Team Affinity
@krazy-kajun77 said in Team Affinity:
Still not seeing if you play M2O how to choose season 1 if season 2 already dropped. Do that keep showdown for season 1 active and waive the fee or increase stubs for first mission. Going to be interesting to find out
The way it was last year you had to complete part 1 before starting part 2. I see it as more of the same
@krazy-kajun77 said in Team Affinity:
Anyone else think team affinity season 1 will lockout when season 2 drops, elsewise how does earning affinity points differ from season one and season 2?
I’m with you on this one mate. Especially as this is the way they have gone with the innings programs this year.
Yeah having to play to 200 points to just get a card at 230.....wasnt fun....more like a chore last year.....has to do that last year with phillies.....
With 42 collection attached to it, I’d be surprised if they locked it
@yankblan_psn said in Team Affinity:
With 42 collection attached to it, I’d be surprised if they locked it
And there is no timer/expiration date on the TA showdown or conquests. I feel it will work the same as last year
I don’t think they’ll lock prior seasons. In terms of whether it will be gated the way it was last year or if you can start 2 without completing 1, the fact they’re calling them seasons instead of stages makes me think they won’t be gated.
TA has very distinct tasks that are not interdependent so I think it’s possible to make the seasons separate without locking them or gating the seasons. They’d just have to make each season its own “program” starting from 0 as opposed to adding awards onto the progression of season 1.
For now I’m treating it like it will be gated, but I’d be fine if it wasn’t.
Did they say how many stages are going to be in TA this year? We don't have the Spring/Summer/Fall to gauge anything. Anyone think the Future Stars will make another appearance?
Are there spec. player cards aligned to TA?
@doihearbossmusic said in Team Affinity:
Are there spec. player cards aligned to TA?
The entire 42 series (other than the legends) is only acquired through TA.
And also a ton of flashback gold cards.
@krazy-kajun77 said in Team Affinity:
Yeah having to play to 200 points to just get a card at 230.....wasnt fun....more like a chore last year.....has to do that last year with phillies.....
Last years sucked. I got bored midway though the grind because all those MTOs just weren't worth it. I like the way its set up this year. I hate showdowns so i can just do 2 MTOs per division and then do the innings/hits/collections for the rest of the points.