Ranked Seasons Game Not Counted
Diamond Dynasty
Played a full 9 inning ranked seasons game and got stats with players to go towards parallels and after the game ended just an error notification and didnโt get the win or the stats. Sure this has happened to other people but really annoying
Happened to me after a BR game
I found that my ranked season rating dropped for no reason. Havenโt played much but played a game on Sunday and won and went from like 220 to 270. Then played last night and won but went from 229 to about 278. There were no loses or other games between those two so somehow I dropped from 270 to 229 without playing a game.
My first two Ws my opponents quit and i didn't count
My record went from 4-1 to 21- 16.. even tho i only played a total of 5 games