Xbox Jackie Deluxe physical copy on Series S?
From the FAQ - "The Collector’s Editions will include access to both current and next-gen versions. If you purchase a digital Collector’s Edition you will receive entitlements for both current and next gen systems. If you purchase a physical Collector’s Edition, you will receive a current gen disk, with a next gen digital entitlement.". That seems to answer my question but then again it's vague. I just don't know if I need to return the Series S.
Bro you do realize that the Series S does not use physical discs right? Are you using an Xbox One S or a Series S?
Lol yes I do realize. I just ordered the series S, and the physical jackie deluxe arrived today. I'm SAYING- it should give the disc and a code so you CAN install on series S.
Well it doesn't man lol gotta go digital. Do more research next time because no where does it say you get a code. Sorry bro
@morgon-louhouse_xbl said in Xbox Jackie Deluxe physical copy on Series S?:
From the FAQ - "The Collector’s Editions will include access to both current and next-gen versions. If you purchase a digital Collector’s Edition you will receive entitlements for both current and next gen systems. If you purchase a physical Collector’s Edition, you will receive a current gen disk, with a next gen digital entitlement.". That seems to answer my question but then again it's vague. I just don't know if I need to return the Series S.
You either need to return the Series S, or the physical copy of the game. They are definitely not compatible. The FAQ is pretty clear with the PS4 disc being necessary for the PS5 digital code, which is a problem for PS5 digital only consoles. They probably should have used the same wording for the Series S since that also has no disc drive.
If you want to keep the Series S, just get the digital deluxe edition, or better yet... Game Pass. I purchased two years of Xbox Live and converted it to 2 years of Game Pass Ultimate for a grand total of $101. It more than paid for itself in one month of playing games and that was before The Show was even announced for it.
So I bought thee BEST edition possible, the most schwag- and yet I can't install the game on 1 of 2 next gen consoles.. how the hell is this right? This is messed up
Same issue with ps5 digital after buying and opening the ps4 Jackie Robinson edition.
Nowhere on package does it mention disc needed on ps5. -
@morgon-louhouse_xbl said in Xbox Jackie Deluxe physical copy on Series S?:
I ordered the physical deluxe edition with hat for xbox. Will I be able to install this on the new xbox series S I just purchased??
If you ordered the steel box, you have to have a disc drive. I received mine from UPS about an hour ago. I had to redeem the next gen code, install the standard copy (from a the disc) and then upgrade it to the next gen (digital. I have a PS5 but I'm sure it's the same for the Xbox).
@t2mutch_mlbts said in Xbox Jackie Deluxe physical copy on Series S?:
Same issue with ps5 digital after buying and opening the ps4 Jackie Robinson edition.
Nowhere on package does it mention disc needed on ps5.No, but when you upgrade from the PS4 version, it tells you to leave the PS4 disc in the drive.
Can't you just return the game and buy the digital deluxe version?
Doesn't it say right on the homepage under all Jackie Robinson editions?
"For Xbox Physical: Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One games on Disc"That to me looks like you should have the copy on the Series S even with the physical disk.
BestBuy's website is advertising the same thing.
@kingakp_xbl said in Xbox Jackie Deluxe physical copy on Series S?:
Can't you just return the game and buy the digital deluxe version?
BRO NO WAY! JACKIE IS A GOD. I really wanted all this schwag-. The hat is killer, the box is dope, the steel case is AMAZING. (the pic of jackie on the inside is so cool!!!) .. so no way. I'm playing it on xbox one rn it's pgood. I want a next gen console for next gen games, so I'll just send back the series S and wait for series x to become available I guess??? Smdh
Buying game pass for $1 ain't bad, but they jack it to like $15 a month after 3 months?? I'm still not comfortable with subscription option concerning games atm.. this IS another option to deal with my problem but meh
@morgon-louhouse_xbl said in Xbox Jackie Deluxe physical copy on Series S?:
Buying game pass for $1 ain't bad, but they jack it to like $15 a month after 3 months?? I'm still not comfortable with subscription option concerning games atm.. this IS another option to deal with my problem but meh
I'm not sure if the deal is still valid, but when I got it in November it was $1 to convert whatever you had in Xbox Live to Game Pass Ultimate. I bought 2 years of Live for $50 each through NewEgg. I upgraded for $1 and ended up with 25 months of Game Pass Ultimate. My only regret is that I didn't get three years before upgrading. The Series S is my first Xbox and I wasn't sure how much use it would get. I've been playing a ton of games on Game Pass and having a blast with it.
@morgon-louhouse_xbl said in Xbox Jackie Deluxe physical copy on Series S?:
Buying game pass for $1 ain't bad, but they jack it to like $15 a month after 3 months?? I'm still not comfortable with subscription option concerning games atm.. this IS another option to deal with my problem but meh
You're xbox live subscription is included in the 14.99. Gane pass is $5 dollars a month any way you slice it.