated and fixed. It made me late on pitches...super weird games.
Not gonna get into RS until this gets addressed
I agree with the lag. I have Ethernet connection, best internet Comcast offers in my area and played 19 for the most part lag free. It seems like almost every game I’ve tried to play over the last few days especially has been either somewhat laggy or really bad.