MY workaround for RTTS
Ok the good stuff first, this has worked for me for 2 days now and thru yesterday's primetime server outage ect. It has not failed me yet.
So your a two-way player and you are trying to navigate this abortion, this is what you have to do... First, pay close attention to what your upcoming job is in RTTS (pitcher or position), do not play multiple games in a row always go back to the clubhouse after every game. They usually give you the day off the day before and after you pitch a game, remember that. Now we are going to pretend you are about to pitch in RTTS but I think you can pick up the cycle anywhere... So instead of pitching in RTTS go to that BS they want us to play called DD. While in DD change your guy to "pitcher" and figure out a way to get him into the lineup as a starting pitcher or a relief (this part is really wonky, my CF/SP in DD is listed as a 1B 'man and RP. It really does not matter what position you play, they all work for doing the perk system. NEVER change your job from pitcher to position or back in RTTS ONLY USE DD to do this. Now that you are in DD, you are listed as a starter or relief on your squad, go play a conquest or a vs CPU game. I have done both and either works, probably all the DD ones listed works but those are all I have tried. At the end of the game or a single conquest 3 inning game you should get DD perk points towards your pitching archtype. Take any rewards you got coming in the form of packs to open and then leave DD or play another if you want, it sucks though imo. Go to RTTS and then pitch the game your supposed to. After you pitch you should get RTTS points towards your archtype. Now leave RTTS and go back to DD. IN THIS ORDER, Remove yourself from the squad as a pitcher. Then go to your profile (still in DD) and change from your pitcher to your position. Now put yourself in the squad as a position player. Play a DD game and earn archtype points within DD. Once done head over to RTTS and play the 2 or 3 games as a position player that they let you before you have to pitch again. Gain those archtype points in RTTS. Now head back to DD, remove youself from the squad as a position player. Change back to pitcher type in DD and put yourself on the DD squad as a pitcher. Play a DD game as the pitcher rinse and repeat just follow that pattern.All that said, this game is an abortion. From the horrible digging you have to do to get stuff done or find info to the info you cant even find anymore. The fact that you can be a two way play but NOT really a two-way player is stupid as hell. So my slugging pitcher when he plays CF has power over 90 but when he pitches he forgets how to hit the dam ball and has a power of 40. Because your not really a two way guy, your actually two guys inhabiting the same spot. This is DUMB AS HELL! Really, don't be 2k....just don't. That was the reason why I loved you and hated your becomming one of "them". lol SMH And then when you do it to do it to us this way....with this....abortion.
Oh and I should add, unlike the other workaround which I am not sure actually works regular, my guy has all his equipment ect. It seems that the only really important things you have to do is make sure you do all your archtype and position changes in DD and then play at least one DD game to "set" it. Once you do that you can then go to RTTS and get credit. The only things you want to do in RTTS is play the guy you set up in DD, don't touch anything else in RTTS.
Does your DD ovr change from 65 or is it still glitched at it's default ovr
I'm glad you found something that works for you but I'm not paying for a game where I have to do a complicated dance around the software just to get it to work like it's supposed to.
And I can't play a game that requires an online connection just to play, anyway. I live way out in the boonies and I'm on a DSL line. It took 26 hours to download MLB 20. Seriously. My connection drops all the time.
I'll sit this one out. -
Well i was going to buy this but since its on Gamepass, i saved me some grief.
the workaround works for me but you can actually just make 2 squads in dd one where you are a pitcher with your pitcher loadout and one where you play a fielding position with your batter loadout. and then in rtts just switch your loadout depending on if your next game you are a starting pitcher or playing as a batter.
There is a MUCH more simple way of doing this that I posted yesterday. This method is ridiculous.