What do you want in RTTS 20
I want the ability to pick up my cell phone and call my agent if I want to discuss a trade or position change.
I want Agents to be meaningful. Give us a system where there are multiple Agents out there with different specialties. You can get the better Agents if you are a top player, and those agents would have more pull when trying to get you traded or moved to a new position.
I want a picture mode where we can create our own baseball card. This is actually pretty simple. The game already does this in post-game when you win player of the game. I just would like to see it expanded so that you can use the card as a frame and take in-game pics during the Replay, or even add some poses to use in a separate mode. This card then shows up on your Player Card, instead of it being a [censored] grey shadow. Let us create a new card each season throughout our RTTS career and store them in a Gallery. Would be neat to go back and see your cards for the different teams you played for.
Give us a legit trophy room. Winning any awards right now is kind of a buzz kill. I want a room with meaningful game balls, jerseys, bats, gloves, trophies and maybe even posters, newspaper articles, World Series rings, etc. Bonus points if I'm able to move stuff around and have some input on customizing it.
They've taken a step in the right direction with relationships being impacted on the field. They need to do the same thing with rivals though. Maybe this was mentioned, but I didn't see it. If I get beaned by a pitcher, our rivalry should go up. If I hit a walkoff HR in Yankee Stadium, my rivalry should go up for the whole team. The Away crowd should react according to my Rival status with that team. If I'm an unknown, they don't need to be booing me every at-bat. If I destroy them on a regular basis, they should be near hostile when I come to the plate.
If I retire and make the Hall of Fame, make a big deal out of it! Generate a HOF plaque and maybe even a Cooperstown area for your memorabilia. You can take a screenshot or two and immortalize your player. Bonus points if you can make this area persistent among all of your characters.
How about when they show the manager in the dugout or the 3B coach giving signs that we are told what they mean. Right now the signs mean nothing and are a total waste. Instead of that big sign that pops up that says "manager says steal the base" you actually see the sign for it or hit and run or when batting to bunt etc
I think RTTS should be way more RPGish like other's have said. 2K has a great thing going in the beginning of their MyCareer modes, but even it gets stale and things stop happening.
I get that MLB is a much longer grind, so maybe not have something eventful for every single game, but make it feel more like an immersion than a simulation outside of the gameplay.
Then during the gameplay, there is so much they can do. Interactions with teammates/coaches, moments where your player is featured by the announcers/video boards. Etc.
@Maskevic said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
I think RTTS should be way more RPGish like other's have said. 2K has a great thing going in the beginning of their MyCareer modes, but even it gets stale and things stop happening.
I get that MLB is a much longer grind, so maybe not have something eventful for every single game, but make it feel more like an immersion than a simulation outside of the gameplay.
Then during the gameplay, there is so much they can do. Interactions with teammates/coaches, moments where your player is featured by the announcers/video boards. Etc.
Did you watch the stream about RTTS? They said they were going to have those things this year
@pogibana said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
@Maskevic said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
I think RTTS should be way more RPGish like other's have said. 2K has a great thing going in the beginning of their MyCareer modes, but even it gets stale and things stop happening.
I get that MLB is a much longer grind, so maybe not have something eventful for every single game, but make it feel more like an immersion than a simulation outside of the gameplay.
Then during the gameplay, there is so much they can do. Interactions with teammates/coaches, moments where your player is featured by the announcers/video boards. Etc.
Did you watch the stream about RTTS? They said they were going to have those things this year
I did not get to watch it unfortunately, do you believe it will be immersive?
@holliday50 said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
- They've taken a step in the right direction with relationships being impacted on the field. They need to do the same thing with rivals though. Maybe this was mentioned, but I didn't see it. If I get beaned by a pitcher, our rivalry should go up. If I hit a walkoff HR in Yankee Stadium, my rivalry should go up for the whole team. The Away crowd should react according to my Rival status with that team. If I'm an unknown, they don't need to be booing me every at-bat. If I destroy them on a regular basis, they should be near hostile when I come to the plate.
In the RTTS IGN Stream with Ramone, it shows your rivalry with the pitcher increases when he beans you.
That is cool.
@Red_Ted_is_back said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
@holliday50 said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
- They've taken a step in the right direction with relationships being impacted on the field. They need to do the same thing with rivals though. Maybe this was mentioned, but I didn't see it. If I get beaned by a pitcher, our rivalry should go up. If I hit a walkoff HR in Yankee Stadium, my rivalry should go up for the whole team. The Away crowd should react according to my Rival status with that team. If I'm an unknown, they don't need to be booing me every at-bat. If I destroy them on a regular basis, they should be near hostile when I come to the plate.
In the RTTS IGN Stream with Ramone, it shows your rivalry with the pitcher increases when he beans you.
That is cool.
That's awesome! Good catch.
I'd love to see an ability to play more positions. I hate being limited to CF and LF, C and 3b, or SS and 2B. I want to be able to super utility if I so choose.
Season individual goals for xp. In madden you can set a goal for 4k yards passing, 30 td,s etc. Let em set goals for myself in RTTS (30 hr, 40 sb, 150k, etc)
Badges and upgrades. I love the 2k Badge system, and I wish the show could do something similar (I know DD has something like this now, but I hope RTTS does too and allow them to be upgradable through hard work)
Allow me to pitch free agents. Players like hearing from other players. If I can help recruit a superstar to my team (similar to Trout's impact on the Angels signing Rendon) then I want to be able to help build a winning franchise.
Just like real life, let me take a prospect under my wing in spring training to help groom. Happens all the time as AA and AAA prospects train in the off-season. They gravitate to the veterans to develop more and learn.
Allow for off-season training and progress. it's 2020.. Players don't just stop working out in October and start again in March. A lot of young players work year round on strength, conditioning, etc to get better in the off-season.
Separate the DD and RTTS equipment. Let me buy RTTS equipment with my contract dollars. Keep the DD equipment cards in DD or if I have a DD card let me use it for both, but if I play RTTS, I should have access to top end equipment if I'm an all-star making 25+ M a year. I shouldn't need Virtual stubs to buy cleats, a bat, gloves, etc.
XP gains change vs difficulty played... Or make initial stats more realistic based on how I did at combine, etc.
Free interaction between games. 2k's open world pick up area is neat. Allow me to train in the gym, cages, gamble stubs on daily games, buy gear from shops, etc.
LET ME TALK TO MY AGENT WHEN I WANT... I hate having to wait 4 months when I'm unhappy with something or if I want to make a change.
(These are just for RTTS, but I ahve an even longer list for franchise)
@Spitfirex007 said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
I'd say this list is now geared towards 2021 and next gen. But who knows. Maybe we'll be surprised.
Online RTTS - I want to play a career with a friend. We work out together, compete against each other if we share the same position. Watch each others draft stock raise and fall. Then we can either be drafted to the same team or different teams. From there we just play our careers as your normally would.
I want to see news updates. It can be a MLB website, newspaper or whatever else. I want to see/read about big game moments, trades and trade rumors, maybe some player made a comment and it's "headline news" really anything. Injiries etc etc
I want to see a personality meter. Interviews, social media interactions, fan interactions etc all effect how our player is viewed. This in turn effects our market value. How teammates view us and how fans view us. Maybe have a cut scene were our character is out to lunch. A fan wants a selfie. Give us options. And there would be pros and cons for all the different personality types.
I get baseball is a long season. Asking for a story mode is pretty much impossible. But how about a mini story that follows your career through the minors? Or at the very least do something with the farm system. It's so boring. It almost ruins the mode. At least for me. Real stadiums for starters (or this is were create a stadium would be handy) Make the minors feel like the minors. Why not give us a different broadcast team? NBA not only give you different teams for different NBA games. But their smaller leagues even have broadcast teams just for those leagues.
Signing an agent, have off the field actions, signing with real life companies. I love the fact we can buy gloves, cleats etc for our players. Go a step better. How about certain items can only be unlocked by reaching different tiers with different companies. And again this is something your personality meter effects. Or something our agent effects.
I agree with the comment above. Our play should effect our where we end up on the roster. I also want to see more work put into spring training. I skip right through it. It just doesn't really seem to effect anything really. Also... what about adding the Arizona fall league? Why is this not already in the game?
A sandlot mode would be fun. Maybe not a big city to run around in like NBA. Not sure how that would work. But taking our players into a sandlot game would be fun. Even if it's only 3vs3 or 4v4 or 5v5. The rest of the team would be AI controlled.
I also like the idea of having our RTTS guy being portable into DD. Even though I'm not a DD player much myself. It would be fun watching our overall ratings and our DD card grow as we progress in RTTS.
I hate how NBA2k almost forces you to buy VC to upgrade. But at least that mode offers a lot of great things with it. I want to see The Show go in that direction. But frankly... I feel like it's going more of the way EA is with it's Madden series. RTTS and Franchise are after thoughts. DD gets all the hype, the updates etc. Hopefully that changes this year.
I wish I could like this post infinite times. Couldn’t have said it better myself
The dozens of bugs fixed that’s all I want
I would like something to do with my contract money.
Sure, I get offered 8 years at $280+million, but why take it? You're just ducking that team out of beaing able to sign other players.
You get nothing for your contract money.
So how about a system of in game contract dollars to stubs to buy equipment/cards to use in RTTS?
Maybe a ratio of 1:10,000 you'd get 1 stub for every $10k in contract money.
Forgot I posted some thoughts about RTTS progression a few weeks ago.
Would appreciate some feedback. I know it’s a long read but hopefully interesting.
Has anybody noticed the disconnect between the crowd noise and whats going on in the game. In any game in the real world fans react to what's happening on the field. The other day I hit a home run and the crowd reacted like I was on the visiting team. That crowd needs to get into the game. The other thing that's been going on for years is when you walk up to the plate the crowd isn't looking at you ,it looks like there looking out to right field, can we fix these things.
A lot of great suggestion/ideas in this thread.
My main hope for improvements for the next show would be:
- A trophy room and a place to store/view highlights (first hit, first homerun, 500th homerun etc)
- An easier way to create highlights after a game (Just pick from a few different view like broadcast, On the field etc and the save)
- More stories for after you make it to the Majors (Pennant race, overall team performance and interactions with other players)
- Make a big deal out of milestone accomplishments before, after and during the accomplishment (like 3000th hit)
- Hall of fame cut up reel of some of your biggest moments.
It's end of June and real baseball is still a few weeks away (we hope) so maybe these could apply towards The Show 21. Anyway, I agree with pogibana about a more RPG approach to RTTS. Also, we do need an agent that can influence things. They did a nice job letting you choose the organization you want to play for as a last result, but they should also let you specify AL or NL if you just want to experience the draft. Finally, the agent should have an ability to get you off a team. Since the MLBPA had to sign off on this, Sony should at least pay attention to contract rules. If a player chooses not to sign with draft team, it is a rule that the same team CAN NOT draft player the following year
Preparing for an extra year should solve this. It doesn't. I got drafted by Detroit Tigers 4 consecutive drafts with same room. WTF? Also, preparing an additional year DOES NOT improve your abilities
Once you have an A rating, preparing an extra year does absolutely nothing. I've rambled for too long, sorry. -
@XynatosX said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
It's end of June and real baseball is still a few weeks away (we hope) so maybe these could apply towards The Show 21. Anyway, I agree with pogibana about a more RPG approach to RTTS. Also, we do need an agent that can influence things. They did a nice job letting you choose the organization you want to play for as a last result, but they should also let you specify AL or NL if you just want to experience the draft. Finally, the agent should have an ability to get you off a team. Since the MLBPA had to sign off on this, Sony should at least pay attention to contract rules. If a player chooses not to sign with draft team, it is a rule that the same team CAN NOT draft player the following year
Preparing for an extra year should solve this. It doesn't. I got drafted by Detroit Tigers 4 consecutive drafts with same room. WTF? Also, preparing an additional year DOES NOT improve your abilities
Once you have an A rating, preparing an extra year does absolutely nothing. I've rambled for too long, sorry.Don’t apologise, your ramblings make sense!
In short I don't want this game mode to feel so stale. with a lack of story in this game mode and having to play 7 seasons before getting a contract it's so easy to get burned out. If i could list 5 things I would want to see next year here's what I'd want.
Develop a story, It's pointless to have a narrator when there's hardly any plot. the most excitement is at the beginning of your career when you are trying to make it to the big leagues. The excitement is still usually there during your rookie year but quickly disappears soon after. Give us multiple story lines that activate when something significant happens. If I get injuried make me work to get back onto the field, have me go through a rehab assignment and let me play a couple of games back in the minors before making my return. If I'm a superstar athlete, I want some commentary about how my injury could affect my club. Also, give me a story line if I'm in a contract year. I want scouts from other clubs in the seats evaluating me as I play, set up meetings in the off season with other clubs. Make my decision of where I want to play matter.
better cut scenes and making milestones matter. This goes hand in hand with the story telling but I want to actually feel like I did something significant when I reach a milestone. For example I play on HOF difficulty and I hit 66 home runs in my second year with the cubs. Despite me matching Sammy Sosa's single season home run record for the club (The Cubs) there was no mention of that at all. If I pull off a great task like that make it feel significant, Commentary about it, cut scenes, do a post game interview. Just do something to make it feel like a milestone. I also became the first player with a 60/60 season (Shout out to equipment.)
Make contracts matter. There's really no incentive to reach free agency and try to earn the big contract because there's no upside to it other than what career earnings say. An idea I've always had which I saw someone else mention was having a contract money turn into stubs. Factor in your career numbers, awards, and how much you sign for. Also, factor in what difficulty you are playing on. For example if you play 75% of your games on all star difficulty and earn a 300 Million dollar contract make that worth like 100,000 stubs and playing 75% of your games on HOF difficulty and earning a 300 million dollar contract be worth like 250,000 stubs. If you are like me and like to play all of your games, then you knows it's a grind. You should be rewarded for the grind. (Obviously to eran these rewards too you can't mess with sliders.) You could also recieve "bonuses" for doing things like breaking records, making all star games, and winning awards too.
Better Trade logic. I don't get it sometimes. We'll be in the thick of a pennant race and the GM will trade away a impact player for prospects or players of less value. I'd also like it if trade logic factored me into it as well if that makes any sense. for example I'm a superstar player in my contract year on a last place team. I would like it if I could be traded given those circumstances.
Going back to contracts, please give me a option for a no trade clause for specific teams.
Let me play out a "season" of high school ball. Doesn't have to be a full season or anything crazy but let me play 3 or so games at the high school level and have that impact my draft status. I'm getting tired of the same old combine we do every year.