Arcade Mode
@pennstatefencer said in Arcade Mode:
@sean_87__psn said in Arcade Mode:
@rabid55wolverine said in Arcade Mode:
Arcade is the easy pick up and play. Simulation is the setting the game is at now. Competitive is the setting for online, not arcade. Competitive is when the inputs matter the most, not arcade.
He’s referring to the cards not mattering as much. Input is more important than the cards this year. Pitchers won’t even matter as long they have good velocity. You will do fine this year with bronze pitchers.
Use bronze pitchers throughout the year in ranked and tell us how that goes for you...
You keep saying you want the players you use to matter. They will. They just won't matter more than they should, and that is a good thing.
I think you will put up comparable stat lines with your pitchers no matter who it is. The way the hitting is setup, it just isn’t going to matter much.
By the way, don’t let the devs sell you on the “PAR” feature either. It’s always been in the game, they are just showing it to us now. I can’t stand how they are trying to use it as a selling point like it’s some kind of major gameplay update.
@sean_87__psn said in Arcade Mode:
By the way, don’t let the devs sell you on the “PAR” feature either. It’s always been in the game, they are just showing it to us now. I can’t stand how they are trying to use it as a selling point like it’s some kind of major gameplay update.
@sean_87__psn said in Arcade Mode:
@yankblan_psn said in Arcade Mode:
@sean_87__psn said in Arcade Mode:
@yankblan_psn said in Arcade Mode:
It's so hard for people to understand that a competitive video game CANNOT recreate real life. Playing Madden or NHL, you can just spam fast WRs or skaters, hard checkers or exploits; some console players are just better/faster than others. A hitter will see a SP twice in the game, maybe 4 to 12 pitches total, and a couple of RPs after that. Playing as the entire lineup, you will see the same SP for 60-100 pitches, and even if the other guy brings in a reliever, he may follow the same patterns or pick the same spots over and over.
What you want is a strategy card game or a turn based RPG like the old Final Fantasy, but in a sports game. A Strat-O-Matic. A fully controlled team of players going 1v1 is impossible.
It would have to be a baseball version of CHEL, but batting 4 times in a game and playing the OF would be a bore to most players.
This simply is not true. All we want is a realistic baseball game where the players we use actually matters. I should not have the same batting averages with all my players. Same goes with the pitchers. You try to put words in our mouth several times over now. I have explained this to you and others before in detail, but yet you still interpret into something we never said. I don’t mind that you don’t agree with us, just don’t act like we are saying something else than we actually are.
Except what you want exists, but offline. The ratings somewhat limit what a given player can do, but if a career .285 hitter with a .380 batting average has to be brought back down to a line closer to his true value, then it's not a competitive game anymore, since he will be guaranteed a slump to normalize his stats. You take control out of the player's hands.
I understand what you want, but you have to understand online sports games and what they do in the hands of users. The player ratings do that job, but a top 10% player will always outperform his cards, and mediocre player like me will be below. If you're bad, you're going to be bad across the board, but if you're good, baring exceptions, you're going to be good throughout you lineup. How do you tell a game "well, Judge, stop hitting HRs now because Babe has less than you".
I am absolutely not trying to be a behind's orifice, I just don't see how it's feasible without removing control from the players. As of now, nobody has been able to come up with the solution.
**And no, seeing from another one of your posts, a bronze pitcher will not do fine. That is what PAR showed; the accuracy will be determined by the user, but the margin of error will be determined by attributes and difficulty level.
There is a way to do it and it’s quite simple with the right engine in place. Every player has data on them for each part of the zone against pitch types and speeds. I don’t think they could do this with their current engine, but it could be done. We never said anything about taking the controller out of the users hands either. All we want to see is when you have solid at bats, that the stat line should be in the neighborhood of the players real life abilities. If you have bad at bats, you are below it obviously. We don’t like the same type of games, that’s ok. Maybe this game just isn’t for me anymore. I want realistic play and that’s it. If this can’t give it to me then ok. I would appreciate in the future though if you wouldn’t any longer misrepresent what people in my camp are saying.
I hear what you are saying and i get where you are going with what your "vision" of the game you would like to be. Btw i'm open to both sides of idea so not on anyones side but will agree with most compelling idea.
But in a way they are not saying they don't like the idea (at least some) but more of an explanation or ideas how to do it besides changing engine cuz it has to be more to it than that.
You say you want the batter to play more towards his his stat lines? And attributes should reflect his stats right?
Well now this is where you need to be specific to the card type you would like to see this refer too.
Signature Cards = Combined Career Compliation
Post Season = Atrributes combined based off how they did vs that peticular time in season of that peticular year.
All Star = Attributes from that year specifically
Silver Slugger = " "
Gold Glove = " "
Live Series = Insider Edge tracks stat of every player during regular season and post season. These are a representation of the closest things to what you are asking for. As stats change throughout year so does card. (which in short very realistic)
So perhaps rather than asking for a new engine maybe different types of ranked seasons? Live series only for one group and then the other group has the other card types?
@sean_87__psn said in Arcade Mode:
@yankblan_psn said in Arcade Mode:
@sean_87__psn said in Arcade Mode:
@yankblan_psn said in Arcade Mode:
It's so hard for people to understand that a competitive video game CANNOT recreate real life. Playing Madden or NHL, you can just spam fast WRs or skaters, hard checkers or exploits; some console players are just better/faster than others. A hitter will see a SP twice in the game, maybe 4 to 12 pitches total, and a couple of RPs after that. Playing as the entire lineup, you will see the same SP for 60-100 pitches, and even if the other guy brings in a reliever, he may follow the same patterns or pick the same spots over and over.
What you want is a strategy card game or a turn based RPG like the old Final Fantasy, but in a sports game. A Strat-O-Matic. A fully controlled team of players going 1v1 is impossible.
It would have to be a baseball version of CHEL, but batting 4 times in a game and playing the OF would be a bore to most players.
This simply is not true. All we want is a realistic baseball game where the players we use actually matters. I should not have the same batting averages with all my players. Same goes with the pitchers. You try to put words in our mouth several times over now. I have explained this to you and others before in detail, but yet you still interpret into something we never said. I don’t mind that you don’t agree with us, just don’t act like we are saying something else than we actually are.
Except what you want exists, but offline. The ratings somewhat limit what a given player can do, but if a career .285 hitter with a .380 batting average has to be brought back down to a line closer to his true value, then it's not a competitive game anymore, since he will be guaranteed a slump to normalize his stats. You take control out of the player's hands.
I understand what you want, but you have to understand online sports games and what they do in the hands of users. The player ratings do that job, but a top 10% player will always outperform his cards, and mediocre player like me will be below. If you're bad, you're going to be bad across the board, but if you're good, baring exceptions, you're going to be good throughout you lineup. How do you tell a game "well, Judge, stop hitting HRs now because Babe has less than you".
I am absolutely not trying to be a behind's orifice, I just don't see how it's feasible without removing control from the players. As of now, nobody has been able to come up with the solution.
**And no, seeing from another one of your posts, a bronze pitcher will not do fine. That is what PAR showed; the accuracy will be determined by the user, but the margin of error will be determined by attributes and difficulty level.
There is a way to do it and it’s quite simple with the right engine in place. Every player has data on them for each part of the zone against pitch types and speeds. I don’t think they could do this with their current engine, but it could be done. We never said anything about taking the controller out of the users hands either. All we want to see is when you have solid at bats, that the stat line should be in the neighborhood of the players real life abilities. If you have bad at bats, you are below it obviously. We don’t like the same type of games, that’s ok. Maybe this game just isn’t for me anymore. I want realistic play and that’s it. If this can’t give it to me then ok. I would appreciate in the future though if you wouldn’t any longer misrepresent what people in my camp are saying.
Thank you. This is where I am too. If cards matter less this year I will just play franchise. Will save me money Will also cause lower profits for SDS. In fact this is why all other baseball games have failed. The less realistic the game is the more of a generic boring game it becomes for tons of baseball fans. Also the good players get better and the mediocre players get worse and quit. It is always the better players asking for more input to matter and if SDS continues to listen to them the game will fail like all others have. Most players want realistic baseball and it certainly ly can be done.
Additionally good players asking for input to matter more is only so they can dominate more. Not for the good of the game. It’s the same people who complain when the lose to someone they have decided is not as good as they are. They get on here and complain that RNG beat them. You will see these guys complain all year long whenever they lose to someone ranked lower than they are. These guys do t care about how realistic the game is. As you an see they even try to convince you that realism isn’t possible lol.
@vipersneak_psn said in Arcade Mode:
Additionally good players asking for input to matter more is only so they can dominate more. Not for the good of the game. It’s the same people who complain when the lose to someone they have decided is not as good as they are. They get on here and complain that RNG beat them. You will see these guys complain all year long whenever they lose to someone ranked lower than they are. These guys do t care about how realistic the game is. As you an see they even try to convince you that realism isn’t possible lol.
Now whose putting words into who's mouth?
That is not why the arguement for input is being thrown around. Thier arguement for input to matter is so somebody who has never played b4 or even if they have can't just mash buttons and be #1 on leaderboard. They want skill factor to matter as it should with any competitive mode.
You dont see people reaching Championship series in rocket league if they can't make car fly do you? You don't see people in ARMA winning MP matches without using skills such as aim down sight, or going prone or even flying helicopter without using sticks or specific motions required by skill do you? Same arguement they are making.
And if you have a solution to making game more compettitive then by all means i'm sure people are willing to be open to ideas. But at this point all you have done is say it's not realistic enough but you havn't supplied any solutions to deter people from there way that is working to accomplish competitive gameplay.
I supplied a possible solution 3 posts up you can refer to the live series version of post to see if that is somewhere of the same ballpark (no pun intended) your'e thinking?
@vipersneak_psn said in Arcade Mode:
@rabid55wolverine said in Arcade Mode:
Arcade is the easy pick up and play. Simulation is the setting the game is at now. Competitive is the setting for online, not arcade. Competitive is when the inputs matter the most, not arcade.
Let me spell it out for you. There is no mode called "Arcade" by SDS. I am sarcastically calling "Competitive" mode "Arcade" because the more that your team and players do not matter, the more "arcade like" the game becomes. There has to be a balance of input and the importance of each player card. Some people with great eyesight and reflexes want more arcade elements to matter. Like hitting the green mark on a swinging meter. That has to be in the game because we do not have bats to swing with (only a joystick), but the less your team matters the less strategic and the more arcade like the game becomes. If input was all that mattered we could have generic players with all of the same skill ratings. I am in the camp that wants player cards with high skill ratings to perform better than player cards with low skill ratings regardless of whether or not you hit an imaginary line on a timing meter. This argument has raged since the game has been in existence. I assumed that most players would understand that I was simply continuing the argument of input vs player ratings.
21 beta was pretty [censored] balanced with user/card ratio. The problem is when you go more about attributes and less about user.
@grizzbear55_psn said in Arcade Mode:
@vipersneak_psn said in Arcade Mode:
Additionally good players asking for input to matter more is only so they can dominate more. Not for the good of the game. It’s the same people who complain when the lose to someone they have decided is not as good as they are. They get on here and complain that RNG beat them. You will see these guys complain all year long whenever they lose to someone ranked lower than they are. These guys do t care about how realistic the game is. As you an see they even try to convince you that realism isn’t possible lol.
Now whose putting words into who's mouth?
That is not why the arguement for input is being thrown around. Thier arguement for input to matter is so somebody who has never played b4 or even if they have can't just mash buttons and be #1 on leaderboard. They want skill factor to matter as it should with any competitive mode.
You dont see people reaching Championship series in rocket league if they can't make car fly do you? You don't see people in ARMA winning MP matches without using skills such as aim down sight, or going prone or even flying helicopter without using sticks or specific motions required by skill do you? Same arguement they are making.
And if you have a solution to making game more compettitive then by all means i'm sure people are willing to be open to ideas. But at this point all you have done is say it's not realistic enough but you havn't supplied any solutions to deter people from there way that is working to accomplish competitive gameplay.
I supplied a possible solution 3 posts up you can refer to the live series version of post to see if that is somewhere of the same ballpark (no pun intended) your'e thinking?
I don’t think he was referring to you. By the way, I have made several posts on how it could be done. You just may have not seen them. This conversation has been going on for years so it’s understandable that you could have missed them.
@vipersneak_psn said in Arcade Mode:
@sean_87__psn said in Arcade Mode:
@yankblan_psn said in Arcade Mode:
@sean_87__psn said in Arcade Mode:
@yankblan_psn said in Arcade Mode:
It's so hard for people to understand that a competitive video game CANNOT recreate real life. Playing Madden or NHL, you can just spam fast WRs or skaters, hard checkers or exploits; some console players are just better/faster than others. A hitter will see a SP twice in the game, maybe 4 to 12 pitches total, and a couple of RPs after that. Playing as the entire lineup, you will see the same SP for 60-100 pitches, and even if the other guy brings in a reliever, he may follow the same patterns or pick the same spots over and over.
What you want is a strategy card game or a turn based RPG like the old Final Fantasy, but in a sports game. A Strat-O-Matic. A fully controlled team of players going 1v1 is impossible.
It would have to be a baseball version of CHEL, but batting 4 times in a game and playing the OF would be a bore to most players.
This simply is not true. All we want is a realistic baseball game where the players we use actually matters. I should not have the same batting averages with all my players. Same goes with the pitchers. You try to put words in our mouth several times over now. I have explained this to you and others before in detail, but yet you still interpret into something we never said. I don’t mind that you don’t agree with us, just don’t act like we are saying something else than we actually are.
Except what you want exists, but offline. The ratings somewhat limit what a given player can do, but if a career .285 hitter with a .380 batting average has to be brought back down to a line closer to his true value, then it's not a competitive game anymore, since he will be guaranteed a slump to normalize his stats. You take control out of the player's hands.
I understand what you want, but you have to understand online sports games and what they do in the hands of users. The player ratings do that job, but a top 10% player will always outperform his cards, and mediocre player like me will be below. If you're bad, you're going to be bad across the board, but if you're good, baring exceptions, you're going to be good throughout you lineup. How do you tell a game "well, Judge, stop hitting HRs now because Babe has less than you".
I am absolutely not trying to be a behind's orifice, I just don't see how it's feasible without removing control from the players. As of now, nobody has been able to come up with the solution.
**And no, seeing from another one of your posts, a bronze pitcher will not do fine. That is what PAR showed; the accuracy will be determined by the user, but the margin of error will be determined by attributes and difficulty level.
There is a way to do it and it’s quite simple with the right engine in place. Every player has data on them for each part of the zone against pitch types and speeds. I don’t think they could do this with their current engine, but it could be done. We never said anything about taking the controller out of the users hands either. All we want to see is when you have solid at bats, that the stat line should be in the neighborhood of the players real life abilities. If you have bad at bats, you are below it obviously. We don’t like the same type of games, that’s ok. Maybe this game just isn’t for me anymore. I want realistic play and that’s it. If this can’t give it to me then ok. I would appreciate in the future though if you wouldn’t any longer misrepresent what people in my camp are saying.
Thank you. This is where I am too. If cards matter less this year I will just play franchise. Will save me money Will also cause lower profits for SDS. In fact this is why all other baseball games have failed. The less realistic the game is the more of a generic boring game it becomes for tons of baseball fans. Also the good players get better and the mediocre players get worse and quit. It is always the better players asking for more input to matter and if SDS continues to listen to them the game will fail like all others have. Most players want realistic baseball and it certainly ly can be done.
Actually average and above average players suffer more in the current style game the people that remain fine are the elite which can adjust to anything and the really bad players that can now compete with everyone that isn’t elite.
The idea that you will do just fine with bronze pitchers in 21 because ratings don't matter is such an idiotic and absurd statement to make. I would love to see anyone for a 10 game stretch use only bronze pitchers in ranked seasons and say they are just as good as a 99 staff.
@rabid55wolverine said in Arcade Mode:
The idea that you will do just fine with bronze pitchers in 21 because ratings don't matter is such an idiotic and absurd statement to make. I would love to see anyone for a 10 game stretch use only bronze pitchers in ranked seasons and say they are just as good as a 99 staff.
Yep, this is what the H/9 does. They removed the HR/9 in 19 because people complained it deadened their perfect/perfect (even though the term didn’t exist yet).
@sean_87__psn said in Arcade Mode:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Arcade Mode:
@vipersneak_psn said in Arcade Mode:
Additionally good players asking for input to matter more is only so they can dominate more. Not for the good of the game. It’s the same people who complain when the lose to someone they have decided is not as good as they are. They get on here and complain that RNG beat them. You will see these guys complain all year long whenever they lose to someone ranked lower than they are. These guys do t care about how realistic the game is. As you an see they even try to convince you that realism isn’t possible lol.
Now whose putting words into who's mouth?
That is not why the arguement for input is being thrown around. Thier arguement for input to matter is so somebody who has never played b4 or even if they have can't just mash buttons and be #1 on leaderboard. They want skill factor to matter as it should with any competitive mode.
You dont see people reaching Championship series in rocket league if they can't make car fly do you? You don't see people in ARMA winning MP matches without using skills such as aim down sight, or going prone or even flying helicopter without using sticks or specific motions required by skill do you? Same arguement they are making.
And if you have a solution to making game more compettitive then by all means i'm sure people are willing to be open to ideas. But at this point all you have done is say it's not realistic enough but you havn't supplied any solutions to deter people from there way that is working to accomplish competitive gameplay.
I supplied a possible solution 3 posts up you can refer to the live series version of post to see if that is somewhere of the same ballpark (no pun intended) your'e thinking?
I don’t think he was referring to you. By the way, I have made several posts on how it could be done. You just may have not seen them. This conversation has been going on for years so it’s understandable that you could have missed them.
Ok and that's fine. But i literally posted a possible solution to an extent 9 posts up.
@vipersneak_psn said in Arcade Mode:
Additionally good players asking for input to matter more is only so they can dominate more. Not for the good of the game. It’s the same people who complain when the lose to someone they have decided is not as good as they are. They get on here and complain that RNG beat them. You will see these guys complain all year long whenever they lose to someone ranked lower than they are. These guys do t care about how realistic the game is. As you an see they even try to convince you that realism isn’t possible lol.
This is exactly what I see since I have started posting here. They don't like anything added to the game that may cause them to lose a game, just see the reaction to created stadiums being allowed in DD.
@nflman2033 said in Arcade Mode:
@vipersneak_psn said in Arcade Mode:
Additionally good players asking for input to matter more is only so they can dominate more. Not for the good of the game. It’s the same people who complain when the lose to someone they have decided is not as good as they are. They get on here and complain that RNG beat them. You will see these guys complain all year long whenever they lose to someone ranked lower than they are. These guys do t care about how realistic the game is. As you an see they even try to convince you that realism isn’t possible lol.
This is exactly what I see since I have started posting here. They don't like anything added to the game that may cause them to lose a game, just see the reaction to created stadiums being allowed in DD.
*anything added to the game to cause them to lose a game outside of user control
@a_perfectgame said in Arcade Mode:
@nflman2033 said in Arcade Mode:
@vipersneak_psn said in Arcade Mode:
Additionally good players asking for input to matter more is only so they can dominate more. Not for the good of the game. It’s the same people who complain when the lose to someone they have decided is not as good as they are. They get on here and complain that RNG beat them. You will see these guys complain all year long whenever they lose to someone ranked lower than they are. These guys do t care about how realistic the game is. As you an see they even try to convince you that realism isn’t possible lol.
This is exactly what I see since I have started posting here. They don't like anything added to the game that may cause them to lose a game, just see the reaction to created stadiums being allowed in DD.
*anything added to the game to cause them to lose a game outside of user control
But that's just it, in life you are going to lose at anything to something that is not in your control. It happens in real sports to, does the better team win 100% of the time, on top of that there are circumstances that are completely outside of the control of either team that can cause the better team to lose.
The issue is that rather than taking the loss and moving on, people seem to feel the need to complain about it, endlessly. They also conveniently forget about all the other times that they get the W when they didn't deserve it.
It's a game, it's for fun, if you want to Win 100% of the time play the CPU. Not saying no one complains after a win, but not often. But most complaining comes after a loss.
I used to be very much in the camp of people just complain about losing too much. However, I came to realize that this game does lean a bit too heavily on RNG.
That being said, unless all bad hits are erased from the game and all good input is rewarded, it is an impossibility to have the better player win every time. Because at some point someone will get lucky on one bad hit that wins them the game. There is no other way to make the better player win everytime without compromising what makes baseball baseball.
That being said, if someone can hit .400 with a Francisco Lindor card because they are that good, good for them, they should be able to, the game should not restrict that
@eatyum_psn said in Arcade Mode:
I used to be very much in the camp of people just complain about losing too much. However, I came to realize that this game does lean a bit too heavily on RNG.
That being said, unless all bad hits are erased from the game and all good input is rewarded, it is an impossibility to have the better player win every time. Because at some point someone will get lucky on one bad hit that wins them the game. There is no other way to make the better player win everytime without compromising what makes baseball baseball.
That being said, if someone can hit .400 with a Francisco Lindor card because they are that good, good for them, they should be able to, the game should not restrict that
Lindor hitting .400 is not unrealistic. Lindor hitting .700 is. No matter how good the players input is, there is a point of absurdity. Should someone really good with pinpoint pitching be able to throw a no hitter every game? I am mentioning extremes to help people understand why total player input in a baseball game with no randomness is a bad idea. Of course the person throwing the no hitters every game would likely disagree, claiming he is just that good with his bronze cards and claim it’s not baseball it’s a video game.
I want the game to resemble real MLB baseball. Lindor hitting 400 is fine. It’s not an impossibility.
@vipersneak_psn said in Arcade Mode:
@eatyum_psn said in Arcade Mode:
I used to be very much in the camp of people just complain about losing too much. However, I came to realize that this game does lean a bit too heavily on RNG.
That being said, unless all bad hits are erased from the game and all good input is rewarded, it is an impossibility to have the better player win every time. Because at some point someone will get lucky on one bad hit that wins them the game. There is no other way to make the better player win everytime without compromising what makes baseball baseball.
That being said, if someone can hit .400 with a Francisco Lindor card because they are that good, good for them, they should be able to, the game should not restrict that
Lindor hitting .400 is not unrealistic. Lindor hitting .700 is. No matter how good the players input is, there is a point of absurdity. Should someone really good with pinpoint pitching be able to throw a no hitter every game? I am mentioning extremes to help people understand why total player input in a baseball game with no randomness is a bad idea. Of course the person throwing the no hitters every game would likely disagree, claiming he is just that good with his bronze cards and claim it’s not baseball it’s a video game.
I want the game to resemble real MLB baseball. Lindor hitting 400 is fine. It’s not an impossibility.
I don't think you have to worry about .700 averages or no hitters every game, it's not going to be that extreme. SDS talks about user input every year, I'm sure user input will matter more, but cards will still matter to.
Diamond dynasty is also not built to closely resemble real baseball, unless you are the 2021 Dodgers, you don't have super teams.
@vipersneak_psn said in Arcade Mode:
@eatyum_psn said in Arcade Mode:
I used to be very much in the camp of people just complain about losing too much. However, I came to realize that this game does lean a bit too heavily on RNG.
That being said, unless all bad hits are erased from the game and all good input is rewarded, it is an impossibility to have the better player win every time. Because at some point someone will get lucky on one bad hit that wins them the game. There is no other way to make the better player win everytime without compromising what makes baseball baseball.
That being said, if someone can hit .400 with a Francisco Lindor card because they are that good, good for them, they should be able to, the game should not restrict that
Lindor hitting .400 is not unrealistic. Lindor hitting .700 is. No matter how good the players input is, there is a point of absurdity. Should someone really good with pinpoint pitching be able to throw a no hitter every game? I am mentioning extremes to help people understand why total player input in a baseball game with no randomness is a bad idea. Of course the person throwing the no hitters every game would likely disagree, claiming he is just that good with his bronze cards and claim it’s not baseball it’s a video game.
I want the game to resemble real MLB baseball. Lindor hitting 400 is fine. It’s not an impossibility.
When you have user input as the X factor, there is also this other variable called...the other users input. Are people hitting .700 or are we throwing shut outs till infinity? Both can’t really happen now can it.
When you get a really good hitter vs a really good pitcher you know what’s gunna happen? Baseball.
When we had to much behind the scenes simulation based on career stats you know what happened? Hits slowing down mid flight.
@nflman2033 said in Arcade Mode:
@a_perfectgame said in Arcade Mode:
@nflman2033 said in Arcade Mode:
@vipersneak_psn said in Arcade Mode:
Additionally good players asking for input to matter more is only so they can dominate more. Not for the good of the game. It’s the same people who complain when the lose to someone they have decided is not as good as they are. They get on here and complain that RNG beat them. You will see these guys complain all year long whenever they lose to someone ranked lower than they are. These guys do t care about how realistic the game is. As you an see they even try to convince you that realism isn’t possible lol.
This is exactly what I see since I have started posting here. They don't like anything added to the game that may cause them to lose a game, just see the reaction to created stadiums being allowed in DD.
*anything added to the game to cause them to lose a game outside of user control
But that's just it, in life you are going to lose at anything to something that is not in your control. It happens in real sports to, does the better team win 100% of the time, on top of that there are circumstances that are completely outside of the control of either team that can cause the better team to lose.
The issue is that rather than taking the loss and moving on, people seem to feel the need to complain about it, endlessly. They also conveniently forget about all the other times that they get the W when they didn't deserve it.
It's a game, it's for fun, if you want to Win 100% of the time play the CPU. Not saying no one complains after a win, but not often. But most complaining comes after a loss.
21 still has RNG it’s just way more balanced. Mlb the show plays way better when you lean towards user input. 21 was possibly the best game I think I’ve ever played personally.
Especially with the way pitching was. I don’t think they can mess this one up tbh
I don’t want Ws when I don’t deserve it and Losses when I don’t deserve them. I want wins when I deserve them and losses when I deserve them.
It’s not a legit complaint? God forbid the inputs a person makes in a video game impact the outcome? Crazy concept.
The guy that swings at every pitch early and if it’s off speed they stop mid swing and either draw a walk or hit a homerun has got to go.... that guy is a literal cancer in mlb 20