Headliners worth it?
Out of all the free packs I never pulled the headliner so I am a little queasy about dropping 7500 stubs for 3 packs. What were the odds. Is it worth it? Are the big ones selling for serious coin? Cheaper to pick up on the market?
It's not really.
Alot of other people though have bought these 3 pack headliners and have drove the prices way down, so if there's someone you want to get and try out, id just simply spend it on them.
Only exception I can think of is Dibble
@Tankdriver499 said in Headliners worth it?:
Out of all the free packs I never pulled the headliner so I am a little queasy about dropping 7500 stubs for 3 packs. What were the odds. Is it worth it? Are the big ones selling for serious coin? Cheaper to pick up on the market?
Absolutely not worth it. I spent about 1m stubs on them and in the end, all I had to show for it was 1m less stubs than I had to start with.
Yea they are extremely fun to open. But in the end, I net lossed over 500k.
i have a lot of money so dont mind to much i usually lose about 15k even if i pull diamonds if i open a few bundles. what i usually do is open three packs until i dont pull a diamond, unless they are quicksell and i dont make any money.
I have opened several hundred already but (a) I have more stubs than I need, (b) I can make back all the stubs I lose flipping and (c) it's fun. I have generally had more success buying and opening one bundle at a time vs. mass buying multiple bundles.
Have had some good pack luck along the way but good pulls go hand in hand with opening A LOT of packs: deGrom, Trout (other LS) and then Headliners - Dibble, Bryant, Helton, Brantley, Sanchez, Lewis, Pache, Carlson, Howard, Cobb (2), Christy (2), Bagwell, Gagne and maybe a couple of others.
Idk man, do you like a ton of silvers with the occasional gold?
Oh so it's not even a guarantee gold...ugh. That sucks.
@Tankdriver499 said in Headliners worth it?:
Out of all the free packs I never pulled the headliner so I am a little queasy about dropping 7500 stubs for 3 packs. What were the odds. Is it worth it? Are the big ones selling for serious coin? Cheaper to pick up on the market?
I have probably bought around 19 bundles, maybe more. I have pulled 3 headliners, and then a bunch of diamonds, including JV. I find it fun.