Pulled Trout....what to do?
@roll-humps_xbl said in Pulled Trout....what to do?:
@chriscolbert_xbl said in Pulled Trout....what to do?:
This is quite simple. If you plan to do the live series collection, keep him. Otherwise sell him. Even if you plan to sell probably best to wait as his price will only go up for a while.
Thanks! When does his price normally max out? Release night for everyone? or...?
I think it was mid summer last year..
@roll-humps_xbl said in Pulled Trout....what to do?:
Pulled Trout out of a show pack from Conquest Map... what do i do? Should i sell him or keep him?
You already know what you wanted to do, you wanted to let everyone know you pulled him to brag lol
@doihearbossmusic said in Pulled Trout....what to do?:
@roll-humps_xbl said in Pulled Trout....what to do?:
Pulled Trout out of a show pack from Conquest Map... what do i do? Should i sell him or keep him?
You already know what you wanted to do, you wanted to let everyone know you pulled him to brag lol
Eh - not really. New to the game (xbox user). Never played DD before so not sure what’s more important (Trout or Stubs). Just heard everyone talk about how “great” Trout was prior to the game coming out.... but is he worth the stubs?
Coming over from MUT, it always seemed like “coins are king” over there. Is the same true in DD where stubs are better to have down the road?
@roll-humps_xbl said in Pulled Trout....what to do?:
@doihearbossmusic said in Pulled Trout....what to do?:
@roll-humps_xbl said in Pulled Trout....what to do?:
Pulled Trout out of a show pack from Conquest Map... what do i do? Should i sell him or keep him?
You already know what you wanted to do, you wanted to let everyone know you pulled him to brag lol
Eh - not really. New to the game (xbox user). Never played DD before so not sure what’s more important (Trout or Stubs). Just heard everyone talk about how “great” Trout was prior to the game coming out.... but is he worth the stubs?
Coming over from MUT, it always seemed like “coins are king” over there. Is the same true in DD where stubs are better to have down the road?
depends if you plan to play online or offline, if you plan to grind offline hang onto him, If you want to play ranked seasons maybe sell him at the 350k and build a team.
Show us you're a savage and quicksell him for 5K
Dont seel him... with the new parallel stuff and inside edge combined you have a card you can use all year and there is no rush to seel him anyway.
I plan on keeping him this time IF I pull him. If anything I'll do it for the collection.
Go with your gut. Last year I sold him to build my team. This year I may not need to jump the gun. -
@rodol1551_xbl said in Pulled Trout....what to do?:
Dont seel him... with the new parallel stuff and inside edge combined you have a card you can use all year and there is no rush to seel him anyway.
Good thing you didn't suggest to seal him. I'd report you to the humane society for clubbing baby seals.
World wildlife foundation thanks you for your continued support.
If you need the stubs to grt a better overall team, sell him, but he's a beast... I'm 6 for 12 with 6 hrs lol
I pulled him and sold. When I'm ready to complete Live Series I'll have enough stibs to buy him again. For now I wanted to build my team because for some reason Xbox seems harder than PSN version.
Try him out. If you're good with him, keep him .. if not, you can sell and build a good squad.
You can sell, and hope his price drops so you can buu him back later, Complete some collections.I'd keep him tho.