Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often
A_PerfectGamereplied to GradektheBard on Apr 1, 2021, 2:33 AM last edited by A_PerfectGame_PSN Apr 1, 2021, 2:34 AM
@gradekthebard said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@thebigmehple_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I'd just rather they fix the super sink sinker on outlier sinkers at the top of the zone.
Over check swings?! No way. The high sinkers is not unhittable - it’s OP but it’s not unhittable. The check swing is game breaking
Nah, check swings happen. Sinkers sinking at 100 above the zone into the zone do not.
Check swings do not happen 65 x in 1 game at an 85% success rate.
Maybe you should pitch in the zone more? I have never seen 65 check swings in a game. However, there is a possibility it could happen in real life no matter how probable it would be. As far as physics, a sinker would not be able to move in such a manner thrown that way.
pitch in the zone more?? get real. if I have you off balance checkswinging all day I'll continue to throw balls. you guys are in for a rude awakening when 21 drops. 10-15 Ks a game.
Let’s be clear, if people are striking out 15x a game on all star in early 21, SDS will patch it very quickly. No matter what the sweaty’s want, SDS is a for profit business and will adjust the game towards “fun” for the average player.
In competitive mode? Doubtful. Competitive mode is for the sweaty’s.
The term sweaty is a term that means competitive. Eg; sweaty, try hard, competitive etc
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@gradekthebard said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@thebigmehple_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I'd just rather they fix the super sink sinker on outlier sinkers at the top of the zone.
Over check swings?! No way. The high sinkers is not unhittable - it’s OP but it’s not unhittable. The check swing is game breaking
Nah, check swings happen. Sinkers sinking at 100 above the zone into the zone do not.
Check swings do not happen 65 x in 1 game at an 85% success rate.
Maybe you should pitch in the zone more? I have never seen 65 check swings in a game. However, there is a possibility it could happen in real life no matter how probable it would be. As far as physics, a sinker would not be able to move in such a manner thrown that way.
pitch in the zone more?? get real. if I have you off balance checkswinging all day I'll continue to throw balls. you guys are in for a rude awakening when 21 drops. 10-15 Ks a game.
Let’s be clear, if people are striking out 15x a game on all star in early 21, SDS will patch it very quickly. No matter what the sweaty’s want, SDS is a for profit business and will adjust the game towards “fun” for the average player.
In competitive mode? Doubtful. Competitive mode is for the sweaty’s.
Competitive mode is h2h, which most DD players use. If all star metrics (events/low ranked/etc) aren’t “fun” those players leave, which is bad for SDS. Just like how they made the button accuracy easier based on data from the beta in 20, they will adjust check swings, timing windows, pitch speeds, etc to ensure their average customer has an enjoyable experience.
A_PerfectGamereplied to GradektheBard on Apr 1, 2021, 2:51 AM last edited by A_PerfectGame_PSN Apr 1, 2021, 2:53 AM
@gradekthebard said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@gradekthebard said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@thebigmehple_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I'd just rather they fix the super sink sinker on outlier sinkers at the top of the zone.
Over check swings?! No way. The high sinkers is not unhittable - it’s OP but it’s not unhittable. The check swing is game breaking
Nah, check swings happen. Sinkers sinking at 100 above the zone into the zone do not.
Check swings do not happen 65 x in 1 game at an 85% success rate.
Maybe you should pitch in the zone more? I have never seen 65 check swings in a game. However, there is a possibility it could happen in real life no matter how probable it would be. As far as physics, a sinker would not be able to move in such a manner thrown that way.
pitch in the zone more?? get real. if I have you off balance checkswinging all day I'll continue to throw balls. you guys are in for a rude awakening when 21 drops. 10-15 Ks a game.
Let’s be clear, if people are striking out 15x a game on all star in early 21, SDS will patch it very quickly. No matter what the sweaty’s want, SDS is a for profit business and will adjust the game towards “fun” for the average player.
In competitive mode? Doubtful. Competitive mode is for the sweaty’s.
Competitive mode is h2h, which most DD players use. If all star metrics (events/low ranked/etc) aren’t “fun” those players leave, which is bad for SDS. Just like how they made the button accuracy easier based on data from the beta in 20, they will adjust check swings, timing windows, pitch speeds, etc to ensure their average customer has an enjoyable experience.
I think you are wrong. They clearly said they are trying to focus on the user being in control of as much input in the game as possible which means they are moving away from RNG. They’ve been mentioning this a lot. User user user. You can’t go user user user then when a few users fail go back to giving them a crutch.
They’ve openly stated that is what casual mode and custom practice is for to improve for when you play in competitive.
Obviously they’ve been getting a lot of complaints from people. Look at the Twitter feeds and Facebook posts. It’s tons of people just saying the game is random. Most people don’t want that at all levels
PNWtroutbumreplied to A_PerfectGame on Apr 1, 2021, 4:13 AM last edited by PNWtroutbum_PSN Apr 1, 2021, 4:16 AM
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@pnwtroutbum_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I don’t even think 50/50 is necessary, the pitcher does deserve a little more benefit of the doubt, like maybe 65-35 or 60-40: idk but that’s just my thing. It’s still random though is the only thing that bothers me, I’ve been averaging about 10ish check swings per game I play. Which I think is average, or fair. In the beta, I had 3 good timed checks in the same game go for strikes. And I might get 1-2 calls a game. Doesn’t make or break me. But the weird part is the ones where I feel like I’m doing everything right and I still getting those majority called strikes. And the worst part, more often than not, one or sometimes both of the swings I get called in my favor, I know I swung and got bailed. and it doesn’t feel good to get bailed out like that, just like it doesn’t feel great to see so many good timed check swing go for strikes. Everything that I’ve seen, appears to be random. Only now favoring the pitcher the same way it did the batters in 20. That’s fine, but only as an immediate action response, where I hope to see them balance it better in the future so it can’t be exploited but it can still be a tool.
At this point though I won’t lie, I’m all aboard the get rid of check swings train. It pains me to say it but they can’t seem to balance it, if it’s even possible to balance it.. the check swing bandits ruined it for the rest of us
Edit: sorry for another long post on the subject btw. Lol I’m on my phone and it’s easy to get lost. Just trying to be clear and remain as unbiased as possible. As a pitcher it’s great, but I care about hitting a lot too and see how this can hinder higher level guys, where every input matters and I don’t believe there is much room for randomness is all! ([censored], even my apology for going long went long
I look at it like this I do agree it’s more random now. But I’d rather it be pro-pitcher then pro hitter because the hitter has the advantage to just not swing and take a pitch.
That’s what I’m saying. pitchers definitely deserve the benefit of the doubt, more than 50/50 in a random system, but definitely not 90/10 either.
I don’t think this is a make or break it thing at the end of the day, but I’ll be a little sad if I check swing with good timing on 3-2 count that I earned. 2 outs in the 9th, I read the pitch as it’s coming and since I’m not a robot, I can’t tell if it’s on the black or not. It’s close. 2 strikes though, gotta protect. It’s very close but I read it’s going to break off the plate and with good timing, I manage to check my swing. I’d say I earned the walk. Oh well. Strike 3. Game decided for you, input didn’t matter.That’s all I’d rather avoid, but overall I’d love them to find a balance that calls strikes on people flailing way early/late on pitches 2 ft off the plate (this was the most egregious one IMO) and then also a system where good timed or just early checks are rewarded more often. Consecutive check swings get punished, regardless of input after a certain number to avoid bandits.. but I don’t think the bandits are checking with good timing every time anyways, guarantee you on my life they’re not doing it with good timing. They’re the flailers.. Haha. but anyways.. Etc. etc etc. the point is that I don’t think any of that’s out of line.
I’m not a developer and have no idea how it works but something like that would be what I’d strive for. It feels more fair than random. Who knows if it’s possible though? Not for SDS, no offense at all, we just haven’t seen it, at least for a long while. Maybe my expectations are too high? Idk man, I just hate randomness overriding inputs and as little as this seems, every pitch counts in a competitive mode, especially in the 700s-800s. Someone go ahead and tell me I’m wrong and why. that’s fine, but I play this game a lot and have for a long time. I’m only trying to come at this as fair and unbiased as possible. This feels like a way better solution, or at least the start of one because there’s PLENTY more depth, rather than randomizing ANOTHER part of the game.
I swear I’m done ranting on the subject after this btw
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I'd just rather they fix the super sink sinker on outlier sinkers at the top of the zone.
Over check swings?! No way. The high sinkers is not unhittable - it’s OP but it’s not unhittable. The check swing is game breaking
Nah, check swings happen. Sinkers sinking at 100 above the zone into the zone do not.
Check swings do not happen 65 x in 1 game at an 85% success rate.
You mean, realistically?
@ikasnu_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@ikasnu_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@ikasnu_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I lost because of check swings! Get rid of it! LoL. Did you know you can check swing too and that check swings are part of baseball?
When have you ever seen a team check swing 30 times in a game and have roughly 25 of those go in their favor?
Again, now you want realism? That is what I have been asking for, but you guys want user input only. It just the user input you are good at, perhaps?
Realism is impossible, I was using that as an example since it doesn't showcase user input nor realism. Its an exploit through and through and unintended design from the discipline attribute. All check swings should be 50/50, not 90/10.
So you want realism while claiming it is impossible. It is not impossible for many aspects of the game to be realistic. Just like your example of 90/10 vs 50/50. Regardless of whether it was an unintended effect, you want it to be more realistic.
Balance. I want balance or for it to be removed entirely.
Obviously, because you think it will help you win more often. That is what most people on here are saying. I want it so I can win more. You do not care about anything else.
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@gradekthebard said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@gradekthebard said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@thebigmehple_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I'd just rather they fix the super sink sinker on outlier sinkers at the top of the zone.
Over check swings?! No way. The high sinkers is not unhittable - it’s OP but it’s not unhittable. The check swing is game breaking
Nah, check swings happen. Sinkers sinking at 100 above the zone into the zone do not.
Check swings do not happen 65 x in 1 game at an 85% success rate.
Maybe you should pitch in the zone more? I have never seen 65 check swings in a game. However, there is a possibility it could happen in real life no matter how probable it would be. As far as physics, a sinker would not be able to move in such a manner thrown that way.
pitch in the zone more?? get real. if I have you off balance checkswinging all day I'll continue to throw balls. you guys are in for a rude awakening when 21 drops. 10-15 Ks a game.
Let’s be clear, if people are striking out 15x a game on all star in early 21, SDS will patch it very quickly. No matter what the sweaty’s want, SDS is a for profit business and will adjust the game towards “fun” for the average player.
In competitive mode? Doubtful. Competitive mode is for the sweaty’s.
Competitive mode is h2h, which most DD players use. If all star metrics (events/low ranked/etc) aren’t “fun” those players leave, which is bad for SDS. Just like how they made the button accuracy easier based on data from the beta in 20, they will adjust check swings, timing windows, pitch speeds, etc to ensure their average customer has an enjoyable experience.
I think you are wrong. They clearly said they are trying to focus on the user being in control of as much input in the game as possible which means they are moving away from RNG. They’ve been mentioning this a lot. User user user. You can’t go user user user then when a few users fail go back to giving them a crutch.
They’ve openly stated that is what casual mode and custom practice is for to improve for when you play in competitive.
Obviously they’ve been getting a lot of complaints from people. Look at the Twitter feeds and Facebook posts. It’s tons of people just saying the game is random. Most people don’t want that at all levels
I love how in a video baseball game RNG is a bad word. As if you have a little bat and are really up at the plate and want your swings to matter. It's a joystick man. He is right, if people jump ship because you asked for more joystick action that helps you win more, they will change it back. 100% They are here for profit, not to help you feel better about yourself and your joystick skillzzz.
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@ikasnu_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@ikasnu_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@ikasnu_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I lost because of check swings! Get rid of it! LoL. Did you know you can check swing too and that check swings are part of baseball?
When have you ever seen a team check swing 30 times in a game and have roughly 25 of those go in their favor?
Again, now you want realism? That is what I have been asking for, but you guys want user input only. It just the user input you are good at, perhaps?
Realism is impossible, I was using that as an example since it doesn't showcase user input nor realism. Its an exploit through and through and unintended design from the discipline attribute. All check swings should be 50/50, not 90/10.
So you want realism while claiming it is impossible. It is not impossible for many aspects of the game to be realistic. Just like your example of 90/10 vs 50/50. Regardless of whether it was an unintended effect, you want it to be more realistic.
Balance. I want balance or for it to be removed entirely.
Obviously, because you think it will help you win more often. That is what most people on here are saying. I want it so I can win more. You do not care about anything else.
Balance will help everyone win more if they learn the actual gameplay. As opposed to using a mechanism in the game to help your gameplay
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@gradekthebard said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@gradekthebard said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@thebigmehple_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I'd just rather they fix the super sink sinker on outlier sinkers at the top of the zone.
Over check swings?! No way. The high sinkers is not unhittable - it’s OP but it’s not unhittable. The check swing is game breaking
Nah, check swings happen. Sinkers sinking at 100 above the zone into the zone do not.
Check swings do not happen 65 x in 1 game at an 85% success rate.
Maybe you should pitch in the zone more? I have never seen 65 check swings in a game. However, there is a possibility it could happen in real life no matter how probable it would be. As far as physics, a sinker would not be able to move in such a manner thrown that way.
pitch in the zone more?? get real. if I have you off balance checkswinging all day I'll continue to throw balls. you guys are in for a rude awakening when 21 drops. 10-15 Ks a game.
Let’s be clear, if people are striking out 15x a game on all star in early 21, SDS will patch it very quickly. No matter what the sweaty’s want, SDS is a for profit business and will adjust the game towards “fun” for the average player.
In competitive mode? Doubtful. Competitive mode is for the sweaty’s.
Competitive mode is h2h, which most DD players use. If all star metrics (events/low ranked/etc) aren’t “fun” those players leave, which is bad for SDS. Just like how they made the button accuracy easier based on data from the beta in 20, they will adjust check swings, timing windows, pitch speeds, etc to ensure their average customer has an enjoyable experience.
I think you are wrong. They clearly said they are trying to focus on the user being in control of as much input in the game as possible which means they are moving away from RNG. They’ve been mentioning this a lot. User user user. You can’t go user user user then when a few users fail go back to giving them a crutch.
They’ve openly stated that is what casual mode and custom practice is for to improve for when you play in competitive.
Obviously they’ve been getting a lot of complaints from people. Look at the Twitter feeds and Facebook posts. It’s tons of people just saying the game is random. Most people don’t want that at all levels
I love how in a video baseball game RNG is a bad word. As if you have a little bat and are really up at the plate and want your swings to matter. It's a joystick man. He is right, if people jump ship because you asked for more joystick action that helps you win more, they will change it back. 100% They are here for profit, not to help you feel better about yourself and your joystick skillzzz.
Lol how dare someone enjoy being good at a video game because you can’t
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@gradekthebard said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@gradekthebard said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@thebigmehple_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I'd just rather they fix the super sink sinker on outlier sinkers at the top of the zone.
Over check swings?! No way. The high sinkers is not unhittable - it’s OP but it’s not unhittable. The check swing is game breaking
Nah, check swings happen. Sinkers sinking at 100 above the zone into the zone do not.
Check swings do not happen 65 x in 1 game at an 85% success rate.
Maybe you should pitch in the zone more? I have never seen 65 check swings in a game. However, there is a possibility it could happen in real life no matter how probable it would be. As far as physics, a sinker would not be able to move in such a manner thrown that way.
pitch in the zone more?? get real. if I have you off balance checkswinging all day I'll continue to throw balls. you guys are in for a rude awakening when 21 drops. 10-15 Ks a game.
Let’s be clear, if people are striking out 15x a game on all star in early 21, SDS will patch it very quickly. No matter what the sweaty’s want, SDS is a for profit business and will adjust the game towards “fun” for the average player.
In competitive mode? Doubtful. Competitive mode is for the sweaty’s.
Competitive mode is h2h, which most DD players use. If all star metrics (events/low ranked/etc) aren’t “fun” those players leave, which is bad for SDS. Just like how they made the button accuracy easier based on data from the beta in 20, they will adjust check swings, timing windows, pitch speeds, etc to ensure their average customer has an enjoyable experience.
I think you are wrong. They clearly said they are trying to focus on the user being in control of as much input in the game as possible which means they are moving away from RNG. They’ve been mentioning this a lot. User user user. You can’t go user user user then when a few users fail go back to giving them a crutch.
They’ve openly stated that is what casual mode and custom practice is for to improve for when you play in competitive.
Obviously they’ve been getting a lot of complaints from people. Look at the Twitter feeds and Facebook posts. It’s tons of people just saying the game is random. Most people don’t want that at all levels
I love how in a video baseball game RNG is a bad word. As if you have a little bat and are really up at the plate and want your swings to matter. It's a joystick man. He is right, if people jump ship because you asked for more joystick action that helps you win more, they will change it back. 100% They are here for profit, not to help you feel better about yourself and your joystick skillzzz.
People won’t jump ship - people will practice and do better. the beta played 1000x better then 20 did for a reason. Because it was more focused on the user.
You are using a joystick yes. And most ppl are noticing that inputs on the joystick do not make sense. That will have more of a draw to people leaving then striking out on their own accord because they can improve and then NOT STRIKE OUT. But if the game play is random there is no way to have any control of the gameplay. That’s not a video game that’s a baseball sim. You don’t want to play a game you want to watch a game
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@ikasnu_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@ikasnu_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@ikasnu_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I lost because of check swings! Get rid of it! LoL. Did you know you can check swing too and that check swings are part of baseball?
When have you ever seen a team check swing 30 times in a game and have roughly 25 of those go in their favor?
Again, now you want realism? That is what I have been asking for, but you guys want user input only. It just the user input you are good at, perhaps?
Realism is impossible, I was using that as an example since it doesn't showcase user input nor realism. Its an exploit through and through and unintended design from the discipline attribute. All check swings should be 50/50, not 90/10.
So you want realism while claiming it is impossible. It is not impossible for many aspects of the game to be realistic. Just like your example of 90/10 vs 50/50. Regardless of whether it was an unintended effect, you want it to be more realistic.
Balance. I want balance or for it to be removed entirely.
Obviously, because you think it will help you win more often. That is what most people on here are saying. I want it so I can win more. You do not care about anything else.
No because I checkswing just as often as the person I'm playing against. I'm sick of getting bailed out when I swung and my opponent doing the same when clearly these should be called strikes.
GradektheBardreplied to A_PerfectGame on Apr 1, 2021, 10:56 AM last edited by GradektheBard_PSN Apr 1, 2021, 11:13 AM
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@gradekthebard said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@gradekthebard said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@thebigmehple_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I'd just rather they fix the super sink sinker on outlier sinkers at the top of the zone.
Over check swings?! No way. The high sinkers is not unhittable - it’s OP but it’s not unhittable. The check swing is game breaking
Nah, check swings happen. Sinkers sinking at 100 above the zone into the zone do not.
Check swings do not happen 65 x in 1 game at an 85% success rate.
Maybe you should pitch in the zone more? I have never seen 65 check swings in a game. However, there is a possibility it could happen in real life no matter how probable it would be. As far as physics, a sinker would not be able to move in such a manner thrown that way.
pitch in the zone more?? get real. if I have you off balance checkswinging all day I'll continue to throw balls. you guys are in for a rude awakening when 21 drops. 10-15 Ks a game.
Let’s be clear, if people are striking out 15x a game on all star in early 21, SDS will patch it very quickly. No matter what the sweaty’s want, SDS is a for profit business and will adjust the game towards “fun” for the average player.
In competitive mode? Doubtful. Competitive mode is for the sweaty’s.
Competitive mode is h2h, which most DD players use. If all star metrics (events/low ranked/etc) aren’t “fun” those players leave, which is bad for SDS. Just like how they made the button accuracy easier based on data from the beta in 20, they will adjust check swings, timing windows, pitch speeds, etc to ensure their average customer has an enjoyable experience.
I think you are wrong. They clearly said they are trying to focus on the user being in control of as much input in the game as possible which means they are moving away from RNG. They’ve been mentioning this a lot. User user user. You can’t go user user user then when a few users fail go back to giving them a crutch.
They’ve openly stated that is what casual mode and custom practice is for to improve for when you play in competitive.
Obviously they’ve been getting a lot of complaints from people. Look at the Twitter feeds and Facebook posts. It’s tons of people just saying the game is random. Most people don’t want that at all levels
“Most people” is entirely baseless. A few hundred people comment on Facebook/Twitter/here (out of hundreds of thousands of customers). Those are the die hards and don’t represent their average customer. I’m not disagreeing with what you said about the, wanting less rng in h2h, but changing pitch speeds/timing Windows/check swing windows are not in fact rng at all and it is those things they will adjust to make average players enjoy the game at all star.
I want to be clear, I am not saying they need to change these things based on my experience, but that they should and WILL based on metrics (whether from the tech test or early gameplay).
@jogger171717_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
“Throw more strikes because I can’t lay off balls.”
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I'd just rather they fix the super sink sinker on outlier sinkers at the top of the zone.
Over check swings?! No way. The high sinkers is not unhittable - it’s OP but it’s not unhittable. The check swing is game breaking
Nah, check swings happen. Sinkers sinking at 100 above the zone into the zone do not.
Check swings do not happen 65 x in 1 game at an 85% success rate.
Maybe you should pitch in the zone more? I have never seen 65 check swings in a game. However, there is a possibility it could happen in real life no matter how probable it would be. As far as physics, a sinker would not be able to move in such a manner thrown that way.
You want to talk about ball physics and realism then tell me to “pitch in the zone” it’s a hitters job to earn strikes.
Oh and sorry it wasnt 65 it was 69 and it happens all the time. This is a completely broken game mechanic.
If you would've thrown 1/3 of those pitches in the zone it would have been 23 strikeouts.
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I'd just rather they fix the super sink sinker on outlier sinkers at the top of the zone.
Over check swings?! No way. The high sinkers is not unhittable - it’s OP but it’s not unhittable. The check swing is game breaking
Nah, check swings happen. Sinkers sinking at 100 above the zone into the zone do not.
Check swings do not happen 65 x in 1 game at an 85% success rate.
Maybe you should pitch in the zone more? I have never seen 65 check swings in a game. However, there is a possibility it could happen in real life no matter how probable it would be. As far as physics, a sinker would not be able to move in such a manner thrown that way.
You want to talk about ball physics and realism then tell me to “pitch in the zone” it’s a hitters job to earn strikes.
Oh and sorry it wasnt 65 it was 69 and it happens all the time. This is a completely broken game mechanic.
If you would've thrown 1/3 of those pitches in the zone it would have been 23 strikeouts.
not a chance. in the zone results in very early/late foul balls.
I can’t wait for the check swing bandits to strike out 8 times in 3 innings and then rage quit!!!
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@mr7brown_xbl said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I'd just rather they fix the super sink sinker on outlier sinkers at the top of the zone.
Over check swings?! No way. The high sinkers is not unhittable - it’s OP but it’s not unhittable. The check swing is game breaking
Nah, check swings happen. Sinkers sinking at 100 above the zone into the zone do not.
Check swings do not happen 65 x in 1 game at an 85% success rate.
Maybe you should pitch in the zone more? I have never seen 65 check swings in a game. However, there is a possibility it could happen in real life no matter how probable it would be. As far as physics, a sinker would not be able to move in such a manner thrown that way.
You want to talk about ball physics and realism then tell me to “pitch in the zone” it’s a hitters job to earn strikes.
Oh and sorry it wasnt 65 it was 69 and it happens all the time. This is a completely broken game mechanic.
If you would've thrown 1/3 of those pitches in the zone it would have been 23 strikeouts.
Get some plate discipline instead of relying on check swings to bail you out lol
@ibonafidescrub_ said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I can’t wait for the check swing bandits to strike out 8 times in 3 innings and then rage quit!!!
And then they would put check swings back. Careful what you wish for.
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I can’t wait for the check swing bandits to strike out 8 times in 3 innings and then rage quit!!!
And then they would put check swings back. Careful what you wish for.
No they aren’t this is wishful thinking. They are going a new direction with the game that’s evident. They are separating competitive from other forms of play. They aren’t going to listen to non-competitive minded people to dictate competitive gameplay. That’s what’s ruined the gameplay in the past and they are aware of it.
@a_perfectgame said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@vipersneak_psn said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in Thank god 21 won’t let check swings bail people out as often:
I can’t wait for the check swing bandits to strike out 8 times in 3 innings and then rage quit!!!
And then they would put check swings back. Careful what you wish for.
No they aren’t this is wishful thinking. They are going a new direction with the game that’s evident. They are separating competitive from other forms of play. They aren’t going to listen to non-competitive minded people to dictate competitive gameplay. That’s what’s ruined the gameplay in the past and they are aware of it.
Maybe on HoF and Legend, but I can almost guarantee they will make sure All Star if fun for the median player