Online franchise? If not, can we at least have this?
Can we get stat tracking for friendly games?
With all of the advanced stats, you should be able to to break it down beyond one number.
Your user level stats appear to show online vs CPU, but if you were able to track friendly game stats, it would potentially resolve some of the stuff people need to play friendly games in an online franchise type environment.
I would think that players using 17 would be a target audience you'd want spending that time in 20 and beyond. It doesn't have the volume, but I'm sure the revenue would be there if all these shiny cards could have stats tracked for friendly games.
Excellent suggestion.
I would love love love for online franchise to come back. Played the game year round in stead of playing until August/November when diamond dynasty dies out.
Hopefully we'll know more soon...
That would be interesting to me since I play almost all of my friendly games on legend. It would be cool to see how my stats in those games differ from the overall stats