Why can I be prompted when I start my RTTS with a new player if I want that player to play two positions or not?
Why can't I create more than one RTTS player?
Why can't I mess around with sliders on my RTTS career without losing XP or progress?
Why can't I build my player bf the whole RTTS drafting or animations start?
Why you guysgo changing all these things we were all used to and called new and improved?
Why can I play the video game I bought the way I want to play and not how dev like me to play the game I bought the game to enjoy myself and have a good time being good or bad at the game!!!! -
Because they tried to make major changes to a simple formula during a short handed pandemic year, and they attempted to do all this while making the game accessible to a new console and adding cross platform play. This is a case of SDS biting off more then they could chew, and now all the people who paid money to play the game get to be the late stage beta testers.
My favorite part was having to pay $10 more this year because of the next gen tax and then getting all these takeaways from last years game.