Robbing Home Runs is Impossible
Yet to rob one this year, but CPU has robbed me at least 5 times in moments/showdown.
You have to jump earlier than you'd think because you have to give your outfielder time to take that step or two up the wall. Most people jump too late because they think it's just a matter of jumping up and grabbing it; they don't give themselves time to climb the wall
It’s definitely harder this year but doable. Now making a regular diving play in the outfield? Impossible except for the cpu
Only 1 robbed home run so far this season.
This video was from MLB TS 17 I believe. Got robbed 3 times in one game lol. Beware my old Hitting view.
I'm at 3 right now. All with FOF Buxton
@RyanF612 said in Robbing Home Runs is Impossible:
If robbing homeruns is impossible, how did your opponent do it?
He never robbed it. It hit off his wrist and stayed in play. Then I go to rob it and it is a crappy animation
@Hikes83 said in Robbing Home Runs is Impossible:
I rob 4-5 a year. Takes alot of luck. I see people try all the time but they really don’t have the technique
Yep, I think i have robbed about 15-20 this year. It’s definitely a numbers game where the failure outweighs the success by a large margin
@SidTheKid_PiTT87 said in Robbing Home Runs is Impossible:
I hit a dinger for a sure HR right? Nah, robbed. Fast forward half an inning and he hits a dinger and it I can't catch it with Mickey Mantle. Right...
Trout has been a god for me this year i have robbed a few homers in RS play - took screenshots and all - you just have to time it right
I've been robbed all year lol
I get one every now and then but not very often...And I’m ok with that. It’s a rare occurrence in real life & should be in the game as well.
My favorite play of the year was 2 months ago and I robbed a 3R HR with Babe Ruth in Left Field. Seeing the Bambino run and scale the wall at Shippett made me laugh many, many times. Won the game based on that play (and his 2 HRs) for sure.
@SidTheKid_PiTT87 said in Robbing Home Runs is Impossible:
I hit a dinger for a sure HR right? Nah, robbed. Fast forward half an inning and he hits a dinger and it I can't catch it with Mickey Mantle. Right...
I've robbed like 3 or 4 this year. Its very difficult but also very satisfying when you do, which is how it should be imo
Someone robbed me off arenado in the giants event. To center. Then I hit a bomb with Seager and dashboarded me
I've definitely robbed over 10 on the year. And probably even more against me.
I robbed my share this year. Best bet is let it stay ahead of you, and slowly ease ur way to the ball and jump at last second.
Edit: ease way to warning track...
I've gotten a couple this year with Mantle.
Got one with Walker a few weeks ago.