Zone hitting help
I can hit pitches up, down and in the corners pretty good but I can't hit pitches in the middle. I always expect them to drop or stay high and i end up missing them. What should I do to help this?
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happens to me , all last year and a little of this. any pitcher with overhand delivery or real tall with a high delivery- every pitch drops cause they start above the zone.
for those type of pitchers i look at their feet, can still track the pitch but miss the drop part from the hand, its helped. -
I’m trying to use zone but I’m not quick enough to move the pci can i leave it in a particular place and just time it
@mr-t00-s00n_xbl said in Zone hitting help:
I’m trying to use zone but I’m not quick enough to move the pci can i leave it in a particular place and just time it
You can leave it in the middle and hope they pitch near there, but you'd be better off keyholing and picking a spot before two strikes (like high, low, inside, outside). Once you get to two strikes it's more of a fight but you can certainly keyhole before then, especially when you get a sense for the pitcher's sequencing.
I recommend using the strike zone camera and starting with the PCI in the upper right hand corner. If you feel good about a pitch, move the PCI accordingly and swing. You can also foul off pitches that are anywhere else and just sit in the upper strike zone. Sometimes the pitcher will leave a hanger up there or will try to sneak a high fastball by you—you see either of those, make him pay for them. Just don't swing at everything all willy-nilly. When you see that high fastball, make sure it's not too far above the zone. Time it right, and it's over the fence before you know it.
Eventually, you'll learn the game enough that it'll be as if you're the hitter. Sometimes you'll see a pitch and launch it without thinking. It's hard to explain but you get the idea. Practice makes perfect.