Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale
I would not be opposed to it except do not have the current one and maybe the one before that THEN it might be ok since to be honest the game is coming to an end of it's cycle in another 3 months ( give or take )
@blitz77tw said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
I would not be opposed to it except do not have the current one and maybe the one before that THEN it might be ok since to be honest the game is coming to an end of it's cycle in another 3 months ( give or take )
They could give him the MVP version next year or something, with better lefty splits and somewhat the same righty splits, or lower
@SchnauzerFace said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
@STEVO651779652 said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
I think with all the stubs in the game and how most people will never get some of these cards (Chipper) it would be great to offer a one time pack for everyone at like let's say 100K stubs and you get a random flawless BR reward. What do you guys think?
Only if you want to live knee-deep in brain matter and ash because all the BR dweebs' heads will explode and then their lifeless bodies -- fueled by an unholy triumvirate of rage, elitism, and entitlement -- will come together to burn the universe to the ground.
But I would like to get Gary Carter for 100K so I'm OK with it if you are.
You always post great stuff and this made me laugh as well, but I fit that category as I would oppose the idea because I feel like it's an exclusive accomplishment.
Ask @mitchhammond24 if this is a good idea. Lol
So what the OP is saying is that he wants a chance at a card that sells for up to 1M stubs for 100K?
@SchnauzerFace said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
@STEVO651779652 said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
I think with all the stubs in the game and how most people will never get some of these cards (Chipper) it would be great to offer a one time pack for everyone at like let's say 100K stubs and you get a random flawless BR reward. What do you guys think?
Only if you want to live knee-deep in brain matter and ash because all the BR dweebs' heads will explode and then their lifeless bodies -- fueled by an unholy triumvirate of rage, elitism, and entitlement -- will come together to burn the universe to the ground.
But I would like to get Gary Carter for 100K so I'm OK with it if you are.
Great now I have to ask alexa or google "triumvirate". Freaking smart people and their big words.
@Bozzman0109 said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
@SchnauzerFace said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
@STEVO651779652 said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
I think with all the stubs in the game and how most people will never get some of these cards (Chipper) it would be great to offer a one time pack for everyone at like let's say 100K stubs and you get a random flawless BR reward. What do you guys think?
Only if you want to live knee-deep in brain matter and ash because all the BR dweebs' heads will explode and then their lifeless bodies -- fueled by an unholy triumvirate of rage, elitism, and entitlement -- will come together to burn the universe to the ground.
But I would like to get Gary Carter for 100K so I'm OK with it if you are.
Great now I have to ask alexa or google "triumvirate". Freaking smart people and their big words.
I’m pretty sure I misused it so you probably shouldn’t Google it. I think it has to do with Julius Caesar and his two top dudes, but I dunno. It’s been awhile.
@SchnauzerFace said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
@Bozzman0109 said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
@SchnauzerFace said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
@STEVO651779652 said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
I think with all the stubs in the game and how most people will never get some of these cards (Chipper) it would be great to offer a one time pack for everyone at like let's say 100K stubs and you get a random flawless BR reward. What do you guys think?
Only if you want to live knee-deep in brain matter and ash because all the BR dweebs' heads will explode and then their lifeless bodies -- fueled by an unholy triumvirate of rage, elitism, and entitlement -- will come together to burn the universe to the ground.
But I would like to get Gary Carter for 100K so I'm OK with it if you are.
Great now I have to ask alexa or google "triumvirate". Freaking smart people and their big words.
I’m pretty sure I misused it so you probably shouldn’t Google it. I think it has to do with Julius Caesar and his two top dudes, but I dunno. It’s been awhile.
What a casual noob thing to do from you of all people LOL
For 100k? I don’t have any of the BR guys and would like them, and I have a lot of stubs, but that would be crazy. Now, if it was a million stubs for a random one, I could see that. Maybe not the latest guy, like someone else said, but for the others? Sure. I could go for that. Maybe 800k for the older ones? All you’d really be doing is bypassing the queue but still spending your proper amount of stubs.
@SchnauzerFace said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
@STEVO651779652 said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
I think with all the stubs in the game and how most people will never get some of these cards (Chipper) it would be great to offer a one time pack for everyone at like let's say 100K stubs and you get a random flawless BR reward. What do you guys think?
Only if you want to live knee-deep in brain matter and ash because all the BR dweebs' heads will explode and then their lifeless bodies -- fueled by an unholy triumvirate of rage, elitism, and entitlement -- will come together to burn the universe to the ground.
But I would like to get Gary Carter for 100K so I'm OK with it if you are.
post of the year give this man a medal or 100K stubs or Gary Carter - whichever is easier
The pack would have to cost $1 million stubs.
That would make anyone who paid 1M for Chipper or Wagner livid, that would make anyone who plays BR to go 12-0 livid, that would make people who just generally see that as devaluing accomplishments livid.
Basically, if you sold a BR pack for 100k, you'd make a lot of people livid.
You could make the card non sellable and it might not hit the market as hard as people might think. Plus you only get one.
@tdubzz2323 said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
You could make the card non sellable and it might not hit the market as hard as people might think. Plus you only get one.
It would though, even if it's non-sellable. If I had a 1m buy order up for Chipper, but end up getting him for 100k, I pull my buy order down, and I wouldn't be the only one to do that.
You can't have people paying 1m for a card that is guaranteed to be rare because it's a 12-0 reward, and then go and put it in the shop, it cheapens the reward and makes people think twice about paying for a BR reward and instead just wait for it to show up in the shop
There is literally 0 way to make it cost 100k and not upset a lot of people, SDS would never do it
@eatyum said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
@tdubzz2323 said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
You could make the card non sellable and it might not hit the market as hard as people might think. Plus you only get one.
It would though, even if it's non-sellable. If I had a 1m buy order up for Chipper, but end up getting him for 100k, I pull my buy order down, and I wouldn't be the only one to do that.
You can't have people paying 1m for a card that is guaranteed to be rare because it's a 12-0 reward, and then go and put it in the shop, it cheapens the reward and makes people think twice about paying for a BR reward and instead just wait for it to show up in the shop
There is literally 0 way to make it cost 100k and not upset a lot of people, SDS would never do it
You wouldnt be able to put it in the shop if it was unsellable, and if chipper and wagner have 1 in 10 odds just like the beach ball, I think the market could sustain it.
@tdubzz2323 said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
@eatyum said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
@tdubzz2323 said in Flawless Reward One Time Pack Sale:
You could make the card non sellable and it might not hit the market as hard as people might think. Plus you only get one.
It would though, even if it's non-sellable. If I had a 1m buy order up for Chipper, but end up getting him for 100k, I pull my buy order down, and I wouldn't be the only one to do that.
You can't have people paying 1m for a card that is guaranteed to be rare because it's a 12-0 reward, and then go and put it in the shop, it cheapens the reward and makes people think twice about paying for a BR reward and instead just wait for it to show up in the shop
There is literally 0 way to make it cost 100k and not upset a lot of people, SDS would never do it
You wouldnt be able to put it in the shop if it was unsellable, and if chipper and wagner have 1 in 10 odds just like the beach ball, I think the market could sustain it.
No, I wasn't saying I could put it in the market, I meant the shop, as in the pack shop.
1 and 10 odds is still a lot of people getting Wagner, a TON, it absolutely cheapens the reward for going 12-0 and buy orders would vanish overnight as people would be afraid of the precedent it sets
Never going to happen, NEVER should happen.