Opponent ranking system
I posted this elsewhere, but wanted to copy and paste it in its own thread. It’s probably going to be an unpopular idea, but wanted to get everyone’s take on it.
I wish there was some sort of opponent ranking system to deal with the d bags and dashboarders. Where you could upvote or downvote the person you just played. It would have to be weighted of course, because I can see a lot of sore people giving out a ton of downvotes, but I’m sure they could figure out an algorithm. For instance, a scale of 1-5 with 1 being lowest. A 1 vote from a player that always gives out 1s would carry a lot less weight than a 1 vote from a player who often votes 4s and 5s. This could then be implemented into the matchmaking and eventually, the lower rated player would only be matched up with one another. Where they can compete to be king of their own private hell.
This is just a stupid post
@MottledAxe86 said in Opponent ranking system:
This is just a stupid post
Great feedback, buddy. You mind telling me why instead of just throwing out a baseless criticism? Is it because the only two posts you’ve ever made have been to troll people which could indicate that you would be in that lower tier of players?
Problem is all the new players would start at the low level with the Dbags. How long would this keep the new player engaged. I dont play RS a lot so my rank is pretty low. Right now I haven't been dashboard once because when your under 600 no one cares about your record. They just need to fix dashboarding, that simple. Madden is having the same problem with dashboarding. You cant tell me there is not a way to fix it.
It’s stupid. Look at this board, most souls come on here to vent and complain about everything. Most people would downvote just because they lost and being petty. It’s an idiotic idea.
Just play the game
@Hikes83 said in Opponent ranking system:
It’s stupid. Look at this board, most souls come on here to vent and complain about everything. Most people would downvote just because they lost and being petty. It’s an idiotic idea.
Just play the game
Unfortunately he is right. If these people are low life enough to play the game that way, you know they will give someone a bad rating after they lose (these are the same people that dashboard due to not being able to handle losing in a video game).
Good idea in premise though...
@mubby_33 said in Opponent ranking system:
Problem is all the new players would start at the low level with the Dbags. How long would this keep the new player engaged. I dont play RS a lot so my rank is pretty low. Right now I haven't been dashboard once because when your under 600 no one cares about your record. They just need to fix dashboarding, that simple. Madden is having the same problem with dashboarding. You cant tell me there is not a way to fix it.
Dashboarding is worse under 600. It's so bad with dashboards and quits, that I let my opponent get ahead every inning so that I can work on prestige stats. I would rather lose 12-9 then win 2-0.
In NBA2K if you dashboard, it takes a while until your player is disconnected from the game. If SDS can do the same every HR with Trout will land, he will finish rounding the bases and dashboarding will not impact your stats negatively.