Turn Off Online Only
No offense.. but offline play is brainless and boring AF.. why donโt you just go enjoy a good coloring book
@omegaminus_sk said in Turn Off Online Only:
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Turn Off Online Only:
As well MLB 18 is consider the worst version in the series and yet we still have calls to go back to a format like that
The reason we see those calls is because there's so little to do in singleplayer with our DD card collections.
Especially, there's no meaningful nine-inning DD games (as opposed to moments) that we can actually get things like TA innings in. The only things that count for DD are conquest (3-inning road games) and play vs. CPU (meaningless). MLB 18 at least had plenty of entertaining, non-trivial objectives that could be done in play vs. CPU - innings are a mindless background task and there isn't near enough to do to make those innings entertaining.
An option to play conquest with nine-inning games and randomized home/away would go so, so far.
I'm sorry but MLB 18 stat mission were the most mind numbing thing ever, VS CPU 9 inning games on rookie so I could get 500 hits with X position was beyond trivial.
I love playing offline but that was the worst and in 18 there was no reason what so ever to use the cards that you acquired anymore then in 19 or 20.
MLB 17 had a bit of reason to use cards from different series in there programs but almost to the same level that MLB 20 requires for missions.
The only time you where required to use cards from different series for tangle progress was the finest program from 17 where you needed to do stat mission for each card series.
As previously mentioned in a past discussion about this. I donโt think there would be a harm in allowing an optional offline stat grind, with the caveat that it be vs HOF difficulty and higher. Or maybe even x2 the stats but on AS or higher difficulty might make more sense. No mind numbing Rookie Grinding. And itโd take at least a lick of skill that way. Then the people who want to earn it online are able to as well, without feeling like others are obtaining these cards faster.
And the boosters can still do their thing because thatโs not going away either, which is a bigger problem than offline grinding anyways, imoFor what itโs worth, I just wish theyโd get rid of the whole Prestige thing because itโs a headache
Wouldnโt it be awesome if they had two routes, offline or online, and you would be able to choose which path you would take to get the job done?
They don't need to eliminate online grinds - they just need to provide the option for offline. As someone that WANTS to play this game online non-stop, I just haven't gotten to the point where I accept how poor it plays and grinds it anyway. So I'll shift back to offline and then there's only so much to do. Moments are awful, Showdown is the most annoying game mode I've played and neither uses our DD team or count for innings/stats.
I don't think it would affect anything negatively to have the option for both. The way it is this year, the online missions are quicker to finish than offline. I don't think that's unfair since online would typically he more difficult, but a better balance between on and offline would surely land in the right spot.
One of the things SDS really nails is the XP Reward Path. You get rewarded for doing literally anything in the game. They can use this template for the stat based missions to reward online and offline. For those that will play online no matter what nothing changes. For those that don't want to play online or don't do it as often, they aren't being forced to do something they don't want and potentially being burned out or pushed away.
I agree they should allow people to prestige players while playing offline from this point forward. This is usually the time of the year when people stop playing by the bunches and it's gonna get worse when the WS is over. Also we're heading into November, new games and new generation consoles are coming very soon. Give people something to grind en enjoy doing without forcing them to play in the tedious online environment IF they don't want to.
Yeah, let me prestige guys offline. Make it 2 times the stats, I wouldn't mind.
It would give me more to work at while doing runs of Run It Back Conquest, or USA Conquest. It would give me a goal, instead of innings for TA and winning.
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Turn Off Online Only:
I disagree and here is why
DD is a 2 tier game mode of offline and online modes. To turn off online mission or requirements then you are taking away from one of the aspects of the mode.
I have said this before numerous time that if you are only going to play half the mode you only will get half of the experience. Now before we all get into a debate about well that's not fair and this and that. Let's look at the one example where SDS themselves did all offline mission MLB 18. It didnt work because those who wanted to play online where not reward or where put at a disadvantage because it was easier to just bring on Rookie for the best cards it create a notice unbalanced approach to rewards and play style. As well MLB 18 is consider the worst version in the series and yet we still have calls to go back to a format like that
DD is and will always be online and offline if you are choosing to only play 1 way then you are limiting your options and what you are eligible to either complete or obtain.
It isn't taking away anything. You could still do those missions in online mode.
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Turn Off Online Only:
I disagree and here is why
DD is a 2 tier game mode of offline and online modes. To turn off online mission or requirements then you are taking away from one of the aspects of the mode.
I have said this before numerous time that if you are only going to play half the mode you only will get half of the experience. Now before we all get into a debate about well that's not fair and this and that. Let's look at the one example where SDS themselves did all offline mission MLB 18. It didnt work because those who wanted to play online where not reward or where put at a disadvantage because it was easier to just bring on Rookie for the best cards it create a notice unbalanced approach to rewards and play style. As well MLB 18 is consider the worst version in the series and yet we still have calls to go back to a format like that
DD is and will always be online and offline if you are choosing to only play 1 way then you are limiting your options and what you are eligible to either complete or obtain.
I understand where you are coming from, but I donโt necessarily agree with your logic. Keep in mind that online players have rewards from events, br, and rs, that offliners donโt get. The two tier approach is still in effect without online missions.
@JediEl1823 said in Turn Off Online Only:
Yeah, let me prestige guys offline. Make it 2 times the stats, I wouldn't mind.
It would give me more to work at while doing runs of Run It Back Conquest, or USA Conquest. It would give me a goal, instead of innings for TA and winning.
What if instead of 2 times the stats it needs to be on all star or higher?
@nymets1987 said in Turn Off Online Only:
@JediEl1823 said in Turn Off Online Only:
Yeah, let me prestige guys offline. Make it 2 times the stats, I wouldn't mind.
It would give me more to work at while doing runs of Run It Back Conquest, or USA Conquest. It would give me a goal, instead of innings for TA and winning.
What if instead of 2 times the stats it needs to be on all star or higher?
I'd be good with having to get the stats on All Star. And maybe beating the team on the card at All Star.
I think they will listen to the offline complaints and add in a Squad Battles type of single player experience. As it stands, only the Ruth moments and Conquest are the only chances to play meaningful games offline with your DD team.
I also think they will do something to appease the offline requirements crew. Whether that is higher stat threshold, or difficulty level, I believe they have something in place for the next iteration.
Yea i despise offline personally. I dont even like conquest. But I'll adapt to the game. Because i understand the game isnt suppose to adapt to me. Simple.
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Turn Off Online Only:
I'm sorry but MLB 18 stat mission were the most mind numbing thing ever, VS CPU 9 inning games on rookie so I could get 500 hits with X position was beyond trivial.
There were plenty of smaller stat missions that were perfectly reasonable and they got rid of them, too, and replaced them with stuff that doesn't use our card collections. Our collections are the centrepiece of the entire mode and to have so few meaningful uses for it is frustrating so people are reaching for what existed in the past because that's what they know.
The problem is that SDS has refused to give us suitable replacements for the old stat missions two years in a row now.
@omegaminus_sk said in Turn Off Online Only:
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Turn Off Online Only:
I'm sorry but MLB 18 stat mission were the most mind numbing thing ever, VS CPU 9 inning games on rookie so I could get 500 hits with X position was beyond trivial.
There were plenty of smaller stat missions that were perfectly reasonable and they got rid of them, too, and replaced them with stuff that doesn't use our card collections. Our collections are the centrepiece of the entire mode and to have so few meaningful uses for it is frustrating so people are reaching for what existed in the past because that's what they know.
The problem is that SDS has refused to give us suitable replacements for the old stat missions two years in a row now.
What were the old stat missions? New to DD this year mostly
@nymets1987 said in Turn Off Online Only:
What were the old stat missions? New to DD this year mostly
They were program missions that ranged from small tasks like getting a win with 7 innings pitched and 7 strikeouts with a specific pitcher card to medium tasks like 15 doubles with all-star series cards, to painfully long tasks like getting 200 holds with left-handed pitchers (which was a requirement to get the immortal series Billy Wagner card).
The modes that counted for these missions were ranked seasons, battle royale, conquest, and play vs. CPU.
Since the worst of these tasks would take forever to do organically in H2H play, online players took the path of least resistance and played on rookie difficulty against the CPU over and over.
@omegaminus_sk said in Turn Off Online Only:
@nymets1987 said in Turn Off Online Only:
What were the old stat missions? New to DD this year mostly
They were program missions that ranged from small tasks like getting a win with 7 innings pitched and 7 strikeouts with a specific pitcher card to medium tasks like 15 doubles with all-star series cards, to painfully long tasks like getting 200 holds with left-handed pitchers (which was a requirement to get the immortal series Billy Wagner card).
The modes that counted for these missions were ranked seasons, battle royale, conquest, and play vs. CPU.
Since the worst of these tasks would take forever to do organically in H2H play, online players took the path of least resistance and played on rookie difficulty against the CPU over and over.
I do rookie for those missions too but over and over would drive me insane. What if they included missions and stated what level they had to be on?
@nymets1987 said in Turn Off Online Only:
@omegaminus_sk said in Turn Off Online Only:
@nymets1987 said in Turn Off Online Only:
What were the old stat missions? New to DD this year mostly
They were program missions that ranged from small tasks like getting a win with 7 innings pitched and 7 strikeouts with a specific pitcher card to medium tasks like 15 doubles with all-star series cards, to painfully long tasks like getting 200 holds with left-handed pitchers (which was a requirement to get the immortal series Billy Wagner card).
The modes that counted for these missions were ranked seasons, battle royale, conquest, and play vs. CPU.
Since the worst of these tasks would take forever to do organically in H2H play, online players took the path of least resistance and played on rookie difficulty against the CPU over and over.
I do rookie for those missions too but over and over would drive me insane. What if they included missions and stated what level they had to be on?
So it should be noted that the smaller mission for let's say 15 doubles with X series were from the monthly programs it would take like 2 game to aquire all of the needed stats on Rookie for these mission. Tge bigger stat grinds of 500 hits with Catchers or 250 XBH with Center Fielders were mind numbing and anyone who says they did it the legit way is lying. People built full teams of 9 CF to grind the stats as fast as possiable.
Also SDS has replaced these stats in POTM programs this year as they are all obtained offline which comparatively to 18 and 19 it was vis packs to get everything so offline players were generally left out getting these players.
Right now in this game there is an amazing amount of single player content to play. I stopped playing online and have moved to offline grinds of the RIB conquest map, 9th inning showdown, Moments play and clean up of old programs. I have 1.1M just bought all 3 bosses and have all the 2020 PS season card. Just because there isn a reward for getting some HR doesn't mean there arent rewards out there to help you progress
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Turn Off Online Only:
Right now in this game there is an amazing amount of single player content to play.
I don't want to play moments.
I don't want to play showdown.
I don't want to play conquest.
I don't want to buy and exchange a bunch of cards.I want to play meaningful nine-inning games with my card collection. That they've left such a gaping hole in the middle of singleplayer DD two years in a row now is pathetic.
@omegaminus_sk said in Turn Off Online Only:
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Turn Off Online Only:
Right now in this game there is an amazing amount of single player content to play.
I don't want to play moments.
I don't want to play showdown.
I don't want to play conquest.
I don't want to buy and exchange a bunch of cards.I want to play meaningful nine-inning games with my card collection. That they've left such a gaping hole in the middle of singleplayer DD two years in a row now is pathetic.
Ok so now I understand what is going on here. This isn't about what they have added to the game or they ways in which you can earn cards and progress. This is about they way YOU want to play and that is mindlessly grind 9 inning games to get stats for players which was MLB 18 style which in turn almost ruined the series and caused SDS to completely rework how DD is played.
Now let me be clear I'm not saying you cant want that but at the same time if that is all you want to do and not expand how you play this game then you can't be mad at SDS when they try and build a game and content for a wide variety of gameplay options. You are the one by choice limiting your scope of play limiting your options for rewards and mission opposed to SDS not providing enough mission for one style of play.