Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!
I’m highly disappointed that 1.) I can’t bring my knuckler that I’ve built over the past five titles into this one but okay, I’ll make another then,...
2.) You can’t have a knuckleball as a pitch in RTTS simply because you can’t have it in some lame mode I’ll never play!!!
PLEASE ALLOW the knuckleball again in RTTS, even if it voids out my ability to play DD or that pitch simply doesn’t carry over. As a RTTS only player I shouldn’t be punished bc of some tie in to DD.
I’ve played this game for years and have hyped it to many. This is a serious killer. Honestly, had I known this I would not have purchased.
Yeah same greatly disappointed that DD integration is holding back the RTTS experience in many forms. Looks like I'll have to go back to MLB The Show 20 on RTTS hopefully they fix this for next years
Yeah, if I had known I would have just stuck with 20. I’ll only play 20 until they get some kind of fix on the progression and the pitch selection
This is the worse [censored] game now...
I'm so glad this game is on Gamepass.
I definitely save a lot of money.
No Sounds of the Show (default music is always terrible)
No Y2Y Saves. (Been Playing since 18)
The menu's are a mess.
and why is there an extra innings rule I can't turn off
Especially on the simulation settingsI too had a KN pitcher. He was fun to play as.
@farikosilver_psn said in Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!:
I'm so glad this game is on Gamepass.
I definitely save a lot of money.
No Sounds of the Show (default music is always terrible)
No Y2Y Saves. (Been Playing since 18)
The menu's are a mess.
and why is there an extra innings rule I can't turn off
Especially on the simulation settingsI too had a KN pitcher. He was fun to play as.
Default music this year is great. That Future Islands song especially, it sounds so much like Bowie it’s just beautiful to listen to.
Yeah I miss having my knuckleball pitcher, especially since that’s a pitch I can throw in real life smh.
I’m fine with this with the DD integration. Only thing I might add is rtts strict players with more capabilities.
Instead of RTTS this year I’m creating my own player and utilizing player lock on franchise. You can use a knuckleball and set your own ratings and it isn’t tied to DD whatsoever.
@farikosilver_psn said in Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!:
I'm so glad this game is on Gamepass.
I definitely save a lot of money.
No Sounds of the Show (default music is always terrible)
No Y2Y Saves. (Been Playing since 18)
The menu's are a mess.
and why is there an extra innings rule I can't turn off
Especially on the simulation settingsI too had a KN pitcher. He was fun to play as.
You actually can turn off the extra innings rule I believe before the start of Franchise it gives you the option
Look up gomes da legend on YouTube. 10 tips and tricks and he tells you how to fix it
@ejwik13_psn said in Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!:
Look up gomes da legend on YouTube. 10 tips and tricks and he tells you how to fix it
Can you please provide a link? I see his channel and tons of videos,... which one details how to fix the lack of a knuckleball??
@acamp1900_psn said in Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!:
@ejwik13_psn said in Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!:
Look up gomes da legend on YouTube. 10 tips and tricks and he tells you how to fix it
Can you please provide a link? I see his channel and tons of videos,... which one details how to fix the lack of a knuckleball??
I think he's talking about the most recent one from today or late last night I think.
Just watched his most recent video,... not a mention,...
So was some walk around found or not? I saw nothing in the videos
@gusbus022_psn said in Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!:
@farikosilver_psn said in Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!:
I'm so glad this game is on Gamepass.
I definitely save a lot of money.
No Sounds of the Show (default music is always terrible)
No Y2Y Saves. (Been Playing since 18)
The menu's are a mess.
and why is there an extra innings rule I can't turn off
Especially on the simulation settingsI too had a KN pitcher. He was fun to play as.
You actually can turn off the extra innings rule I believe before the start of Franchise it gives you the option
So Do I need to start a franchise team then?
I just think it's weird how I have the settings on Simulation, and it turned that on for me. -
@aj102404_xbl said in Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!:
Instead of RTTS this year I’m creating my own player and utilizing player lock on franchise. You can use a knuckleball and set your own ratings and it isn’t tied to DD whatsoever.
Yeah, I get what you're saying here. The problem I have with that is Road to the Show mode has always been in years past about the journey of making from being a raw prospect to earning your way to the bigs. If you make your own player on your own franchise, you don't get any of that - you're just there. IMO, it's simply putting a band aid over a gaping wound. But then again, I kinda think all of MLBTS2021 is a gaping wound right now.
@farikosilver_psn said in Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!:
@gusbus022_psn said in Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!:
@farikosilver_psn said in Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!:
I'm so glad this game is on Gamepass.
I definitely save a lot of money.
No Sounds of the Show (default music is always terrible)
No Y2Y Saves. (Been Playing since 18)
The menu's are a mess.
and why is there an extra innings rule I can't turn off
Especially on the simulation settingsI too had a KN pitcher. He was fun to play as.
You actually can turn off the extra innings rule I believe before the start of Franchise it gives you the option
So Do I need to start a franchise team then?
I just think it's weird how I have the settings on Simulation, and it turned that on for me.Yeah at the start of franchise after you select your team at the very bottom of options under the Designated Hitter rule is the Extra Inning Runner. So you can turn it off but it has to be before you start your franchise.
I'm still wondering why there is no knuckleball available in rtts.......
@stryderz51_psn said in Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!:
I'm still wondering why there is no knuckleball available in rtts.......
Because competitive balance in Diamond Dynasty.