Unhandled Server Exception
Anyone else getting this error? I can't list anything on the market.
Same here.
I seem to get it whenever I play showdown
This becoming absolutely out of control frustrating!!!! Third time completing the Showdown and the “unhandled server “ [censored]. WTF man . Been playing since the early release last Friday and gets getting progressively worse as this week goes on.
Just got this error and when I logged back into my MTO, it won't authenticate. Second MTO killed by the servers today. Guess I'll play Showdown, nope, unhandled server exception. Bravo.
This is becoming ridiculously frustrating
I’m getting them all over the place. Guess I’m shutting the game off for the night.
I can see orders going through on the item I'm flipping but I can't put in any buy or sells.... I already missed out on taking advantage of 2 people who mistakenly listed sell orders instead of buy orders.
Frustrating AF.
This is happening in both the online market "error has occurred" and on DD "Unhandled exception"
I guess cross platform was a bad idea. Sds can not figure out how to keep their servers up. This is as bad as it gets. Sds should be ashamed of themselves.
Again happy I haven’t gotten in the game yet cause I would be angry with this constantly