game unplayable to the average player
I sucked a few years back. Now I’m decent. You need to put in effort to be good at this game.
When you start hitting, it’s a great feeling. One day it will click for you.
I bought a monitor and I use precision rings. That was a big help to me.
But the servers are
this year, so none of it matters. The game doesn’t work.
@detroitfan82_mlbts said in game unplayable to the average player:
Game is more tuned to the professional players. You can't enjoy a game we're your getting beat and hit around every game. Don't tell me practice and I suck cause again I'm an average player. Don't have time to sit around all day playing and practicing. Don't have good quick hand eye coordination to eye ball every pitch.
Is this a complaint? I’m not understanding the purpose of this thread
What's great about this game is you don't have to play online if you feel you aren't good enough
@detroitfan82_mlbts said in game unplayable to the average player:
Game is more tuned to the professional players. You can't enjoy a game we're your getting beat and hit around every game. Don't tell me practice and I suck cause again I'm an average player. Don't have time to sit around all day playing and practicing. Don't have good quick hand eye coordination to eye ball every pitch.
Maybe online play isn’t for you then. You can play offline and set the difficulty lower which will slow pitches down some and open timing windows to get better results. If your asking to make online more catered to the average player, I think they’ve done that enough the last couple years and I’m not very good myself.
@detroitfan82_mlbts said in game unplayable to the average player:
Game is more tuned to the professional players. You can't enjoy a game we're your getting beat and hit around every game. Don't tell me practice and I suck cause again I'm an average player. Don't have time to sit around all day playing and practicing. Don't have good quick hand eye coordination to eye ball every pitch.
If you don't have good hand eye coordination you're pretty much screwed in this game. Overall, the game really isnt that difficult but when you start playing on the higher levels, it'll get harder. I'm an average to below average player and I can do pretty much everything in this game and still go 500ish in ranked if I played it enough.
Not sure what you want them to do to make it easier? It has to accommodate the player base. Overall I would say this game is made for the average gamer unless you're playing PVP then it fully depends on the players playing.
How about don't play online
so your saying because you cant hit that your mad at people who can hit?
Maybe he’s saying he would like to play people closer to his skill level? I don’t play that much online because I’m not that good in comparison to the people that play. His point is that it’s no fun to play online when he’s always outmatched.
I can’t find a reason to disagree with that. I’m not sure how they could really match people with others of similar skill level though.
@allmustfall16 said in game unplayable to the average player:
I sucked a few years back. Now I’m decent. You need to put in effort to be good at this game.
When you start hitting, it’s a great feeling. One day it will click for you.
I bought a monitor and I use precision rings. That was a big help to me.
But the servers are
this year, so none of it matters. The game doesn’t work.
You like the precision rings? I was thinking of giving them a try but worry about restricting movement too much when Fielding.
@aaronjw76_psn said in game unplayable to the average player:
@allmustfall16 said in game unplayable to the average player:
I sucked a few years back. Now I’m decent. You need to put in effort to be good at this game.
When you start hitting, it’s a great feeling. One day it will click for you.
I bought a monitor and I use precision rings. That was a big help to me.
But the servers are
this year, so none of it matters. The game doesn’t work.
You like the precision rings? I was thinking of giving them a try but worry about restricting movement too much when Fielding.
At first they’ll be a little stiff. You’ll get a set of black ones and purple ones. You want to go with the purple.
Black ones are too hard to field. The purple don’t mess it up. And they really help me with hitting.
I'm average, krush rookie, dominate veteran, make it interesting on allstar, and modes up
.........interesting indeed. Practice related to pitching and hitting views......practice them and you get a bit better when you get use to them. I miss the knuckleball though.......take a gamble high and in and see who goes yard and who gets plunked -
@detroitfan82_mlbts said in game unplayable to the average player:
Game is more tuned to the professional players. You can't enjoy a game we're your getting beat and hit around every game. Don't tell me practice and I suck cause again I'm an average player. Don't have time to sit around all day playing and practicing. Don't have good quick hand eye coordination to eye ball every pitch.
Practice? We talkin’ bout practice man..
I think those type of complaints come from adults feeling like the benchwarmer kids. It sucks that people are better than you but that’s just how it is. I had lots of fun playing NHL vs but when HUT came about, had to call it quits, I couldn’t keep up. That and the gameplay being terrible.
@mandrykm_psn said in game unplayable to the average player:
@detroitfan82_mlbts said in game unplayable to the average player:
Need to practise
Need to learn how to spell if your gonna try to troll someone.
@dewrock_psn said in game unplayable to the average player:
Maybe he’s saying he would like to play people closer to his skill level? I don’t play that much online because I’m not that good in comparison to the people that play. His point is that it’s no fun to play online when he’s always outmatched.
I can’t find a reason to disagree with that. I’m not sure how they could really match people with others of similar skill level though.
But thats the purpose of skill based matchmaking. At some point, you plateau and should average .500 record once you hit that plateau. That’s how it works
Gotta grind and get to at least all star difficulty in seasons to enjoy it. The ball is a little dead at that point but at least every game isn’t a homerun derby.
Also if you aren’t playing on a 5 ms delay or less monitor get one. Can get one for like $150. Sucks to play on a smaller screen but as long as that’s a thing SDS has to keep pitch speeds up to at least somewhat counter it making tv playing way more difficult.
@detroitfan82_mlbts said in game unplayable to the average player:
Game is more tuned to the professional players. You can't enjoy a game we're your getting beat and hit around every game. Don't tell me practice and I suck cause again I'm an average player. Don't have time to sit around all day playing and practicing. Don't have good quick hand eye coordination to eye ball every pitch.
Look man i know everyone is saying practice but there are few things you can do to improve your odds and one of them is practice, but i understand the time issue.
Something else you can do when doing a search for opponent hold your left stick to the left it will keep the search within your division or lower.
I don't know what kind of team you got, but playing games vs CPU on All Star will help you see ball better and learn what part of the zone your players will strive.
This is a lagitimate baseball game not arcady like other sports titles. There is 3 settings you can choose vs CPU if wanting to prepare for online switch to competitive. This can be found in options explorer in the main menu where modes are listed you will see an arrow to the right pointing down you will find a bunch of sub categories there.
Hope this helps and good luck!
@detroitfan82_mlbts said in game unplayable to the average player:
Game is more tuned to the professional players. You can't enjoy a game we're your getting beat and hit around every game. Don't tell me practice and I suck cause again I'm an average player. Don't have time to sit around all day playing and practicing. Don't have good quick hand eye coordination to eye ball every pitch.
Are you playing ranked seasons? If so what is your rating?
I’m not gonna roast you at all about this because starting off on ranked is a disaster. I cannot hit slow pitchers to save my life. I’ll early swing every single time and end up popping up out of bounds. The pci is too [censored] big so I use power swing (Square) to make it smaller and that helps me a good bit. -