Thoughts on Finest cards leveling out.
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in Thoughts on Finest cards leveling out.:
@wynsanity318 said in Thoughts on Finest cards leveling out.:
will he go down eventually yeah but you said that you don't need the stubs or anything so there isn't any reason to sell
My only that it's a card that I'll probably use minimal amount of time.
If I can get 200K for him, around 200K for Soto, and pull 100K from my bank; that's a buy order for Gossage who would 'potentialy' be used more than Machado.
As I have posted in similar threads like this only YOU can determine worth. You say you don't need stubs but then talk about a hypothetical 100k you'd get by selling him. I'm confused.
I think,Im just going to keep most of the finest. I have 2.2 mil stubs and if I need to make more, I can just flip cards if I need to, but I,pretty much have every card I need except for a few. But to be honest in RS it doesn't matter how good the card is, it matters how good you are.
My first year playing also but I assume people will stop playing soon right? That means less people completing the set, especially if alot of people have already grinded these profitable sets out are the only ones still playing. I'm also wondering why be worried about stubs at this point in the game? I'm down to under 200k and I'm not really sure what would come out that I would spend the rest on.
I don’t think the prices go down much because like most habe mentioned not many ppl still playing so less inventory. I’m simply keeping the ones I want and selling all the rest. I am thinking about selling Degrom though. I’m not digging this card right now and Goose price is only rising
@Call_Me_Tres_3 said in Thoughts on Finest cards leveling out.:
The assumption should be they will go down but that’s gonna be dependent on a couple of reasons. First one being how many people that did the team affinity kept the card. The more that kept it the less of the card that’s on the market, more expensive. Second, how many people were just waiting to buy the card rather than doing the team affinity. Not everyone had the teams to stage 3 which thus means any cards that were going to the market were being bought quickly raising the price. The final reason would be what other cards can rival the card that are attainable easily and/or coming out. Based on just these reasons, I can see Machado, Soto, a few others sitting for weeks and even months at 200 or north of it. Just my opinion though.
No need to be at stage 3 to get Machado for less than 100k. You can start at zero and do trade ins for less than 200k. I was at 10 for the Padres. Got Machado for about 30k out of pocket when all was said and done. Plus I got Gwynn, who I did not sell. Sold the other diamonds that i got in packs, plus added more Finest players to my collection. Now, once you get him and then sell him, the only way to get him back is to buy him. But I think the price will go down when people realize how easy it is to get him cheap.
Then again people are lazy so maybe not lol
I don’t know if they’ll go down much. Every person can only get one and I’ve made a passive 2 mill selling golds and diamonds that I had, not even invested in since Friday night. People have more stubs than desired cards so I don’t see these dropping too low too quick.
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in Thoughts on Finest cards leveling out.:
What is everyone's take/thoughts on where these Finest cards will settle price wise.
I just unlocked Finest Machado and see is going for around 250K.
I don't need the stubs (have 1.6M with nobody left to buy except maybe Gossage) but I don't want to keep Machado if he'll eventually drop to under 150-100K?
If it matters; the ONLY way I would put him in a RS lineup is if I wanted to eventually field an ALL Finest squad and maybe play a game here or there to break up the monotony of using the same lineup.
If you don't need the stubs, why do you really care if his price drops? If you want to use hi, use him. Doesn't seem like you really care to use him, though, so just sell.
Same boat here, started exchanging all my inventory, unlocked all the expensive ones first like De Grom, Machado and so on. Then I didn’t know what to do with them, so they’re just sitting there. I don’t care about using them in the slightest, cards that have 125 everything are just normal now, nothing special or exciting - As a matter of fact, I think I’ve played maybe one or two games in the last five days, I don’t actually care about playing the game at all any more, as it’s just terrible - Nor do I need the stubs, as I have every card I want and most of the ones I don’t want too. The whole finest thing seems pointless this year if you’ve played since launch. They’re just slightly more juiced Topps Now with different card artwork.