Two VERY Strange Things Just Happened
@Onyx_Hokie_2 said in Two VERY Strange Things Just Happened:
I'm in the final stage of the 5th Inning Conquest map, in control of every territory bar three CPU strongholds. Within 15 minutes of each other, these two oddities occurred:
The CPU NO-HIT me in a game against Baltimore. I'm not the best player on the Earth, not by a long stretch, but getting no-hit by the CPU - on Rookie difficulty, no less - is practically unthinkable.
In my next game, against the Marlins, one of the annoying fans who can be heard above the general din is chanting my name - my REAL NAME. The pitcher is named Sandy and Mike Trout is at the plate, so I can't see any reason why the fan would be chanting, "BRY-an! BRY-an!" over and over again. Other games have done such stuff, usually in horror games and usually on PC. I'm not spooked or even bothered, but it's very odd.
That sucks. We've all been there with the cpu baffling us. In 3 inning games RNG plays a huge part. Unfortunately if you square the ball up and smoke it right at a fielder there's not much else you can do.
Ignore the guy who commented first OP, his comment is just wildly uncalled for....
Note: to answer the likely response to point 2, the voice was clear and saying "Bryan", not "Marlins". Not unless the game has a fan encoded with a bizarre speech impediment which changes "M"s to "B"s while also making plural "s" silent. I'm old and my hearing is damaged from combat in Iraq, but it's not THAT bad. I know what I heard.
As far as #1 goes, I have found the conquest games I played vs cpu on veteran to be somewhat challenging at times because the pitch speeds are so slow.
I can’t comment on rookie but if I am aggressive at the plate, I have run into frustration because of how the pitcher confidence builds up.
It sucks to have to take pitches vs cpu, but you kinda do at least a little.
Also, isn’t Brian Anderson a Marlin?
@EvylShaun said in Two VERY Strange Things Just Happened:
@Onyx_Hokie_2 said in Two VERY Strange Things Just Happened:
I'm in the final stage of the 5th Inning Conquest map, in control of every territory bar three CPU strongholds. Within 15 minutes of each other, these two oddities occurred:
The CPU NO-HIT me in a game against Baltimore. I'm not the best player on the Earth, not by a long stretch, but getting no-hit by the CPU - on Rookie difficulty, no less - is practically unthinkable.
In my next game, against the Marlins, one of the annoying fans who can be heard above the general din is chanting my name - my REAL NAME. The pitcher is named Sandy and Mike Trout is at the plate, so I can't see any reason why the fan would be chanting, "BRY-an! BRY-an!" over and over again. Other games have done such stuff, usually in horror games and usually on PC. I'm not spooked or even bothered, but it's very odd.
That sucks. We've all been there with the cpu baffling us. In 3 inning games RNG plays a huge part. Unfortunately if you square the ball up and smoke it right at a fielder there's not much else you can do.
Ignore the guy who commented first OP, his comment is just wildly uncalled for....
Wildly uncalled for. Okay then. Guess you're the sensitive type, I was just repeating his words and acknowledged his self reflective analysis. But you go ahead and tell me I'm the bad man and play the knight in shiny armor if that makes you feel better.
@EvylShaun said in Two VERY Strange Things Just Happened:
That sucks. We've all been there with the cpu baffling us. In 3 inning games RNG plays a huge part. Unfortunately if you square the ball up and smoke it right at a fielder there's not much else you can do.
It was certainly strange but it doesn't bother me, especially considering that only a few minutes were lost. It seemed like the CPU was set to Legend. I say that because not a single CPU player swung and missed, not once in 42 pitches.
Ignore the guy who commented first OP, his comment is just wildly uncalled for....
The mods must have gotten it with lightning speed, because I have no idea what you're describing. Then again, maybe the respondent thought better of his/her/its post and deleted it.
@Onyx_Hokie_2 said in Two VERY Strange Things Just Happened:
@EvylShaun said in Two VERY Strange Things Just Happened:
That sucks. We've all been there with the cpu baffling us. In 3 inning games RNG plays a huge part. Unfortunately if you square the ball up and smoke it right at a fielder there's not much else you can do.
It was certainly strange but it doesn't bother me, especially considering that only a few minutes were lost. It seemed like the CPU was set to Legend. I say that because not a single CPU player swung and missed, not once in 42 pitches.
Ignore the guy who commented first OP, his comment is just wildly uncalled for....
The mods must have gotten it with lightning speed, because I have no idea what you're describing. Then again, maybe the respondent thought better of his/her/its post and deleted it.
I meant no harm at all, thank you for your service and have a great day.
@raesONE said in Two VERY Strange Things Just Happened:
- The CPU NO-HIT me in a game against Baltimore. I'm not the best player on the Earth, not by a long stretch, but getting no-hit by the CPU - on Rookie difficulty, no less - is practically unthinkable.
Lol to say you're not the best player in the world is a bit of an understatement after reading this.
Ah, there we go. For me, this post only appeared just now. As for my apparent understatement, if making such toxic remarks adds to your enjoyment of the day in general and this forum in particular, have at it. Bounces right off.
Yeah, don't play Conquest on Rookie, I don't know what it is, but Rookie difficulty is so much worse than Veteran imo.
I think that the idea of the difficulty being the issue might be dead-on, particularly considering the the starter's fastballs were barely breaking 95 mph. Combine that with the fact that I've been playing a lot of Ranked Seasons lately against opponents in the 400 to 700 range and it might make sense.
It could be the same reason that a normal person off the street could strike out a major leaguer - ONCE - if the batter didn't know that the pitcher isn't a pro. For those who will object to such a notion, replace "person on the street" with "position player" if doing so helps make the analogy work better for you.
I pretty much only ever play at Rookie level in Conquest, and even then only if there's nothing to be gained by playing at a higher difficulty level. On the rare occasions (after Turn 5 or so) that I bother with attempting to steal fans I generally play on either All-Star or Legend. Maybe I'll try something similar - Veteran at the least - when conquering cities.
It's a crazily small sample size, but..
Same opponent, same starter, raised difficulty... and I'm up 4-0 after 4 AB (6 pitches), 4 XBH (NDHR, XBH-2, NDHR, NDHR). The CPU's pitches just have more zip, more realistic life. Interesting.
Edit: make that 10-0 after one inning, including Tatis Jr taking after his daddy with two non-solo blasts in one inning, one a 2RHR and one a GS.
The pitching speed difference is night-and-day, with the added benefit of being more akin to Ranked Seasons pitching, thus making Conquest games reasonable bits of practice for online play.
A quick thank you to those who replied with useful ideas and information.
You've helped to enhance my enjoyment of my all-time favorite games series. I appreciate it.
@Onyx_Hokie_2 said in Two VERY Strange Things Just Happened:
@raesONE said in Two VERY Strange Things Just Happened:
- The CPU NO-HIT me in a game against Baltimore. I'm not the best player on the Earth, not by a long stretch, but getting no-hit by the CPU - on Rookie difficulty, no less - is practically unthinkable.
Lol to say you're not the best player in the world is a bit of an understatement after reading this.
Ah, there we go. For me, this post only appeared just now. As for my apparent understatement, if making such toxic remarks adds to your enjoyment of the day in general and this forum in particular, have at it. Bounces right off.
As it should, like I said I meant no harm and my comments were harmless. You went to Iraq, none of this stuff will probably even have the slightest impact on you. Again, as it should. No harm intended, no harm done.
I made the mistake of playing on rookie for conquest for quite awhile until I played an event on All Star. I tried one of the beat this team on turn one(which is All Star) and I hit very well. After that, All Star is my go to difficulty in conquest mode even if the lower difficulties are available.
@Onyx_Hokie_2 said in Two VERY Strange Things Just Happened:
I'm in the final stage of the 5th Inning Conquest map, in control of every territory bar three CPU strongholds. Within 15 minutes of each other, these two oddities occurred:
The CPU NO-HIT me in a game against Baltimore. I'm not the best player on the Earth, not by a long stretch, but getting no-hit by the CPU - on Rookie difficulty, no less - is practically unthinkable.
In my next game, against the Marlins, one of the annoying fans who can be heard above the general din is chanting my name - my REAL NAME. The pitcher is named Sandy and Mike Trout is at the plate, so I can't see any reason why the fan would be chanting, "BRY-an! BRY-an!" over and over again. Other games have done such stuff, usually in horror games and usually on PC. I'm not spooked or even bothered, but it's very odd. Lmmfao